Ground-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO are well-respected for their ability to counter popular elemental types. These Pokemon are often capable of defeating enemies of the Fire, Steel, Poison, Electric, and Rock types.
When debating which Pokemon to add to their Pokemon GO battle teams, trainers have a wide array of Ground-types worth considering. Many of the top options have remained as such for quite some time.
However, future patches from Niantic can always tweak the top choices depending on how the meta develops. Below, trainers can find the top options to utilize in the Ground-type category when PvP and PvE formats are omitted.
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Pokemon GO's most efficient Ground-types
5) Rhyperior

While Rhyperior leans towards a Rock-type offensive in Pokemon GO thanks to its ability to use Rock Wrecker, it's a fully capable Ground-type battler. Moves like Mud-Slap and Earthquake give it a powerful arsenal to work with, though PvP opponents may be able to dodge fairly well against Earthquake due to its slowness.
Regardless, Rhyperior's Pokemon GO stats allow it to perform admirably in Master League PvP, but its true arena is PvE raids. Its high damage potential and considerable durability enable it to deal plenty of punishment to raid bosses without fainting quickly.
4) Mega Steelix

Currently, Mega Steelix stands high as the lone Mega Evolution in both the Steel and Ground-type categories. Granted, it may one day be dwarfed in this regard when Pokemon like Mega Metagross release.
However, for the time being, Mega Steelix's exceptional durability makes it a benefit in raids. It doesn't deal the best damage compared to other Ground or Steel-type options, but it can buff fellow raid participants of the same type.
Furthermore, while it won't top DPS charts, Mega Steelix can get by with Earthquake as a Ground-type Charged Move.
3) Therian Landorus

Each of the three Forces of Nature is powerful in Pokemon GO. This is particularly true when they're in their Therian Formes, which improve their potential on offense.
Therian Landorus is an excellent Ground-type to use in PvE and PvP, thanks to its impressive stats and access to moves such as Mud Shot, Bulldoze, and Earthquake. Dropping this capable Legendary Pokemon into raids or Master League PvP should yield considerably solid results, to say the least.
Pair it with a few Pokemon capable of protecting its elemental weaknesses, and Therian Landorus can be an offensive juggernaut.
2) Garchomp

Garchomp is a well-known fighter in the Ground and Dragon-type categories in both Pokemon and Pokemon GO. As of July 2022, this Pokemon remains a high-end competitor in raids as well as Master League PvP.
Its well-rounded stats and access to moves like Mud Shot, Earth Power, and Sand Tomb make it a force to be reckoned with as a Ground-type battler. However, trainers will want to keep Garchomp away from Ice-type Pokemon and moves at all costs, as it simply can't withstand that elemental type for long, even with its respectable durability.
1) Groudon

Groudon was heralded upon its release in Pokemon GO, and it hasn't let up as one of the greatest Ground-types to ever grace the mobile title. Its collection of Ground-type moves is exemplary, including Mud Shot and Earthquake.
Meanwhile, it can utilize additional moves like Fire Punch and Dragon Tail to give it even more type coverage where applicable. In raids and Master League PvP, Groudon should not be taken lightly by any opponent, even if they have a positive type advantage over it.
When fully powered up, Groudon is one of the strongest Pokemon in Pokemon GO. This will likely be reinforced further if it ever receives its Primal form introduced to it and Kyogre in Pokemon: Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the author's opinion.
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