When the topic of the Pokemon franchise comes up in conversation, it is usually followed up with a discussion of the various Legendaries in the series. Of course, the first of these types of creatures many would consider is the original Legendary, Mewtwo. However, many more have come to the franchise since.
One of the more niche types of Legendary in the franchise is those who come in a set of three. While many are familiar with Box Art Legendaries, these are typically only done for games with three main games in a region per generation. For example, Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza for Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.
There is also a subset of Legendary Pokemon that players may have to find. A great example is the Unova region's Swords of Justice. This set of Legendaries threw young trainers through a loop, trying to find them in Black and White.
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5) Creation trio

Starting strong, Sinnoh's Creation trio takes the spot as the fifth-best trio in the franchise. While Palkia and Dialga are great to use in battle and harbor tons of nostalgia for older fans of the games, Giratina truly carries the trio in terms of how it manages to stay relevant in the competitive scene.
This is due to Giratina's sheer versatility. Giratina boasts the impressive combination of Dragon and Ghost and has two alternate forms to suit two different playstyles. If a defensive tank is needed, the Altered form of Giratina will fit the role. If the offense is needed, the Origin form is what players seek.
4) Light trio

In the spot of the fourth-best Legendary Trio comes the Light trio from the Alola region. While many players may not count this as a trio given the lack of importance Necrozma has in Sun and Moon, its role in the Ultra series of games ultimately brings it back.
Much like Kyurem, Necrozma can fuse with the other two members of the trio to create new Pokemon. To make matters more confusing, Solgaleo and Lunala evolve from Cosmoem to Cosmoem, technically making them part of the trio. However, Game Freak does not count them as such.
The existence of Ultra Necrozma further adds to the complexity of this "trio." Given the sheer options players have to use with just these three Pokemon alone, make it a fun bunch to use in a playthrough and fun to build a competitive team.
3) Aura trio
Kalos' Aura Trio goes underappreciated by many. The balance of the three Legendaries is quite comedic, given that Xerneas is the deity of life, Yveltal is the deity of death, and Zygarde appears to be just a funny-looking peacock snake. However, this could not be further from the case.
Zygarde represents the balance between the two forces of life and death. This is why it is known for splitting up into many cells. It does this to monitor the region in search of a great imbalance of these two forces. When it detects such an imbalance, it emerges to unleash its wrath.
In battle, Zygarde is most commonly seen in its complete form. Upon release, Zygarde Complete was banned from all competitive battles. However, this restriction was lifted later on. In terms of the other two, Xerneas is seen more thanks to its signature move, Geomancy, and the Power Herb held item.
2) Super-Ancient Pokemon
The trio of Rayquaza, Groudon, and Kyogre is easily the most well-known Legendary Trio in the franchise. Whether the player encountered these rulers of land, sea, and air on the Gameboy Advance in their original titles or the 3DS reimaginings, fans can agree that these are some of the best Pokemon.
The cutscene from Emerald, which details Rayquaza ascending from the sky to stop Kyorge and Groudon from fighting, is still burned into the mind of many older fans today. For newer fans, conquering the Delta Episode to be rewarded with a Mega Rayquaza and a fight in outer space with Deoxys is a great memory.
Even in battle, these titans size up, giving players who use them full control over the weather. While Kyogre is seen in VGC more, Groudon can provide excellent support with Ground-type attacks, split moves, and sun.
1) Forces of Nature

While they may not be the most memorable of the Legendary Trios in the Pokemon franchise, they are some of the highest, most consistent performers in the metagame. Landorus' Therian form has continued terrorizing the competitive online scene for the decade it has been in the franchise.
Each of the other two Pokemon also has alternate forms, which adds to the scenarios in which they can be used. Given their Flying typing, these entities are very quick and resist attacks from the Ground-types trainers will most likely encounter in their online battling careers.
Overall, they are excellent choices for players looking to fill a spot on their team for a playthrough and even more useful for competitive battlers.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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