The original run of the Pokemon series is beloved by many anime and Pokemon fans alike. While the namesake creatures mostly steal the show, it has had its fair share of memorable characters over the years. One of these popular returning characters is Misty, the Cerulean City gym's leader, and Ash's first traveling companion.
While the original series has come to an end in favor of the show's new Horizons rendition, many fans still look back fondly on the years spent watching the adventures of Ash, Brock, Misty, and the other various friends they made along the way.
Here are five of the best episodes of the Pokemon anime featuring Misty.
Note: This article is subjective and solely based on the author's opinion.
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Top 5 best Misty episodes from the Pokemon anime
5) Ash Catches a Pokemon

In the third episode of the series, Ash catches a wild Caterpie to Misty's dismay. Here, it is revealed that she has a deep disgust for bugs of all shapes and sizes, and treats Ash's Caterpie quite coldly, despite its best attempts to make friends. This episode also shows the dynamic the two characters would share throughout the early seasons of the anime, with Misty being the harsh voice of reason to Ash's childish antics.
Although Misty isn't fond of bugs, she has a deep love for Pokemon, which can be seen later in the episode when Ash makes his new Caterpie battle a wild Pidgeotto. Misty scolds Ash for sending Caterpie into a disadvantageous matchup, with her even smacking him across the face in the Japanese airing.
4) Gotta Catch Ya Later

In the second-to-last episode of the original series, Ash parts ways with his long-time traveling companions after the conclusion of the Johto League Silver Conference. In this episode, it is revealed that Misty's bicycle Ash destroyed in the first episode has been repaired. Since Misty claimed that she was only traveling with Ash until he replaced her destroyed bike, this upset her as she hoped to continue traveling with him and Brock.
Nevertheless, Misty's adventures with the group had to come to an end after receiving a call from her sisters, requesting her return to the Cerulean Gym as they were leaving on a world tour. However, this time away from the party would help Misty become a better trainer, bringing her closer to her goal of being a Water-type Master.
3) Who Gets to Keep Togepi

Many fans of the series may remember Misty's Togepi who traveled alongside her for most of her time in the series. The bond between the two first started in this episode, where Togepi hatched from the egg the group received in Grampa Canyon. After being the first person Togepi saw when hatching, it immediately imprinted on her.
After some disagreements between her, Ash, and Team Rocket, Togepi ultimately decided it would like to travel with Misty, to her excitement. Her bond with Togepi was a crucial step in her journey to becoming the powerful trainer she becomes toward the end of Journeys, where she returns to travel with Ash for a short time.
2) The Perfect Match

In the final rounds of the Whirl Cup, a tournament comprised solely of Water-type Pokemon and their trainers, Ash and Misty found themselves facing off against one another. Where most fans would expect Ash to come out on top, being the main character, Misty's mastery and experience with monsters of the element let her come out on top,
The Whirl Cup arc showcased Misty's skills in training Water-type Pokemon. Although she eventually lost in the semifinals, it is not common for one of Ash's traveling companions to place higher than him in these sorts of battle tournaments, really allowing this arc to stand out from the rest.
1) A Togepi Mirage

This arc in the Advanced series of the anime saw Misty return to the main cast once again under the impression that she was invited to a festival for Togepi trainers. After ending up in the Mirage Kingdom after one of Team Rocket's tricks gone wrong, Misty and her Togepi are forcefully separated before learning that the creature is needed by the royal family to determine the kingdom's next ruler.
After being transported to the kingdom's Togepi Paradise and fighting with the evil Colonel Hansen, Misty's Togepi evolves into Togetic. After reigning victorious in the fight, Misty's Togetic decides to stay at the Togepi Paradise to defend it from future threats, and the two share a heartfelt goodbye.