For generations, Pokemon fans have debated who Ash's best teammates were throughout the anime series. Spanning several decades, the original anime has seen Ash catching many Pokemon, with some being more memorable or better in battles than others.
Thankfully, with Ash now retired in favor of the Horizons series' Rising Volt Tacklers, fans can finally put together a definitive list of the best creatures Ash has ever had on his team during his journey to become a Pokemon Master. Here are Ash's five team members with the best win rates from the anime.
Ash's 5 best battlers from Pokemon anime
5) Infernape

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Starting the list with a 73% win rate, Infernape was Ash's most potent battler from the anime's Sinnoh season. Coming into Ash's care as a Chimchar after being abandoned by Paul for being too weak, it would eventually prove itself a worthy battler after learning to control its Blaze ability. This, as fans may remember, would previously make it go berserk.
Throughout the anime, Blaze would serve as a pinch mechanic for the plot, letting Infernape go "even further beyond" to pummel the competition. Overall, Infernape's story throughout the Sinnoh anime made its victory over its previous abuser towards the end of the season all the more sweeter to watch.
4) Aipom

One of the few Pokemon that Ash has taken with him between regions, Aipom was first introduced in the Hoenn season before following him to Sinnoh. Aipom always had a love for Pokemon Contests, but had a serious mean streak when it came to battling alongside Ash, scoring a 75% win rate while in his care.
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However, seeing it was unhappy with Ash's path of battling instead of contests, he would trade Aipom to Dawn in exchange for her Buizel, who had a fondness for battling over contests. Dawn would later evolve Aipom into Ambipom, going on to win many more contests.
3) Snorlax

Snorlax is Ash's most consistent battler from the Kanto region that is still in his care, boasting a 79% win rate. Reappearing during the Johto and Hoenn seasons, Snorlax was always Ash's first choice when he needed a big friend to get the job done. Snorlax has even won a Pokemon Sumo Wrestling competition for Ash, but it quickly gobbled up the prize, which was a year's worth of Pokemon food.
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Ash's Snorlax and its impressive display of power throughout the anime was a heavy contributor to Snorlax's popularity towards the beginning of the franchise's life back in the late 90s. While it sadly was not used for any official battles after the Sinnoh season, Snorlax is still seen as one of Ash's most iconic team members.
2) Krookodile

Krookodile has the best battle record out of any Pokemon Ash has in his care. Sporting an impressive 80% win rate, Krookodile was Ash's best Unova teammate by a large margin, though it only battled five times. Even as a Sandile, it showed determination and strength by following Ash across the Unova region for the chance to battle Ash's Pikachu.
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Even in Ash's care, Krookodile never lost its edge. It trained alongside him and Brycen through strenuous regimens, and was the first of his party with the guts to challenge the Mythical Pokemon, Meloetta. As a Krokorok, it even developed a strategy where it would use Stone Edge, then dual-wield two of the projectiles as slashing weapons.
1) Primeape

While Primeape has only been in three official battles under Ash's care, it has never lost. Primeape was first introduced as a Mankey who shared some food with Brock. However, it lost its temper after Ash tried to catch it, stealing his hat and retreating. After being kicked by James, Mankey evolved out of anger and ultimately ended up in Ash's care shortly after.
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Upon leaving Celadon City, Ash met Anthony, a man challenging the P1 Grand Prix, a tournament exclusively for Fighting-types. Upon meeting Anthony's daughter and hearing how she wished her dad would stop training so much so he could see her more, Ash entered the tournament to dishearten the man.
Ironically, Anthony ended up asking Ash if he can train Primeape after it wins the competition. Ash agreed despite it contradicting his main goal for the episode, losing his best battler in the series' history as well.