Pokemon Legends Z-A is set to release in 2025, and the hype surrounding it is growing bigger with each passing day. Even though the game was revealed some time ago, little information has been officially released about its starters.
Starter Pokemon are among the most important parts of a Pokemon game. They are meant to be the initial draw that gets players invested in the namesake Pocket Monsters, serving as the trainer's ace creature in most situations.
This article lists the five best starter combinations that could be used for Pokemon Legends Z-A.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions.
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Top 5 possible Starter Pokemon combinations for Pokemon Legends Z-A
5) Original Kalos Crew

Given that Pokemon Legends Z-A takes place in civilized Kalos, it is possible that the starters will remain unchanged from Pokemon X and Y. Since these creatures have yet to receive Mega Evolutions, despite originating in the titles that debuted this mechanic, and with Mega Evolutions returning in Pokemon Legends Z-A, it would be thematically appropriate for the Kalos starters to be present.
This would be the easiest option for Game Freak to go with. However, if these Legends titles become their own franchise, the developer will likely take these games as a chance to breathe new life into the region's experience, branching away from the standard region starters like Legends Arceus did.
If this is the case, it is possible for these starters to be available through wild encounters, like in the first Legends game.
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4) Torchic, Sobble, and Turtwig

Torchic has been a part of the Kalos region ever since its initial debut, available as an early purchase bonus for players who got their copies of Pokemon X and Y early enough. Its evolution, Blaziken, also had some major appearances in the Kalos region's anime season. It would be interesting to see Turtwig and Sobble's final evolutions receive a Mega Evolution as well.
Torterra is a massive tortoise carrying a small grotto on its back, which could be expanded upon for its potential Mega Evolution's design. Inteleon is a spy with a water-shooting finger pistol, and this design aspect was already greatly expanded on with its Gigantamax form in the eighth generation, so a Mega Evolution would create some intrigue around these two.
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3) Piplup, Snivy, and Fuecoco

Recent pictures of Pokemon calendars for 2025 featuring Piplup, Snivy, and Fuecoco have been shown online, leading many to believe that the three will be starters for the upcoming title. Admittedly, Snivy and Piplup are very specific creatures to feature, given their age and the recent attention the latter received with Legends Arceus and the Diamond and Pearl remakes.
It would be intriguing to see a Mega Evolution of Empoleon and Skeledirge, but Snivy is typically looked upon as one of the worst starters in the franchise. However, this may be why Game Freak could be looking towards it for Pokemon Legends Z-A's starter choice, aiming to rework it with a better Kalosian form of Serperior.
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2) Litten, Mudkip, and Grookey

Similarly to Torchic, Mudkip is a Mega-Evolving veteran, with its final evolution sporting one of these battle forms ever since the sixth generation. Being a fan favorite, few players would complain about Mudkip making a return. However, Litten and Grookey are admittedly controversial choices for the top spots on the list.
Incineroar, Litten's final evolution, has had time to marinate in the design department, with the creature's personality being explored more in the anime and in projects like Super Smash Brothers. Rillaboom, Grookey's evolution, has a music-inspired design, which leaves the door wide open for potential Mega Evolution designs.
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1) Treecko, Chimchar, and Totodile

Treecko, Chimchar, and Totodile are considered to be among the higher-quality starters to come to the franchise in its earlier years.
With Pokemon Legends Z-A taking place in a past era of Lumiose City, having a choice of older starters would make a thematic scene. With Treecko and Totodile rarely appearing in Pokemon titles for the Nintendo Switch, this game would also be the perfect time to give them their due respect.
Infernape is one of the most iconic Fire-type Starter Pokemon. It is a perfect candidate for a Mega Evolution, much like Feraligatr, who would do well with a Godzilla-inspired battle form, complete with an ability to better suit its move pool, which includes Strong Jaw or Tough Claws.
Mega Sceptile's return would also make many long-time fans happy while giving access to another Dragon-type critter.
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