Pokemon GO Fashion Week 2025 will introduce two new costumed Pokemon: Fashionable Minccino and Fashionable Cinccino. During this event, trainers will see the return of several Pocket Monsters, including costumed and non-costumed ones, with their shiny variations. While some will be available in the wild, others will be featured in Raid Battles. Players will have the opportunity to farm the best PvP picks to use in different formats of the GO Battle League.
This Fashion Week event will kick off on January 10, 2025, at 10 am, and run until January 19, 2025, at 8 pm local time. Here is the ranked list of the five best PvP Pokemon to get during Pokemon GO Fashion Week 2025.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the author's point of view. The PvP rating data is gathered from PvPoke and the ranking is based on their viability in the Great League followed by the Ultra League.
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Top 5 PvP picks featured in Pokemon GO Fashion Week 2025
5) Luxray

During the Pokemon GO Fashion Week 2025 event, players can challenge one-star Raid Battles featuring Fashionable Shinx. They can get their hands on this Electric-type creature and its Candy by winning these raids.
Fashionable Shinx is weak to Ground-type attacks, and one can teach these moves to counters like Primal Groudon, Mega Garchomp, Shadow Excadrill, Therian Forme Landorus, and Shadow Golem.
Trainers can use 25 Shinx Candy to evolve a Fashionable Shinx into a Fashionable Luxio. Moreover, they can then evolve a Fashionable Luxio into a Fashionable Luxray using 100 Shinx Candy.
PvP ratings of Luxray with the best moveset:
- Great League: #487
- Ultra League: #411
- Master League: #323
- Little Holiday Cup: #398
- Color Cup: #239
4) Bruxish

Bruxish will be available to encounter in the wild during Pokemon GO Fashion Week 2025. This event will increase the general spawn rate of the Gnash Teeth Pokemon.
Trainers can use the Lure Modules and Incense to boost the wild spawn rate of this featured monster. On top of this, its encounter rate can be increased further in Rain and Windy weather.
PvP ratings of Bruxish with the best moveset:
- Great League: #313
- Ultra League: #322
- Master League: #496
- Little Holiday Cup: N/A
- Color Cup: #130
3) Furfrou (Natural)

During the Pokemon GO Fashion Week 2025, trainers can farm Natural Furfrou by defeating its Raid Battles or catching it in the wild. Furfrou (Natural) is weak to Fighting-type attacks, and one can use these moves to deal damage to it. The best counters to take it down are Mega Lucario, Mega Heracross, Shadow Conkeldurr, Terrakion, and Shadow Machamp.
PvP ratings of Furfrou with the best moveset:
- Great League: #223
- Ultra League: #337
- Master League: #505
- Little Holiday Cup: #252
- Color Cup: N/A
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2) Fashionable Gallade

At Pokemon GO Fashion Week 2025, some trainers may encounter Fashionable Kirlia in the wild. This costumed Pokemon has two different forms: male and female.
The male version evolves into a Fashionable Gallade using 100 Kirlia Candy and a Sinnoh Stone. Meanwhile, a female form evolves into Gardevoir wearing a Fashionable outfit.
PvP ratings of Fashionable Gallade with the best moveset:
- Great League: #125
- Ultra League: #170
- Master League: #186
- Little Holiday Cup: N/A
- Color Cup: N/A
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1) Fashionable Dragonite

Fashionable Dragonite will appear in three-star Raids during Pokemon GO Fashion Week 2025. To win these battles, you can exploit the creature’s weaknesses to Ice-, Dragon-, Fairy-, and Ice-type attacks.
The best counters to take down Fashionable Dragonite are Shadow Mamoswine, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Rayquaza, Mewtwo, and Shadow Articuno.
PvP ratings of Fashionable Dragonite with the best moveset:
- Great League: #134
- Ultra League: #154
- Master League: #17
- Little Holiday Cup: #100
- Color Cup: N/A
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