The original run of the Pokemon anime was known for high-action battles against trainers from various regions. However, the series also featured some notable fights against wild critters. Even without trainers, many of these Pocket Monsters showed serious ferocity, providing a real challenge to the cast.
With the Pokemon anime having so many episodes, there are tons of memorable fights with wild critters from different seasons. Here are the five best battles between trainers and wild creatures in the series.
Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer
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5 epic battles against wild Pokemon in the anime
1) Regidrago and Regieleki

In the 113th episode of the Pokemon Journeys anime, Goh and Gary Oak challenged the two newest Legendary Golems in the franchise to earn the title of Chaser for Project Mew. The final task for Project Mew required the two trainers to fight and catch Regidrago and Regieleki, which they successfully managed to do after a long battle.
Goh sent out his Cinderace, and Gary deployed his iconic Blastoise. After using Regidrago's Twister attack to empower Blastoise's Rapid Spin attack, the two trainers caught the golems, completing the final task for Porject Mew and being officially recognized as Chasers.
2) Z2

Z2 had been a looming threat for the Kalos region since the beginning of the XY&Z arc of the anime. This core of the Legendary Zygarde was abducted by Team Flare, along with Z1, known by the cast as Squishy, a nickname given to it by Bonnie.
In the final few episodes of the Kalos region anime, Z2 was unleashed on Lumiose City. After evolving to its 50% form, Squishy sought out Z2 in an attempt to calm down its raging comrade, and the two had a battle.
Squishy tried to convince Z2 that humans are worth trusting. However, after all of the torture it endured at the hands of Team Flare, Z2 felt otherwise. This entire arc was incredibly long, spanning from episode 132 to 139.
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3) Groudon, Kyogre, and Pikachu

The 97th and 98th episodes of the Hoenn anime revolved around the Red and Blue Orbs, two items required to summon Groudon and Kyogre.
Archie, the leader of Team Aqua, fell under possession to the Red Orb, making him go mad with power, summoning Kyogre with little regard to the global flooding it would cause. Ash's Pikachu ended up possessed by the Blue Orb, summoning and assisting Groudon in the battle.
Ash, Lance, Brock, May, and Max worked together to calm the two Legendary Pokemon, while also saving Archie and Pikachu from the grasp of the two artifacts.
4) Shiny Guzzlords

After winning the Pokemon League, Ash and friends found themselves being invaded by two Shiny Guzzlords that appeared from an Ultra Wormhole. To take down these massive threats to the Alola region, Ash, his friends, the Masked Royale, and the island kahunas all worked together and used their Z-Moves to send the Guzzlords back to their home worlds.
After the first of the Guzzlords was sent away, Ash and the Masked Royale were left to take care of the second one. However, in the middle of the fight, the Ultra Wormhole began to close. Before it could seal fully, Ash's Poipole, now evolved, rushed in to hold open the portal and to assist in the fight.
5) Hawlucha

In the 35th episode of the Kalos anime, Ash encountered a Hawlucha in need of his help after being bullied by much larger Pokemon in the forest.
Ash helped Hawlucha perfect its Flying Press attack to take care of its bullies for good. Afterwards, he offered the critter a place on his team in exchange for a battle.
Ash sent out his Froakie against the wild Hawlucha. The two had a rough battle before Ash threw a Pokeball and caught Hawlucha.
Hawlucha has since become one of Ash's best battlers from the Kalos era of the original anime series. Known for its flashy taunts and flair for the dramatic, the Pocket Monster is also one of the most memorable characters from the entire season.
For more information on this anime franchise, check out our other articles:
- 5 reasons Ash shouldn't be brought back to the anime soon
- 5 of Ash's best battles in the Pokemon anime, ranked
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