Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the games that kicked off the ninth generation of the franchise, came out on November 18, 2022. One year later, the second part of the two-part expansion pack is on the horizon. Many new Pocket Monsters are expected to join the roster, and others are expected to get new evolutions. While the novelty of new critters is exciting, old creatures getting new evolutions incites a special feeling as well.
Although most of the Pokemon getting new evolutions in The Indigo Disk DLC have been confirmed already, there is no harm in wondering about some creatures that deserve an evolution in upcoming generations, possibly even Generation 10.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the views of the writer.
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Lapras, Maractus, and three other Pokemon that deserve an evolution in Gen 10
1) Lapras

This Generation 1 Water and Ice-type is a beloved Pocket Monster that has appeared in many games since. It also popped up here and there in the anime. It has a base stat total of 535, with an impressive 130 points to its HP. Water and Ice make for a solid defensive combination with only four weaknesses and two resistances.
Lapras did get a Gigantimax form in Generation 8, but that did not do much to boost its popularity in the competitive meta. An evolution that gets a signature ability and a slight buff to its offensive stats would help Lapras' case greatly.
2) Maractus

Maractus is a Generation 5 Grass-type with a base stat total of 461. It has access to the ability Chlorophyll, which boosts speed under Sunny conditions. Unfortunately, with its current base Speed of 60, it can't get the best value out of this ability since there are plenty of Pokemon that can outrun it.
Grass is not possibly one of the worst elemental typings, offensively and defensively. Evolution with a secondary typing such as Ground or Ghost will help exert more offensive pressure with additional STAB moves. A base 80-85 Speed with more robust Defense stats can make a potential Maractus evolution quite effective in battle.
3) Stunfisk

Stunfisk is yet another Generation 5 Pokemon that could use an evolved form in Generation 10. It was a Ground and Electric-type originally, but then it got a regional variant in Generation 8 that was Ground and Steel. While the latter is an impressive step up competitively, an evolution could help out a lot.
An evolved form of Stunfisk can do well with a boost to its defensive stats. Currently, Unova Stunfisk has 84 Defense and 99 Special Defense. With 100-110 in each of these slots, it could make use of moves like Stealth Rock and Electro Web to fill the role of a bulky support.
4) Toxtricity

Toxtricity is a Generation 8 Pokemon with a unique Electric and Poison type combination. It has a fantastic signature ability called Punk Rock, which boosts the power of sound-based moves and dampens incoming damage from such attacks.
It currently has a base stat total of 502, with Special Attack being its best stat. Unfortunately for Toxtricity, it has a relatively poor Speed stat of 75. A potential Generation 10 evolution with higher speed and more robust defenses can make Toxtricity a force to be reckoned with.
5) Zekrom and Reshiram

Unlike the previous entries on this list, these two legendary Pokemon do not, strictly speaking, need an evolution. In fact, they will most likely not even get evolutions. What they are more likely to get are different forms.
Following the footsteps of the Primal forms of Kyogre and Groudon, as well as the Origin forms of Dialga and Palkia, it will be interesting to see how potential variations of the Generatio 5 box legendaries turn out. There is a high probability of this happening since there is a lot of speculation around the Gen 10 games being Unova spin-offs.
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