The Ultra Beasts of the Pokemon series are enigmatic creatures from beyond the periphery of the known world, occasionally appearing from beyond Ultra Space. Their presence in the Alola region is well-known, and they once threatened the safety of the island region before they were eventually defeated/captured by the player character in the Sun and Moon games and their sequels.
While there's much that hasn't been disclosed about Ultra Beasts in the Pokemon universe, there's also quite a bit of information that is available but isn't commonly known. Since this is the case, it doesn't hurt to dig into some fun Ultra Beast trivia that fans might not be aware of to get a better understanding of these interdimensional entities.
NOTE: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinion.
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Five fun trivia about Pokemon's Ultra Beasts that fans might not know
1) Some share Pokedex entries
In Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, the Alolan Pokedex is rather confused as to how to classify the Ultra Beasts. Since the creatures are from beyond the world of Pocket Monsters, the Alolan Rotom-based Pokedex uses something of a blank description for several of the Ultra Beasts including Buzzwole, Xurkitree, Guzzlord, Pheromosa, Celesteela, and Kartana. The Pokedex description reads:
"Although it's alien to this world and a danger here, it's apparently a common organism in the world where it normally lives."
While the Alolan Pokedex can't quite determine the identity of these creatures, the prospect of them existing commonly in Ultra Space is an intriguing one.
2) They may be connected to Unown
The Pokemon Daisuke Club, known as the official Pocket Monsters Fan Club in Japan, has been linked to the franchise dating back to 2004. The club has a great relationship with Game Freak, which is what makes the club's Mystery File even more intriguing. This file is dedicated to some of the big questions surrounding the fictional universe, and the club has a specific section relating to Unown.
According to translations of the club's Mystery File, which features various Pokemon researchers discussing the mysteries, it is speculated that the Unown first introduced in Generation II may be connected to more than legendaries from the Pocket Monsters world, and may even be connected to Ultra Beasts. Perhaps these ancient creatures have met with the Ultra Beasts in the distant past?
3) They share base stat totals
Except for Poipole and Neganadel (the only evolutionary line among the Ultra Beasts), every Ultra Beast in the Pokemon series shares the same base stat total. Although their stats are distributed differently, every Ultra Beast has a base stat total of 570, which is perplexing considering how different all the Ultra Beasts are on their faces.
This may just be a programming choice since they were version-exclusive creatures in the Sun & Moon series, but one has to wonder if all the Ultra Beasts are more similar than fans initially thought.
4) Ultra Beasts used to be considered "sublegendary"
While Ultra Beasts have been kept apart from the categorization of legendary Pocket Monsters, they did have an unusual classification in the game code during the Generation VII and VIII games. In the code, Ultra Beasts were considered "sublegendary". This was eventually removed in Generation IX with the Scarlet and Violet games, but it's unclear as to why the category existed at all.
Whatever the case, Ultra Beasts remain an interesting breed all of their own, as they share many similarities with legendary species but aren't classified as such, perhaps due to their extra-dimensional nature making them unlike ordinary or even extraordinary Pocket Monsters.
5) Their cries share a sound sample and the same duration
Any trainer who has heard an Ultra Beast's cry in the main series games may have noticed a steely sound effect play at the end of it. It is present across all Ultra Beasts, as well as the cosmic Pocket Monsters Cosmog, Cosmoem, Solgaleo, Lunala, and Necrozma, who are not classified as Ultra Beasts in the game series canon but are connected to Ultra Space.
Stranger still is the fact that all the Ultra Beasts as well as the "Light Trio" of Solgaleo, Lunala, and Necrozma all have a cry that clocks in at approximately 1.25 seconds. It's unclear why Game Freak made this particular design decision, but it does show that all the creatures share a connection to the vast reaches of Ultra Space.