Unlike Pokemon World, which revolves around Trainers and Pokemon, the DC Universe has its Superheroes and Supervillains. The strongest known Superhero in DC is the Man of Steel - Superman.
He sometimes doesn’t even sweat while fighting his enemies and is so powerful that he consciously needs to restrict his real powers to do the daily tasks in real life. There have only been a handful of times in the DC Universe where the Man of Steel has been physically outdone. That, too, he counters back.
Comparing this DC legend with fighters from the Pokemon World is not an easy thing to do. DC World and Pokemon World have their individualistic environment and power levels.
But for the sake of curiosity, let's look at how the strongest from one world compares to the other. We are looking into five such Pokemon which can defeat the strongest Superhero from the Universe of DC, Superman.
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Note: This article reflects the personal opinion of the writer.
Pokemon Giratina with four others that can easily win against Superman
5) Alakazam
As a Kryptonian, Superman’s major weakness is Kryptonite from his home planet, Krypton. The Pokemon universe has no planet like Krypton, so getting hold of Kryptonite is impossible. But apart from that, Superman also has another weakness which is magic.
In the Pokemon world, magic is somewhat similar to Psychic-abilities. You can rely on the Psychic-types to deal with Superman in battles. Psychic types like Alakazam don't have to engage in a physical fight since their mental abilities are more than enough to restrict and win against Superman. Alakazam's immense psychic abilities are a force to be reckoned with.
4) Darkrai
Darkrai is a Legendary fighter who is said to be an incarnation of nightmares as it inhabits people's dreams to inflict dangerous recurring nightmares. It could easily put Superman to sleep, and wouldn’t even have to worry about a counterattack. For Darkrai, defeating Superman would be easier than a child's play, and its mythical powers can completely negate almost any move.
Using its highly accurate signature move Dark Void and putting him to sleep and following it with the attack, Dream Eater will ensure Superman’s defeat. Not only that, this fighter has immense power and moves to devise numerous tactics for the battle with Superman.
3) Mewtwo
Considered the first ever Legendary to be introduced on the platform, Mewtwo is a genetically engineered clone of the Mythical Pokemon, Mew. With its legendary psychic power, extreme teleportation, physical abilities, and the will to learn and adapt to any given situation, Mewtwo is already a force that can tear apart a universe by itself.
Mewtwo is known as the ultimate master of Psychic abilities, one of the strongest and most unpredictable in the entire Pokemon universe. Pulling off two Mega Evolutions is more than enough to control the Man of Steel at Mewtwo’s hands.
2) Giratina
The dual-type Ghost and Dragon Legendary Giratina holds the power of anti-matter as part of the Creation Trio. The ghostly power it possesses is enough to deal with Superman.
This Legendary fighter manipulates and controls the Distortion World, and if by any means manages to get Superman into that world, the battle will be over in seconds. Apart from that, as Superman in his universe has never dealt with a fighter like this, he would be completely clueless on how to retaliate.
Giratina can travel, turn into a shadow, and effortlessly tear a hole into reality, creating a space-time distortion. It could easily render Superman useless, tampering with his shadow and reality.
1) Arceus
Considered a god of Pokemon lore, Arceus wouldn’t even move a muscle to defeat the Man of Steel. Arceus can change its type, change the rules of nature at will, adapt to any given situation, and vanish things in thin air. It has more than a few means to deal with Superman.
Arceus created the universe, primarily time, space, and anti-matter, in the form of the Creation Trio. It can stop the sunray from hitting Superman and just cut off the power it gets from the sunlight, but that's farfetched. Arceus is so powerful that defeating it for even a real God would be near impossible. Superman is just a tiny being in front of Arceus’s existence.
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