The Pokemon GO Strength of Steel (Ultra Unlock Part 2) event offers numerous encounters from where lucky trainers can capture Shiny Pokemon. Shiny Pocket Monsters are differently-colored variants of their original counterparts. While they are generally rare, some can only be found during events that highlight Steel-type critters, making the Strength of Steel event a suitable occasion to look for them.
Ultra Unlock Part 2 participants can catch wild spawns, join Raid Battles, complete Field as well as Timed Research tasks, and finish Collection Challenges to get their hands on shiny Pocket Monsters. Here are the five rare Shiny Pokemon to hunt at Pokemon GO Strength of Steel.
Note: The article is subjective and reflects the writer's viewpoint.
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Rare Shiny Pokemon to find in Pokemon GO Strength of Steel
1) Shiny Togedemaru

Shiny Togedemaru became available for the first time in the title with the start of the Pokemon GO Strength of Steel event. All possible ways you can get Togedemaru in Pokemon GO can result in shiny spawns.
The odds of finding Shiny Togedemaru are 1-in-512 or 0.1953% generally. However, from raids during Pokemon GO Strength of Steel, the chances are approximately 1-in-128.
2) Shiny Mega Aggron

Mega Aggron raids are back and will be available until 10:00 pm local time on August 3, 2024. The fascinating part of the hunt for this Shiny Mega form is that it can not be acquired directly from the raids. You must first catch a Shiny Aggron and Mega Evolve it into Shiny Mega Aggron.
This shiny Pokemon is extremely rare, and to initiate the hunt for it, you can beat 3-star Aggron or Mega Aggron raids. The creature’s Mega Energy can be collected from raids, Field Research tasks, and Collection Challenges.
3) Shiny Mawile

During the Pokemon GO Strength of Steel event, players can join 3-star Mawile raids. It is a Fairy and Steel-type Pocket Monster, and by defeating it in battle, they can encounter Shiny Mawile. With only a 1-in-64 chance of encountering it, Shiny Mawile is quite rare.
Interestingly, Mawile raids in Pokemon GO can be defeated solo. So, even if you don’t have raiding partners, you can win against the raid boss all alone using high-level counters. The more you win, the higher the likelihood of finding Shiny Mawile.
4) Shiny Skarmory

Shiny Skarmory is beautiful and ferocious at the same time. It is a top Steel-type Pokemon for GO PvP, with powers to wreak havoc in the Great and Ultra League. Skarmory has been heavily featured in Pokemon GO Strength of Steel, and its shiny version may be encountered in the wild, and via one-star raids, and collection challenges.
Trainers wanting to hunt for it in the wild can go to areas that have Snowy or Windy weather. Additionally, they can activate Lure Modules and Incense to boost wild spawns of either of these habitats.
5) Shiny Beldum

Shiny Beldum can be obtained in two different ways at the Pokemon GO Strength of Steel (Ultra Unlock Part 2) event: wild encounters or completing Field Research tasks that want you to catch 15 Steel‑type Pokemon. The Snow and Windy weather increase the spawn rate of wild Beldum, so roaming these places may increase your chances of encountering Shiny Beldum.
Remember that Shiny Pocket Monsters encounters aren’t guaranteed in any way, which is what makes them coveted possessions and worth hunting for.
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