In the spirit of the upcoming Pokemon World Championships, Pokemon GO is coming out with a celebration event to commemorate the yearly occurrence from August 16th until the 20th. Being such a special event, Niantic has included various details for both hardcore and casual players to get excited about.
With the core of the event revolving around Twitch streams and championship matches, it can be a bit overwhelming for players to dissect what exactly the event has in store from looking at the website alone. As such, we have compiled five reasons players should look forward to this event when it makes its way to Pokemon GO.
Note: This article is subjective, and reflects the opinions of the author
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
5 things players should be excited about from Pokemon GO's Pokemon World Championship 2024 celebration
1) Live Stream Rewards

As is customary with this event in Pokemon GO, special codes will be shown during the Pokemon GO championships on the official Twitch page for the game. One of these codes will be given out per day, with each code granting trainers access to a Special Research where they can earn encounters with creatures previously used to win tournaments.
Most notably, on the first day of the event, a code will be given out where players can receive an encounter with a Sableye with the same moves used by 2023 World Champion itsAXN when he won last year's event. The second day will feature a research that rewards players with the choice of three teams that can be used for the game's Great League tier of competitive play.
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2) "Remove Frustration" event bonus

Frustration is the worst charged attack in the game and is given to every captured Shadow Pokemon. Normally, this attack cannot be removed until the player purifies their Shadow Pokemon, replacing the attack with Return. However, during the upcoming Pokemon World championship celebration in Pokemon GO, this will not be the case.
Throughout the event's duration, players will be able to use any Charged TM on a Shadow Pokemon to delete Frustration from their moveset, replacing it with one of the regular charged attack the species would otherwise know. This is a boon usually seen with Team GO Rocket events, so it is nice to see it make an appearance here as well.
3) Shadow Raids

Shadow Raids will be returning to the popular mobile game during the upcoming Championship celebration as well. These raids see players facing off against enraged and colossal Shadow Raid Bosses, rewarding victors with opportunities to add that Shadow Pokemon to their collection.
Here is a list of every Shadow Raid Boss coming in the 2024 Pokemon World Championships Celebration in Pokemon GO:
- Magnemite
- Dratini
- Johtonian Wooper
- Gligar
- Wobbuffet
- Kirlia
- Sableye
These are Shadow Raids, so players will want to make sure they have a lot of Purified Gems.
4) Evolution moves returning

Much like Community Days, the 2024 Pokemon World Championship celebration in Pokemon GO will include signature moves that certain monsters can learn upon evolving. Here are all the candidates that benefit from this effect:
- Evolving Johtonian Wooper into Quagsire will teach it Aqua Tail.
- Evolving a Swablu into Altaria will teach it Moonblast.
- Evolving Grubbin into Charjabug will teach it Volt Switch.
- Evolving Fletchinder into Talonflame will teach it Incinerate.
Every creature included in this selection has been a popular metagame choice for Pokemon GO's Battle League in recent history, and these moves have been a big contributor to their success. As such, this is the perfect time for players interested in ranked battles to start building their teams.
5) Galarian Stunfisk returns

Galarian Stunfisk is notoriously the best Ground-type and one of the best Steel-types for Pokemon GO's Great and Ultra Leagues. Being a regional variant, this monster is normally only available through 7 kilometer eggs, but these can be cumbersome to deal with due to incubators costing Pokecoins, and the item being required to hatch multiple eggs at once.
Thankfully, throughout the 2024 Pokemon World Championship celebration, Galarian Stunfisk will appear as a Three-Star Raid Boss. Since it appears as a Raid Boss, this also means it has a higher chance of having better stats when captured, and it will also reward raid loot upon being defeated, making it a much better investment than hatching eggs.
For more information about Pokemon GO, check out our other articles:
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