Pokemon GO Beloved Buddies features various Shiny Pokemon for trainers to encounter and collect. It will increase the odds of encountering a Shiny Diglett, Dunsparce, and Skrelp from February 11, 2025, at 10 am, to February 15, 2025, at 8 pm local time. The event will also mark the debut of Dhelmise though its alternate color form won’t be available in it.
Additionally, the duration of the Lure Module's effect will last for one hour during the event, giving trainers a better opportunity to search for their favorite Shiny creature in the wild.
Below is a list of the five featured Shiny Pokemon that trainers should hunt for in Pokemon GO Beloved Buddies.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
5 Shiny Pokemon to find during Pokemon GO Beloved Buddies
1) Shiny Diglett

There are two ways to find Shiny Diglett in Pokemon GO Beloved Buddies. The first is to search for it in the wild, while the second is to attract it to a location using the Lure Modules.
Hunting for this Shiny Pokemon will be challenging for collectors. However, the activity can be carried out in Sunny weather, as this increases the spawn rate of Diglett. To be sure of whether or not you have encountered a Shiny Diglett, take a look at its blue nose and light brown skin.
Trainers who want to get a Shiny Dugtrio during Pokemon GO Beloved Buddies should consider evolving Shiny Diglett into one by using 50 Candy.
Also read: Pokemon GO Dhelmise raid guide: Weaknesses and best counters
2) Shiny Slowbro

Pokemon GO Beloved Buddies will return Slowbro alongside its shiny version to three-star raids. Both variants can be farmed by following different methods. One way is to get them directly by winning raids. Whereas, the other is to initiate the evolution process.
Shiny Slowpoke can be attracted to the place where the effect of the Lure Module is activated. Moreover, it can also be found as wild encounters.
When looking for this Shiny Pokemon in the wild, it is recommended to do so in areas with in-game Rain and Windy weather. In these weather conditions, Slowpoke's encounter rates receive a boost. Trainers can give their respective versions of Slowpoke 50 Candy and a King's Rock to evolve them into Slowbro and Slowking.
Here are the best counters to defeat Slowbro during Pokemon GO Beloved Buddies:
- Dawn Wings Necrozma: Shadow Claw and Moongeist Beam
- Mega Tyranitar: Bite and Brutal Swing
- Mega Gengar: Lick and Shadow Ball
- Kartana: Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade
- Zarude: Vine Whip and Power Whip
Also read: Pokemon GO Slowbro raid guide: Weaknesses and best counters
3) Shiny Skrelp

Pokemon GO Beloved Buddies will have a greater chance of encountering Shiny Skrelp in one-star raids. Skrelp is a dual Poison and Water-type creature; therefore, it becomes weak to Electric-, Ground-, and Psychic-type attacks.
Defeating Skrelp in one-star raids may offer an encounter with Shiny Skrelp. That said, the following are the top counters to beat it:
- Mega Alakazam: Confusion and Psystrike
- Primal Groudon: Mud Shot and Precipice Blades
- Mega Latios: Zen Headbutt and Psychic
- Mewtwo: Confusion and Psystrike
- Zekrom: Charge Beam and Fusion Bolt
Also read: How to solo defeat Shuckle in Pokemon GO 3-star raids
4) Shiny Tyranitar

Mega Tyranitar raids, which started during the Small Yet Strong event, will continue to take place throughout Pokemon GO Beloved Buddies.
Each Shiny Pokemon mentioned herein can be obtained as a solo collector. However, players won't be able to get their hands on Shiny Tyranitar without seeking their friends' help. This is because Mega Tyranitar raids cannot be beaten solo. This means taking this Mega Raid Boss demands group effort as a result.
Counters to defeat Mega Tyranitar in Mega Raids:
- Mega Tyranitar: Force Palm and Aura Sphere
- Terrakion: Double Kick and Sacred Sword
- Mega Blaziken: Counter and Focus Blast
- Shadow Conkeldurr: Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Shadow Machamp: Counter and Dynamic Punch
5) Shiny Dunsparce

Dunsparce and its Shiny form will be available as wild encounters and Lure Module encounters during the Pokemon GO Beloved Buddies event. This occasion will also provide trainers an opportunity to complete Beloved Buddies Timed Research stories, which reward various items and an encounter with Dunsparce.
Trainers may find chasing down a wild Shiny Dunsparce challenging. That said, relying on the Lure Module and Incense may help. What they would need to do is to be present in areas that experience in-game Partly Cloudy weather and activate the said items.
Also read: How to get Tyranitar in Pokemon GO, and can it be shiny?
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