Several Ground types are meta-defining in some aspects within Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's current metagame. It's an excellent type in and of itself, particularly because Ground is immune to Electric. However, that's not the main reason these five amazing Pokemon are on this list.
Instead, they all fulfill a useful niche in Scarlet and Violet. These Pocket Monsters hit ridiculously hard or are incredibly valuable for defensive counterplay. As long as they're strong in either singles or doubles, then they're good enough for this list.
Note: This listicle only has Ground types available in the base game. Top-tier threats like Landorus won't be here as a result.
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The five strongest Ground types and their moves in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
5) Clodsire

Base stat totals aren't everything. In Clodsire's case, it has a base stat total of 430, which is considered to be quite bad. However, it makes up for that by having several good defensive qualities, notably its Unaware Ability and massive Special bulk.
Clodsire has plenty of good moves in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, such as:
- Earthquake: Strong STAB that also hits both targets in double battles
- Haze: Removes all stat changes on the field
- Poison Jab: Strong STAB that may poison the target
- Recover: Recovers half the user's HP
- Spikes: A hazard that stacks up to three times but doesn't affect Flying-types or opponents with Levitate
- Stealth Rock: Sets up hazards on the enemies' side of the field, dealing damage based on type effectiveness when they switch in
- Stone Edge: Powerful Rock coverage with an increased chance to crit
- Tera Blast: Strong option if you plan to Terastallize the user
- Toxic: Badly poisons the target
- Toxic Spikes: The user creates a hazard that poisons the target, stacks up to two times
- Yawn: Makes the target fall asleep next turn if it doesn't switch out
Clodsire is definitely one of the best defensive Ground types choices in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
4) Ting-Lu

Although Ting-Lu is quite slow, it has great bulk and an ability that lowers the Sp. Attack of its opponents by 25%. That makes it quite tanky on the Special side, even if it has a mediocre base Sp. Def stat of just 80. After all, it still possesses a gargantuan base HP of 165.
Ting-Lu's best moves in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are:
- Body Press: Fighting coverage that uses the user's Defense stat for calculations
- Earthquake: Strong STAB that also hits both targets in double battles
- Payback: Potentially strong STAB if the user moves after its opponent
- Rock Slide: Strong Rock coverage in double battles that may also flinch the target
- Ruination: Halves the target's HP
- Spikes: A hazard that stacks up to three times but doesn't affect Flying-types or opponents with Levitate
- Stealth Rock: Sets up hazards on the enemies' side of the field, dealing damage based on type effectiveness when they switch in
- Stone Edge: Powerful Rock coverage with an increased chance to crit
- Tera Blast: Strong option if you plan to Terastallize the user
- Throat Chop: Strong Dark STAB that prevents the target from using sound moves
- Whirlwind: Forces the target to switch out
Unsurprisingly, all of the Treasures of Ruin are pretty excellent in their own right. That said, Ting-Lu is the only Ground-type, so that's why it's also the only one here.
3) Iron Treads

Having Solid stats all around is a nice trait for something when it also possesses phenomenal Ground and Steel typing. Steel is one of the best defensive types in all of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, whereas Ground is a solid type in its own right.
Iron Treads' best moves consist of the following:
- Earthquake: Strong STAB that also hits both targets in double battles
- Ice Spinner: Ice coverage that removes terrain
- Iron Head: Strong STAB that may cause the target to flinch
- Knock Off: Strong Dark move that removes the opponent's item
- Rapid Spin: Weak Normal coverage that removes hazards from the user's side and gives the user +1 Speed
- Rock Slide: Strong Rock coverage in double battles that may also flinch the target
- Stealth Rock: Sets up hazards on the enemies' side of the field, dealing damage based on type effectiveness when they switch in
- Stone Edge: Powerful Rock coverage with an increased chance to crit
- Tera Blast: Strong option if you plan to Terastallize the user
- Volt Switch: Electric coverage that allows the user to switch out instantly
Iron Treads' solid stats, typing, and moves allow it to fit in various teams. Just note that Quark Drive activates under Electric Terrain or if the user holds Booster Energy.
2) Great Tusk

Great Tusk has wonderful HP, Attack, and Defense base stats with good Speed, giving it plenty of usage in the current Pokemon Scarlet and Violet metagame. Ground and Fighting is a solid STAB combination further complemented by Great Tusk's solid movepool in the game.
Some of Great Tusk's best moves in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet include:
- Body Press: STAB that uses the user's Defense stat for calculations
- Bulk Up: Gives the user +1 Attack and +1 Defense
- Close Combat: Powerful STAB that gives the user -1 Defense and -1 Sp. Defense
- Earthquake: Strong STAB that also hits both targets in double battles
- Headlong Rush: Powerful STAB that gives the user -1 Defense and -1 Sp. Defense
- Head Smash: Powerful Rock coverage that has recoil
- Ice Spinner: Ice coverage that removes terrain
- Knock Off: Strong Dark move that removes the opponent's item
- Rapid Spin: Weak Normal coverage that removes hazards from the user's side and gives the user +1 Speed
- Rock Slide: Strong Rock coverage in double battles that may also flinch the target
- Stealth Rock: Sets up hazards on the enemies' side of the field, dealing damage based on type effectiveness when they switch in
- Stone Edge: Powerful Rock coverage with an increased chance to crit
- Tera Blast: Strong option if you plan to Terastallize the user
Remember that its Protosynthesis Ability is activated under harsh sunlight or if the user holds Booster Energy.
1) Garchomp

Cynthia's ace has always been great since its debut generation. Garchomp is still an all-around solid Dragon and Ground type that trainers can use offensively to tear holes in the enemy team or defensively with Rough Skin and Rocky Helmet to punish physical attackers.
Some of Garchomp's best moves in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet include:
- Dragon Claw: Strong STAB
- Dragon Tail: STAB that swaps out the target
- Fire Fang: Fire coverage that may or flinch the target
- Earthquake: Strong STAB that also hits both targets in double battles
- Outrage: Powerful STAB that locks the user into it for a few turns
- Rock Slide: Strong Rock coverage in double battles that may also flinch the target
- Spikes: A hazard that stacks up to three times but doesn't affect Flying-types or opponents with Levitate
- Stealth Rock: Sets up hazards on the enemies' side of the field, dealing damage based on type effectiveness when they switch in
- Stone Edge: Powerful Rock coverage with an increased chance to crit
- Swords Dance: Give the user +2 Attack
- Tera Blast: Strong option if you plan to Terastallize the user
Unless severe powercreeps occur in a future update, Garchomp will continue to be one of the best Ground-types in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective.
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