Rock-Type Pokemon can be one of the trickiest to battle within Pokemon GO. Aside from heavy defense and resistance, their offensive abilities are also high in some cases.
Although this type of Pokemon varies in shape and size, most have identical natural abilities.
These Rock-type Pokemon deal extra damage to Fire, Ice, Psychic, and Bug-Types but don't deliver as much to Fighting, Ground, and Steel-types. Although they seem vulnerable against Water, Grass, Fighting, Ground, and Steel-type attacks, they take very minimal damage from Normal, Fire, Poison, and Flying type-attacks.
This list of five best rock-type Pokemon offers a blend of great DPS, maximum CP capacity, and best movesets. Players may use the Pokemon that is most advantageous to them from this list.
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Pokemon GO's most potent Rock Pokemon ever
5) Shadow Aerodactyl

Shadow Aerodactyl has a maximum CP of 3147 with 221 Attack stat, 159 Defence, and 190 Stamina stat. This Rock and Flying-Type Pokemon originates from the Kanto region (Gen 1) and is boosted by Windy and Cloudy weather.
The best moveset for Shadow Aerodactyl is the combined effort of Rock Throw and Rock Slide that hails 15.27 DPS on average. Resistant to Bug, Fire, Flying, Ground, Normal, Poison-Type Pokemon, it's weak facing Electric, Ice, Rock, Steel, and Water-Type Pokemon.
4) Rampardos

Rock-Type Pokemon Rampardos originates from the Sinnoh region (Gen 4) and has a max CP of 3728. With 295 Attack, 109 Defense, and 219 Stamina stats in its meta, it is a heavy contender in the top category of Rock-types.
The best moveset for Rampardos in Pokemon GO is a mix of Smack Down and Rock Slide that averages 16.21 DPS. Boosted by partly cloudy weather, it is vulnerable to Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, and Water-type moves.
3) Rhyperior

Initially found in the Sinnoh region (Gen 4), Rhyperior is a Ground and Rock-Type Pokemon. The maximum CP value of this Pokemon is 4221, and its stats distribution amounts to 241 Attack, 190 Defense, and 251 Stamina.
Rhyperior's best moveset in Pokemon GO would be a combination of Smack Down and Rock Wreaker with a total of 14.55 DPS. Vulnerable to Fighting, Grass, Ground, Ice, Steel, and Water-type moves, it is boosted by sunny and partly cloudy weather.
2) Shadow Tyranitar

Shadow Tyranitar, a Rock and Dark Dual-type Pokemon, originates from the Johto region (Gen 2). Equipped with a max CP of 4335, it has an arsenal of powerful stats like 251 Attack, 207 Defense, and 225 Stamina in Pokemon GO.
With a DPS of 16.53, Smack Down and Stone Edge are Shadow Tyranitar's best moveset in Pokemon GO. Boosted by partly cloudy and foggy weather, it's vulnerable to Fighting, Fairy, Steel, Grass, Ground, Bug, and Water-type moves.
1) Mega Aerodactyl

Originally found in the Kanto region (Gen 1), Mega Aerodacty is the only Rock-type Mega Evolution on the entire Pokemon GO platform. Considered the most powerful among its peers, it has a max CP of 4655, with 292 Attack, 210 Defense, and 190 Stamina Stats.
Mega Aerodactyl's best moveset combines Rock Throw and Rock Slide with a total of 20.82 Damage Per Second. Vulnerable against Electric, Ice, Rock, Steel, and Water-type moves, this Pokemon is boosted by partly cloudy and windy weather.
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