Steel-type Pokemon have enjoyed a popularity renaissance in Pokemon GO. This is due to their extensive durability and their ability to deal plenty of damage no matter what battlefield they find themselves on.
Since Steel-types in Pokemon GO are so coveted, it's only natural for trainers to want to gravitate toward them. Furthermore, players will want the strongest Steel-type they can find for their battle teams.
Even though the game's meta is always evolving after changes and tweaks by Niantic, many Steel-types have remained at the top in their category for some time.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Below, trainers can find the top Steel-types to utilize in PvP and PvE as of July 2022.
Mega Steelix, Metagross and 3 other powerful Steel-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO as of July 2022
5) Heatran

Though Heatran won't be confused for a powerful damage dealer in Pokemon GO, its Steel/Fire-type combination makes it one of the most durable Pokemon in the game.
Six of its 10 total elemental resistances are double resistances, meaning they reduce damage even further. The Pokemon can also battle as a Fire-type attacker when needed, and many trainers tend to see it more as a Fire-type than as a Steel-type.
However, Heatran shouldn't be discounted when using Steel-type moves like Iron Head, as its durability should keep it in many fights while it deals solid damage.
4) Metagross

Metagross is both a top-tier PvE attacker in raids as well as a menace in Pokemon GO's Master League PvP. It sports a very high maximum attack and defense stat, making it hit hard and take just as much punishment as it can give.
Metagross also possesses the advantage of having incredibly potent movesets. It can use moves like Bullet Punch and Meteor Smash with ruthless efficiency.
It isn't easy to evolve a Beldum all the way to Metagross, but considering this Steel-type Pokemon's power, the time invested is well worth it.
3) Melmetal

A more recent addition to the Pokemon series, Melmetal is a Steel-type Mythical Pokemon that evolves from Meltan via 400 candies.
Considering Melmetal is a particularly rare Pokemon to begin with, having it is certainly an accomplishment in and of itself.
Though it doesn't have ideal move pairings for PvE battles, Melmetal shines in PvP Leagues, particularly Ultra and Master League. It hits hard, it's durable, and its viability should only improve if Niantic provides it with more Steel-type moves past Flash Cannon.
Until then, it will have to get by using attacks like Thundershock, Rockslide, Superpower and Thunderbolt.
2) Mega Steelix

Mega Evolutions have been steadily released in Pokemon GO for some time now. For a while, Steel-types didn't seem to get much appreciation from Niantic as far as Megas were concerned. However, the developers finally released Mega Steelix and Steel-type fans have certainly rejoiced as a result.
The most notable aspect of Mega Steelix is its defense stat, which is the fifth-best in the entire game. Being a Mega Evolution also allows this iteration of Steelix to buff its fellow allies in raids, making it an even more compelling option.
1) Dialga

Arriving from beyond space and time, Dialga is an immensely powerful Dragon/Steel-type Pokemon. It is particularly dominant in PvE raids and Master League PvP due to its immense stats and ability to use powerful Dragon and Steel-type moves in unison.
Dialga may not deal as much damage per second as some Pokemon, but its total damage output is immense and worthy of a trainer's time and consideration. Thanks to its dual nature as a Dragon and a Steel-type attacker, raising a Dialga is certainly worth the time and candy needed to do so.
Dialga may one day be surpassed as the top Steel-type in the meta, especially with future Mega Evolutions for Lucario, Scizor, and more potentially releasing. However, trainers shouldn't shy away from this powerful Legendary Pokemon.
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