Pokemon GO in March 2025 will bring several exciting elements for trainers to enjoy, including updates for the GO Battle League, fresh events, Pokemon debuts, battles, and much more. The first grand event that is set to take place this month is Powerful Potential, which introduces Kubfu and Shiny Charcadet alongside their evolutionary lines. Fans will have multiple occasions to participate in with the end of March closing in.
Players who are looking forward to getting their hands on Shiny Pokemon, Legendary Pokemon, battle species, and valuable items can play Pokemon GO in March 2025.
Here’s a breakdown of five noteworthy things to expect this month.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Powerful Potential, Totodile Community Day Classic, and 3 other things to wait for in Pokemon GO in March 2025
1) Powerful Potential

The Powerful Potential event will take place on March 5 at 10 am local time and run until March 10 at 8 pm local time in Pokemon GO this year. This event marks the debut of Shiny Charcadet, Shiny Armarouge, Shiny Ceruledge, Kubfu, Single Strike Urshifu, and Rapid Strike Urshifu. It is a must-attend program for fans of the title waiting for the offerings of this month.
This event will also host six-star Max Battles featuring the Gigantamax forms of Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise. Moreover, it will return the creatures that are already available in the game via Eggs, Max Battles, Raid Battles, and Research tasks.
2) Raid and Max Battles

Plenty of Raid and Max Battles will be available to join in Pokemon GO in March 2025. The notable ones are Dynamax Raikou Max Battles, Tapu Koko 5-star Raid Battles, and Heatran 5-star Raids.
Niantic has yet to provide fans with all the necessary information on the creatures that will be featured in the upcoming battles.
Here is a list of Raids and Max Battles to happen in Pokemon GO in March 2025.
- Gothita
- Solosis
- Sinistea
- Alolan Raichu
- Hisuian Typhlosion
- Sableye
- Jolteon
- Flareon
- Vaporeon
- Tapu Koko
- Heatran
- Articuno
- Zapdos
- Moltres
- Mega Swampert
- Mega Pinsir
- Mega Absol
- Mega Lucario
- Shadow Regice
Max Battles
- Grookey
- Gastly
- Scorbunny
- Sobble
- Krabby
- Beldum
- Pidove
- Charmander
- Caterpie
- Drilbur
- Darumaka
- Machop
- Chansey
- Falinks
- Gigantamax Blastoise
- Gigantamax Charizard
- Gigantamax Venusaur
3) Community Day (Fuecoco and Totodile)

There will be two Community Day events in Pokemon GO in March 2025: Fuecoco Community Day and Totodile Community Day Classic. The first one will run on March 8, 2025, from 2 pm to 5 pm local time. On the other hand, the Totodile Community Day Classic will take place on March 22, 2025, from 2 pm to 5 pm local time.
During both events, the featured creature can be obtained in the wild, as encounter rewards for completing Research tasks, and through Photobomb finds. More importantly, trainers will enjoy a greater chance of encountering Shiny Fuecoco as well as Shiny Totodile.
4) The featured Pokemon in Spotlight Hour

Spotlight Hour is a recurring event that is held every Tuesday, and features a new wild creature. In Pokemon GO in March 2025, this event will feature the following Pocket Monsters on different Tuesdays.
- Makuhita: March 4 (2x Transfer Candy)
- Roselia: March 11 (2x Evolution XP)
- Shellder: March 18 (2x Catch Stardust)
- Cutiefly: March 25 (2x Catch XP)
All of the spotlighted creatures’ shiny forms will also be available to encounter in the wild.
5) Other important events

Trainers can participate in multiple events in Pokemon GO in March 2025. They can get their hands on valuable items and strong Pocket Monsters by playing during their run.
Here are some of the events that will run this month:
- Festival of Color 2025 (debuts Shiny Bruxish): March 13-17
- Catch Mastery Archen: March 16
- Deep Depths: March 19-24
- Bug Out: March 26-30
- Fuzzy Buddy Research Day: March 29
Check out the articles given below:
- Ditto disguises
- Buddy Evolution Adventure Together guide
- Best Fast Attacks in Pokemon GO
- Sierra counters
- Cliff counters
- Arlo counters
- Giovanni counters
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