Pokemon GO's recently introduced Dynamax gimmick has been met with a mixed reception from the community. This is due to a variety of reasons, with most being easy to correct down the line. Many fans have also complained about the limited amount of Dynamax Pokemon available in the game, despite the gimmick being incredibly accessible in the main series.
Most of the problems with this gimmick in Pokemon GO can be solved by either a few number tweaks or a small rework. However, some greater issues with the mechanic may be a bit more complex than they seem. Here are five ways Niantic can improve Dynamax's integration in Pokemon GO.
Ways Niantic can fix Pokemon GO's Dynamax battle gimmick
1) Give it to more Pokemon

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In the main series, any creature in the Galar region can Dynamax as long as they are at a Power Spot. These are located at any of the region's stadiums as well as Max Raid Dens. As such, many players feel like they should be able to Dynamax the creatures they already have, rather than requiring them to catch and grind up new Pokemon just for these specific raids.
One of the biggest complaints with the feature is the limited number of monsters with access to this feature. In Pokemon GO, only creatures caught through Max Battles, and the Galar starters given away through the Max Out special research, have the capacity to Dynamax. Many feel that Niantic should have granted this feature to every Pokemon in the game, which definitely would have fixed this issue.
Also read: Dynamax in Pokemon GO: Power Spots, Max Battles, rewards, and more
2) Introduce Max Soup

Max Soup could be a way to solve the issue with Dynamax's accessibility problem. In the main series, Max Soup granted a creature the ability to Gigantamax, allowing it to take a new form when Dynamaxing, rather than taking its standard appearance.
While this item could be used for the same effect when Gigantamax creatures eventually get added to Pokemon GO, this item could also be used to unlock a monster's potential to Dynamax. This item could be a rare drop from higher-tier Max Battles.
3) Make it cheaper

Many players are unhappy with the fact that Dynamax Pokemon have moves that need to be powered up with resources. These are the only creatures in the franchise that require trainers to do this. Players need to collect Max Particles from Max Battles, as well as their species-specific candies, to power up these moves.
A great way to fix this issue while still requiring players to participate in Max Battles would be to replace the candy requirement with Stardust. Trainers are already unhappy about needed to collect a mass amount of resources just to power up and evolve their new Dynamax feature. It seems a bit excessive to require this for their moves as well.
4) Increase the Max Particle cap

One of the required resources for powering up Dynamax Pokemon, one would assume that there would not be a limit on the amount of Max Particles a player can have on hand. However, Niantic has made it so players can only carry a maximum amount of 1,000 Max Particles in Pokemon GO.
With 400 Max Particles being required to level up a move to level 1, such a small limit on the resource seems very inefficient for the playerbase. Increasing this limit to at least 5,000 would help drastically, but many players would surely prefer Niantic getting rid of this Max Particle cap altogether.
5) Add Gigantamax

Gigantamax is much like Dynamax, but with some traits from Mega Evolution. Upon activating the power to Dynamax, Pokemon with Gigantamax forms will take a completely different appearance, rather than just a larger version of their base model. These Gigantamax Pokemon also have access to their own exclusive Max Move.
These forms will most likely be coming to the game in the future, as variations of Dynamax have already been shown to be present in the files for Pokemon GO. However, if Niantic introduced the mechanic with Gigantamax Charizard instead of the standard Dynamax variant, the debut of the Max Out season would have undoubtedly been much more memorable.
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