Pokemon GO has its fair share of powerful Fighting-type Pokemon, but not all of them can measure up in battle. Many Pokemon aren't well equipped for fighting, even with optimized moves, stats, and combat power.
Many of the weakest Fighting-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO won't remain that way forever. This is due to the weakest Fighting-types in the game often being capable of evolving into stronger species. However, as they are, these Pokemon aren't ideal to be placed in any form of battle party.
In this article, trainers can find the weakest Fighting-types in Pokemon GO as of July 2022, even if they don't remain so, based on a host of different conditions.
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Pokemon GO: Ranking the weakest Fighting-types based on stats and CP
1) Tyrogue

With the lowest CP ceiling of any Fighting-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO, Tyrogue simply isn't much on its own. This is especially true due to its stats, with only its maximum stamina stat crossing 100 points.
However, Tyrogue isn't meant for battle for a reason - its evolutions are what make it impressive in the end. Tyrogue has the distinction of evolving into Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, and Hitmontop - three Pokemon GO Fighting-types that are much more capable in a battle.
2) Meditite

A dual Psychic/Fighting-type Pokemon, Meditite is another Pokemon that has very few applications until it evolves. It sports better stats than Tyrogue, with its maximum stamina and defense stats both eclipsing over 100 points, but otherwise, it isn't much of an improvement.
However, once Meditite evolves into Medicham, it becomes one of the most popular Meta picks in Pokemon GO's battle league PvP format.
Until Meditite can be evolved, however, it is severely ill-suited for a fight. This little Pokemon is still honing its physical and mental capabilities, and until it does, it's best left far from any battleground.
3) Shadow Makuhita

Makuhita is another Pokemon in Pokemon GO that only shines when it evolves. On its own and in Shadow form, Makuhita can only take a few Fast Moves before it crumples and faints. This essentially nullifies the damage output received by its Shadow form buff, making it a net negative for the young Pokemon.
However, all is not lost, as this Pokemon evolves into Hariyama, which has a massive amount of durability and impressive attack potential as well, making evolving Makuhita a particularly wise investment.
4) Croagunk

A Fighting/Poison-type Pokemon, Croagunk has decent attack and stamina stats in Pokemon GO. However, it's defense is still quite substandard, and it suffers from a poor collection of learnable moves. Sludge Bomb is essentially its best move, and it simply can't use the move to its maximum potential.
Like many of the weakest Fighting-types, however, Croagunk improves its battle prospects significantly when it evolves into Toxicroak.
This particular Fighting/Poison-type Pokemon has grown in use in both PvE and PvP environments as a well-rounded and efficient attacker, while being able to sustain punishment as well.
5) Riolu

Riolu is one of the few baby Fighting-type Pokemon, and is difficult to obtain in most circumstances. On its own, Riolu has decent attack stats for a baby Pokemon, but this Fighting-type is limited by its youth.
However, Riolu is only the tip of the iceberg, as it can be evolved into the popular and powerful Lucario. With trainers awaiting the arrival of Mega Lucario in the game, there's never a bad time to start catching and training a Riolu of their own for that fateful day.
As an added bonus upon evolution, Riolu gains a dual Steel/Fighting-typing as Lucario. However, in its standard baby form, there just isn't much to praise about the Emanation Pokemon. It's cute, sure, but until it takes the next step in its development, it will only be a hindrance on a battle team in just about any circumstance.
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