Ice-type Pokemon have a storied history dating back to the original Generation I games, but not all of them are created equal. While some species, such as Articuno, Abomasnow, and Regice, are incredibly powerful, some Ice-types don't quite measure up.
Sadly, some Ice-type Pokemon are pretty weak compared to many of their counterparts. This is further reinforced by their Pokedex entries and known lore throughout the franchise.
While trainers can always look to stats to determine a weak species from a strong one, this isn't the only means of doing so. Simply looking into a Pocket Monster's habits and nature is also sufficient, and the Pokedex is a helpful tool for determining some weaker species that bear the Ice-type element.
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Pokemon: Ranking weakest Ice-types according to lore and Pokedex entries
5) Smoochum

It's no secret that baby Pokemon don't amount to much as far as power goes in the franchise, and Smoochum is no exception. While cute, this particular Ice/Psychic-type is more concerned with its appearance than battling.
Smoochum goes to great lengths to keep itself spotless and spends most of its other moments using its lips to test whether it likes or dislikes various objects. It does evolve into Jynx, a more capable fighter, but Smoochum isn't intimidating any trainers or adversaries on its own.
4) Cubchoo

Another adorable species, Cubchoo, has the upside of evolving into the mighty Beartic. Cubchoo is relatively diminutive on its own and doesn't really relish conflict.
Most of its capabilities come from the snot it produces, a gauge of the creature's health. The more frozen it is, the more potent Cubchoo's Ice-type attacks are.
However, this particular Ice-type prefers to keep to itself or make friends rather than attempt to impose its will on others. That's alright, as every Ice-type species can't be an overwhelming force of nature.
Until it evolves, Cubchoo is much more suitable as a traveling companion than a battle partner.
3) Swinub

According to the Pokedex, most of Swinub's interests include sniffing out tasty mushrooms, berries, and the occasional hot springs. While this made the little pig quite helpful for early humans, it isn't exactly a devastating combatant.
This changes over time as it evolves into Piloswine and eventually the imposing Mamoswine, but that takes plenty of training and care. In its initial stages, this particular Ice/Ground-type is much more helpful for finding snacks and places to relax than defeating any aggressors.
2) Spheal

A round puffball of a seal, Spheal is covered in fur and blubber to keep itself warm in freezing temperatures. However, this species isn't great at walking or swimming, much less fighting.
Due to its body shape and ineptitude at swimming, Spheal tends to roll around to get from place to place. Furthermore, this Pocket Monster doesn't enjoy hunting its prey and will tend to alert nearby Walrein if it finds something tasty.
Its evolutions make it much more intimidating, but Spheal is more cuddly and playful than powerful throughout the franchise's games and other media.
1) Snom

Bug-type Pokemon, by and large, tend to be disregarded in the franchise as being relatively weak (though there are exceptions), and Snom has the unfortunate luck of being one in addition to its Ice typing.
This tiny larva tends to keep to itself, using icy silk threads to encase itself in a protective cocoon to imitate an icicle and avoid danger whenever possible.
Furthermore, Snom has no natural prey in the form of other species and simply devours snow as it goes about its day. Due to its diminutive size and highly passive nature, Snom is one of the weaker Bug-types in the franchise while also being arguably the weakest of its Ice-types to this point.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the author's opinion.
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