Niantic has recently revealed some adjustments for various attacks when used in Pokemon GO's competitive Battle League. Unlike the main series, GO sees balancing updates to go with every new competitive season, as well as some mid-season fixes or much-needed adjustments.
In the wave of adjustments made for the release of the Battle League's 20th season, some specific changes have stood out from the rest, which could forecast some serious changes to the metagame. Here are seven of the most impactful move adjustments coming to Pokemon GO in Season 20.
Note This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions.
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7 moves heavily impacted by Pokemon GO's Season 20 update
1) Counter

Counter is seen as the best Fighting-type fast attack in Pokemon GO in terms of damage. However, in the Season 20 update, the energy generation on the move will be decreased significantly more, making using the fast attack over other options available much riskier.
2) Rock Slide

Rock Slide is a common move given to Fighting-type Pokemon so they have a method of defending themselves against Flying-type Pokemon. In the Season 20 update, Rock Slide's base damage is being decreased from 75 to 65. While this buff is great for Rock-types with the move, Fighting-types that integrate it into their kit will also suffer.
3) Body Slam

Body Slam is another popular charged attack set to receive a nerf in Season 20. This attack is used most notably by Great League superstars, Vigoroth and Lickitung, and could be the reason why it is being nerfed. The base damage of Body Slam is being taken down from 60 to 50.
4) Mud-Slap

Looking towards buffs, Mud-Slap is one of the many moves to be improved following Pokemon GO's transition into the 20th season. This attack is commonly used with Krookodile, Gastrodon, Groudon, and Mamoswine, so these monsters are bound to see some more usage in Season 20.
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5) Thunder Punch availability

A massive update was done to the move Thunder Punch, with it being available to an additional eight creatures. Here is every Pokemon that can finally learn Thunder Punch in the 20th season of the Pokemon GO Battle League:
- Typhlosion
- Riolu
- Lucario
- Scraggy
- Scrafty
- Chesnaught
- Pawmo
- Pawmot
With a majority of these creatures being Fighting-types, this was most likely done to give these creatures an answer to Flying-types, who would otherwise perfectly counter them in competitive play.
6) Swift availability

Much like Thunder Punch, Niantic increased the number of Pokemon that can learn the charged attack, Swift in Pokemon GO. Here are all the new creatures that will gain access to the move in Season 20:
- Cleffa
- Clefairy
- Clefable
- Igglybuff
- Jigglybuff
- Wigglytuff
- Teddiursa
- Ursaring
- Ursaluna
This move will most likely benefit Wigglytuff, Clefable, and Ursaluna, potentially increasing their viability.
7) Scald's new secondary effect

Scald is a Water-type charged attack that may not have received damage buffs or nerfs like the other moves on this list, but it did receive a massive buff that drastically increases its viability. The move will now decrease the attack stat of the target without seeing a decrease in its damage. This will likely benefit the Slowpoke evolutions, as well as Politoed and Ludicolo.
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