There are some special Egg locked Pokemon in Pokemon GO, which cannot be caught or encountered in the wild. These special Pocket Monsters can only be hatched, which makes them rather elusive in the current scenario. Eggs in Pokemon GO are fairly common, but different ones have different hatch pools. This means that different types of Eggs will always hatch different types of Pokemon.
The type that will hatch is decided at the time when you acquire the Egg. In this article, we will talk about all the exclusive Egg locked Pokemon that can only be hatched from Poke-Eggs that were acquired after March 1, 2024.
Note: Although these Pokemon cannot be normally encountered in the wild. They might pop up after completing any active research that includes the creature.
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All Egg locked Pokemon that can be hatched in Pokemon GO in May 2024
The current Egg-cycle in Pokemon GO runs from March 1, 2024, till June 1, 2024. In this period, all Eggs acquired (via adventure sync or from Pokestops) will have the same pool of hatchable Pokemon.
Of these, certain are Egg-exclusive, meaning they can be only obtained via hacthing from these ones. Some of them might appear as a research event encounter, but they definitely do not spawn as a wild encounter in Pokemon GO.
All Egg locked Pokemon in 2 Km Eggs

- Pichu
- Charcadet
- Smoochum
- Larvesta
All Egg locked Pokemon in 5 Km Eggs

- Lickitung
- Skrelp
- Mantyke
All Egg locked Pokemon in 7 Km Eggs

- Alolan Meowth
- Galarian Ponyta
- Alolan Vulpix
- Galarian Darumaka
- Pawniard
All Egg locked Pokemon in 10 Km Eggs

- Turtonator
- Rockruff
- Rockruff (Dusk Form)
All Egg locked Pokemon in 12 Km Eggs

- Sandile
- Pawniard
- Pancham
- Salandit
- Varoom
With the execption of Varoom and Larvesta, all the Pokemon mentioned here can also be hatched in their shiny variants if you are lucky enough.
FAQs on Eggs in Pokemon GO
Q1) What are the unique eggs in Pokemon GO?
The most unique in Pokemon GO are the 12 Km Eggs, obtained by defeating Team GO Rocket Leaders. These contain unique creatures mostly of Dark and Poison types.
Q2) How many types of Eggs are there in Pokemon GO?
Pokemon GO has five types of eggs, and they are denoted by the distance you have to walk to hatch them. These are the following: 2 Km, 5 Km, 7 Km, 10 Km, and 12 Km.
Q3) How long does it take to hatch an Egg in Pokemon GO?
The time to hatch an Egg in Pokemon GO depends on the distance walked. Hence, it depends on how fast you walk the distance needed to hatch a particular Egg type in Pokemon GO.
For more content on Pokemon GO, check out the following:
- Monthly infographic
- Armarouge vs. Ceruledge in GO: Who should you evolve Charcadet into?
- Is the Wonder Ticket worth it in Pokemon GO World of Wonders?
- GO Battle League World of Wonders
- Buddy Evolution Adventure Together guide
- Best Fast Attacks in Pokemon GO
- Sierra counters
- Cliff counters
- Arlo counters
- Giovanni counters
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