The Pokemon franchise is famous for its many memorable fights and trainers throughout its generations. The most prominent of these is the iconic Gym Leaders. Eight high-class trainers wait in the region's biggest cities to test the skills of trainers aiming to be the region's champion.
These Gym Leaders almost always revolve around one of the game's many elements. The Electric-type Gym Leaders throughout the franchise have proven to be quite potent opponents in battle, while others have been somewhat lackluster. Here are all of the main series' Electric Gym Leaders from weakest to strongest.
Pokemon's Electric-type Gym Leaders from weakest to strongest
6) Lt. Surge

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Lt. Surge is the Gym Leader of Kanto's Vermillion City. Unfortunately, he is the easiest Gym Leader on this list since most players just run to Diglett's Cave next to the dock for the S.S. Anne and catch an overleveled Dugtrio to sweep him with. Sadly, he never really has a solid team outside of the Johto games where he is fought as a post-game boss. In Pokemon Yellow, they made him worse by only giving him his ace, Raichu, with no other monsters in his party.
5) Clemont

While Clemont may not be able to be swept by an overleveled Ground-type caught just a block away, his Pokemon still only have three moves each. While his Magneton and Heliolisk have Thunderbolt, the player is guaranteed to have access to two Mega Evolutions at the time they fight him. Considering he is a mid-game Pokemon Gym Leader, Clemont is a joke compared to the rest of the franchise's Electric-type Gym Leaders.
4) Iono

Iono is a slight improvement to Clemont thanks to her actually utilizing her game's unique battle mechanic. Her Luxio and Bellibolt also only have two moves compared to Clemont's three. However, she is meant to be fought much earlier in the game than Clemont, which can mean she can catch some newer players off-guard. Her Tera Electric Mismagius also has Charge Beam, which can allow her to stack Special Attack boosts if she gets lucky.
3) Volkner

Both Volkner's original Sinnoh team and the one he uses in Platinum can be a massive difficulty hurdle for some players depending on their game of choice. His original Sinnoh team features an Octillery and an Ambipom, two monsters that are not Electric-types, which can really throw some players off, especially ones that are used to Platinum's pure Electric team. Even in Platinum, Volkner's new ace, Electivire, can be a serious threat with access to Fire Punch and Giga Impact.
2) Elesa

Elesa's original Unova team from Black and White is a notorious spike in difficulty for the game, with some hardcore fans claiming her gym is where the game truly begins. Due to her team of Emolgas using Volt Switch, players can never really know what she will have on the field when it is time to make their attack. This also keeps her Zebstrika safe from Ground-type attacks, as players will most likely avoid using them if Emolga starts the turn on the field.
1) Wattson

Hoenn region's Electric-type Gym Leader, Wattson is a big issue in the Emerald version of the region's titles. Each of Wattson's monsters has access to Shock Wave, an Electric-type attack that never misses. His two strongest monsters, Magneton and Manectric, also have access to Thunder Wave, a move that paralyzes the target, giving them the chance to randomly skip their turn.