Pokemon GO features a wide array of rare Pocket Monsters that are hard to come by. Legendary beasts happen to be some of the hardest to encounter in this game. Despite being a part of the game since the early days of GO, they are mostly available through five-star Legendary Raids once in a while.
However, there are a few Legendary monsters that can be obtained through other methods. Some can even be encountered in the wild. In this article, we will go over all the different Legendary monsters that you can catch in Pokemon GO, including how you can find and catch them.
All Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO

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Here are all the Legendary beasts in GO:
- Articuno: This was one of the first Legendary Pokemon that was introduced in GO. Articuno was released in July 2017. You can encounter a shiny variant of this creature if you are lucky.
- Moltres: This Legendary bird was also released in July 2017. Moltres has a shiny variant, just like Articuno.
- Lugia: Lugia was released in July 2017. You can find a shiny variant of this Legendary creature in Pokemon GO.
- Zapdos: This Legendary bird was introduced in August 2017. You can find a shiny variant of this bird.
- Mewtwo: Arguably the most powerful Pokemon in this franchise, Mewtwo was introduced in August 2017. It has a beautiful shiny variant in GO.
- Raikou: This Legendary beast was introduced in August 2017. Raikou can be shiny in this game.
- Entei: This Legendary cat-like monster was also introduced in August 2017. Entei can be shiny as well.
- Suicune: Suicune was released in September 2017. It comes with a shiny variant.
- Ho-oh: This Legendary bird was introduced in November 2017. Ho-Oh has a beautiful shiny variant.
- Groudon: This Legendary Pokemon was introduced in December 2017. It has a shiny variant in GO.
- Kyogre: This Legendary whale-like monster was introduced in January 2018. It has a shiny variant in GO.
- Rayquaza: This Legendary serpent-like monster was released in February 2018. It has a shiny version like the previous entries.
- Latios: This Legendary dragon was released in April 2018. It has a shiny variant.
- Latias: Like the previous entry, Latias was also released in April 2018. It also has a shiny variant.
- Regice: Regice was released in June 2018. It has a shiny variant.
- Registeel: This Legendary Regi-monster was released in July 2018. It has a green shiny variant in GO.
- Regirock: This beast was released in August 2018. It has a shiny variant in Pokemon GO.
- Altered Giratina: This beast was released in October 2018. It has a shiny variant.
- Cresselia: This Legendary swan-like beat was introduced in November 2018. It has a shiny variant.
- Heatran: This Legendary monster was released in December 2018. It has a shiny variant.
- Palkia: This monster was released in January 2019. It came with a shiny variant.
- Dialga: This Legendary beast was released in March 2019. It has a shiny variant.
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- Origin Giratina: This forme of Giratina was released in April 2019. It has a shiny variant.
- Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf: The Legendary Lake Trio was released in April 2019. All of them have gorgeous shiny variants.
- Regigigas: This monster was released in November 2019. It has a shiny variant in GO.
- Cobalion and Terrakion: These members of the Legendary Swords of Justice were released in November 2019. Both of them have shiny variants in Pokemon GO.
- Virizion: This Legendary beast was released in December 2019. It has a beautiful pink shiny variant.
- Tornadus: This beast was released in February 2020. It has a shiny variant.
- Thundurus and Landorus: These Legendary beasts were released in March 2020. Both of them have shiny variants in GO.
- Reshiram: This beast was released in May 2020. It has a shiny variant in GO.
- Zekrom: This beast was introduced in June 2020. It comes with a shiny version in this game.
- Kyurem: This Legendary dragon was released in July 2020. It has a shiny variant.
- Therian Thundurus and Therian Tornadus: These forms of Thundurus and Tornadus were released in March 2021.
- Therian Landorus: This beast was released in April 2021. It has a shiny variant in GO.
- Xerneas and Yveltal: This iconic duo was released in May 2021. Both of them have shiny variants.
- Zacian and Zamazenta: These two Legendary beasts were released in August 2021. Their Shiny variants have been released during the Max Out season.
- Tapu Koko and Tapu Lele: These monsters were released in March 2022. Their shinies are available.
- Tapu Bulu: This creature was released in April 2022. It does have a shiny variant in GO. The shiny variant is available.
- Tapu Fini: This monster was released in May 2022. This beast has a shiny variant.
- Galarian Legendary birds: Galarian Articuno, Galarian Moltres, and Galarian Zapdos were released in July 2022. Their shiny variants is available.
- Cosmog: This beast was released in September 2022. It does not have a shiny variant.
- Cosmoem: This beast was released in October 2022. It does not have a shiny variant.
- Solgaleo and Lunala: These monsters were released in November 2022. They do not have shiny variants.
- Regidrago and Regieleki: Both these monsters were released in March 2023. None of them have shiny variants in GO.
- Zygarde: This Legendary dog-like monster was recently added to GO in July 2023. It does not have a shiny variant in this game.
- Enamorus: Enamorus was available via Elite Raids on February 14, 2024. Its shiny form remains unreleased.
- Necrozma: Necrozma (as well as its Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings forms) could be obtained via raids and Research during Pokemon GO Fest 2024. Their shiny variants are available from the same time.
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How to catch Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO

Legendary monsters in Pokemon GO usually get featured in five-star Legendary Raids. Once you defeat the raid bosses, you can catch them on the encounter screen.
Besides raids, you can also encounter Legendary monsters through Special Research Tasks. For instance, Cosmog can be obtained by completing one such Special Research. After acquiring Cosmog, you can evolve it into Cosmoem and subsequently into Solgaleo or Lunala.
Some Legendary monsters can also be encountered in the wild. The Lake Trio and Galarian Legendary birds can be encountered in the wild.
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How many Legendary Pokemon are there in Pokemon GO?
Currently, there are 59 Legendary Pocket Monsters in this game, most of which keep coming back through raids or Team GO Rocket events. So, if you do not have all of them in your bag, you will eventually have a chance to catch them all.
Which Legendary Pokemon is available in Pokemon GO right now?
As of the writing of this article, you can encounter Zacian in five-star legendary raids. You can also encounter it during September 2024. Moreover, you can encounter the Legendary Galarian birds and the Lake Trio in the wild if you are lucky in Pokemon GO.
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Which Legendary Pokemon are not available in Pokemon GO?

You will not find the following Legendary beasts in GO:
- Silvally
- Urshifu
- Glastrier
- Spectrier
- Eternatus
- Calyrex
- Type: Null
- Miraidon
- Koraidon
- Terapagos
- Wo-Chien
- Chien-Pao
- Ting-Lu
- Chi-Yu
- Okidogi
- Munkidori
- Fezandipiti
- Ogerpon
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We are not sure when Niantic will add these Legendary monsters to GO. However, they might take a while, as there has not been any mention of these beasts making a debut in Pokemon GO any time soon.
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