In the expansive world of Pokemon, evolution through trading is a unique yet fruitful process. Evolution, the transformative process many creatures undergo, takes various forms — from leveling up to exposure to Evolutionary Stones and friendship. However, trade evolution adds more complexity and significance to this phenomenon.
When a player trades a specific critter to another game, it undergoes evolution. Sometimes, this process is supplemented by holding particular items introduced in the second generation, which induce evolution. In this article, we will dive into further details and the list of Pokemon that undergo Trade Evolution.
All evolutions achieved through trading in Pokemon
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One of the primary benefits of trade evolution is its necessity in completing the Pokedex. Certain species can only be obtained by trading with other game versions. For instance, Meowth, found abundantly in Blue, remains elusive in Red, necessitating a trade between players to complete their collection.
Moreover, some creatures evolve only after being traded, making the act of exchange fundamental to their development and game progression.
The following list shows all the Pokemon that evolve after trading:
Pros and cons of Trade Evolution in Pokemon
Beyond fulfilling the Pokedex, traded pocket monsters gain increased experience, fostering quicker battle growth. Creatures traded from games in different languages gain even more experience, promoting diversity and cross-cultural connections within the universe. Notably, trade isn't merely about swapping creatures, as it also allows the transfer of rare items between games, enhancing gameplay and resource management.
However, trade evolution isn't without its challenges. A critter traded to a different trainer might not readily obey commands unless they possess the necessary Gym Badges or Stamps.
Additionally, the friendship level is reset to its base when traded, though recent generations have mitigated this by allowing the creature to return to its original trainer. Moreover, a traded critter's nickname remains unchangeable, preserving the original trainer's identity.
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