Pokemon GO is an augmented reality (AR) game where the main agenda is to go out in real life and catch as many Pocket Monsters as you can. It has been around for upwards of half a decade. If you have been playing the title since its launch, you probably have hundreds, if not thousands, of Pokemon in your stash.
Searching for certain beasts can become increasingly daunting as you add more to your collection. This article will walk you through every search string and command that you can use in Pokemon GO to sift through the collection of Pocket Monsters in your account.
Pokemon GO search strings and commands to find Pokemon with names and Pokedex Number

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
- <Pokemon Name>: Returns list of all specific species of Pokemon; Example: Pidove
- <Nickname>: All Pokemon with the nickname
- +<Pokemon name>: Returns list of all specific species of Pokemon in your inventory as well as its evolutions and/or pre-evolutions; Example: Entering "+pidove" returns all Pidove, Tranquill, and Unfezant.
- 69: All Pokemon with Pokedex number 69
- 69-79: All Pokemon with Pokedex number 69 to 79
- -69: All Pokemon with Pokedex number 69 and below
- 69-: All Pokemon with Pokedex number 69 and above
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Pokemon GO search strings and commands to find Pokemon with moves and types
- <Type>: All Pokemon of the type.
- @<Type>: All Pokemon with at least one move of the type.
- @<Move Name>: All Pokemon with that know that attack.
- @1<Type>: All Pokemon with a Fast Move of that type.
- @2<Type>: All Pokemon with a Charged Move of that type.
- @3<Type>: All Pokemon with a second Charged Move of that type.
- @move: All Pokemon that can learn a second Charged move
- !@move: All Pokemon that have a second Charged move
- @weather: All moves that are currently weather boosted
- <[Type]: All Pokemon that are weak to the searched type.
- >[Type]: All Pokemon that are strong against the searched type.
Pokemon GO search strings and commands to find Pokemon with IV, HP, and CP
- cp2000: All Pokemon with 2000 Combat Power (CP)
- cp-2000: All Pokemon from 10 to 2000 CP
- cp2000-: All Pokemon with 2000 CP and more
- cp1900-2000: All Pokemon from 1900 to 2000 CP
- hp100: All Pokemon with 100 Health Points (HP)
- hp-100: All Pokemon from 10 to 100 HP
- hp80-100: All Pokemon from 80 to 100 HP
- hp100-: All Pokemon with 100 HP and more
- 0*: All Pokemon from 0 to 49% IV
- 1*: All Pokemon from 51 to 64% IV
- 2*: All Pokemon from 67 to 80% IV
- 3*: All Pokemon from 82 to 98% IV
- 4*: All Pokemon with 100% IV
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Miscellaneous Pokemon GO search strings and commands

- candyxl: All Pokemon that have been powered up by Candy XL
- shiny: All shiny Pokemon
- shadow: All shadow Pokemon
- purified: All Purified Pokemon
- tradeevolve: All Pokemon evolved for free through trades
- evolve: All Pokemon that can be evolved
- evolvenew: All Pokemon that can be evolved for new Pokedex entry
- megaevolve: All Pokemon that can be Mega Evolved
- mega0: All Pokemon that can be Mega Evolved but have not, so far
- mega1-3: All Mega Pokemon from level 1 to level 3
- xs, xxs, xl, xxl: All Pokemon with varying sizes
- buddy1-4: All Buddy Pokemon from level 1 to level 4
- buddy5: All Buddy Pokemon that have Best Buddy status
- defender: All Pokemon that are currently defending a Gym
- lucky: All Pokemon that have Lucky status
- female: All female Pokemon
- male: All male Pokemon
- genderunknown: All neuter gender Pokemon
- eggsonly: All baby Pokemon
- gbl: All Pokemon caught from the Pokemon GO Battle League
- hatched: All Pokemon hatched from eggs
- research: All Pokemon caught from Research Tasks
- rocket: All Pokemon caught from Team GO Rocket grunts and leaders
- age0: All Pokemon caught within the last 24 hours
- year2018: All Pokemon caught in the year 2018
- distance1000-: All Pokemon caught or hatched 1000 kilometers away
- distance10-100: All Pokemon caught or hatched between 10 to 100 kilometers
- @special: All Pokemon with special moves
- item: All Pokemon that can be evolved with an evolutionary item
You should also know about the following symbols:
- + (plus sign)
- NOT = ! (exclamation point)
- Separate searches = , (comma) / ; (semicolon) / : (colon)
- Combine searches = & (ampersand) / | (vertical bar)
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These are all the search strings and commands that you can use in GO. If we missed something, let us know in the comments below.
Check out our other Pokemon GO guides:
- Ditto disguises
- Buddy Evolution Adventure Together guide
- Best Fast Attacks in Pokemon GO
- Sierra counters
- Cliff counters
- Arlo counters
- Giovanni counters
- Team GO Rocket Grunts
- Pokemon Go Evolution Calculator
- Pokemon Type Calculator
🚨 Calculate the Pokemon type effectiveness to win battles with our newly launched Pokemon GO Type Calculator 🚨