Gym Leaders are individuals who test trainers’ strength and battle potential before they advance to the Pokemon League challenge. Each one specializes in a particular type of Pocket Monster. Having said that, some also use mixed typings. For example, Lt. Surge has Electric-type critters, while Raihan has Dragon, Ground, and Rock-type creatures.
This article ranks all Gym Leaders of the Pokemon mainline video games in a tier list, including their Pocket Monsters.
Note: This tier list is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.
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Tier list of Gym Leaders from Pokemon Scarlet, Violet, Sword, Shield, and other installments

The tier list divides Pokemon Gym Leaders into various tiers: S, A, B, and C. Those falling under the S tier are the most influential, while C-tier ones are less potent.
S-tier Pokemon Gym Leaders

- Giovanni from Viridian Gym (Red and Blue): Rhyhorn, Dugtrio, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Rhydon
- Blue from Pewter City Gym (Gold and Silver): Pidgeot, Alakazam, Rhydon, Gyarados, Exeggutor, Arcanine
- Roxie from Virbank Gym (Black 2 and White 2): Koffing, Whirlipede
- Raihan from Hammerlocke Gym (Sword and Shield): Gigalith, Flygon, Sandaconda, Duraludon
- Crasher Wake from Pastoria Gym (Diamond and Pearl): Gyarados, Quagsire, Floatzel
- Jasmine from Olivine Gym (Gold and Silver): Magnemite, Steelix
- Byron from Canalave Gym (Diamond and Pearl): Bronzor, Steelix, Bastiodon
- Ryme from Montenevera Gym (Scarlet and Violet): Banette, Mimikyu, Houndstone, Toxtricity
- Flannery from Lavaridge Gym (Ruby and Sapphire): Slugma, Numel, Torkoal
A-tier Pokemon Gym Leaders

- Larry from Medali Gym (Scarlet and Violet): Komala, Dudunsparce, Staraptor
- Norman from Petalburg Gym (Ruby and Sapphire): Spinda, Vigoroth, Linoone, Slaking
- Opal from Ballonlea Gym (Sword and Shield): Galarian Weezing, Mawile, Togekiss, Alcremie
- Elesa from Nimbasa Gym (Black and White): Emolga, Flaaffy, Zebstrika
- Korrina from Shalour City Gym (X and Y): Mienfoo, Machoke, Hawlucha
- Blaine from Cinnabar Gym (Red and Blue): Growlithe/Magmar, Ponyta/Ninetales, Rapidash, Arcanine
- Iris from Opelucid City Gym (White): Fraxure, Druddigon, Haxorus
- Piers from Spikemuth Gym (Sword and Shield): Scrafty, Malamar, Skuntank, Obstagoon
- Sabrina from Saffron Gym (Red and Blue): Kadabra, Mr. Mime, Venomoth, Alakazam
- Drayden from Opelucid Gym (Black): Druddigon, Flygon, Haxorus
- Nessa from Hulbury Stadium (Sword and Shield): Goldeen, Arrokuda, Drednaw
- Clemont from Lumiose Gym (X and Y): Emolga, Magneton, Heliolisk
- Lt. Surge from Vermilion Gym (Red and Blue): Voltorb, Pikachu/Magnemite, Raichu
- Skyla from Mistralton Gym (Black and White): Swoobat, Skarmory, Swanna
- Clair from Blackthorn Gym (Gold and Silver): Gyarados, Dragonair, Kingdra
- Brock from Pewter Gym (Red and Blue): Geodude, Onix
- Allister from Stow-on-Side Stadium (Shield): Yamask, Mimikyu, Cursola, Gengar
- Valerie from Laverre City Gym ( X and Y): Mawile, Mr. Mime, Sylveon
- Misty from Cerulean Gym ( Red and Blue): Staryu/Psyduck, Starmie
- Lenora from Nacrene Gym ( Black and White): Herdier, Watchog
- Gardenia from Eterna Gym ( Diamond and Pearl): Cherubi, Turtwig, Roserade
B-tier Pokemon Gym Leaders

- Winona from Fortree Gym (Ruby and Sapphire): Swellow/Swablu, Tropius, Pelipper, Skarmory, Altaria
- Viola from Santalune Gym (X and Y): Surskit, Vivillon
- Erika from Celadon Gym ( Red and Blue): Victreebel, Tangela, Vileplume
- Maylene from Veilstone Gym (Diamond and Pearl): Meditite, Machoke, Lucario
- Volkner from Sunyshore Gym (Diamond and Pearl): Raichu, Ambipom/Jolteon, Octillery/Electivire, Luxray
- Melony from Circhester Stadium (Shield): Frosmoth, Darmanitan, Eiscue, Lapras
- Janine from Fuchsia Gym (Gold and Silver): Crobat, Weezing, Ariados, Venomoth
- Wattson from Mauville Gym (Ruby and Sapphire): Voltorb, Magnemite/Electrike, Magneton, Manectric
- Cheren from Aspertia Gym (Black 2 and White 2): Patrat, Lillipup
- Fantina from Hearthome Gym (Diamond and Pearl): Drifblim/Duskull, Gengar/Haunter, Mismagius
- Chuck from Cianwood Gym (Gold and Silver): Primeape, Poliwrath
- Roark from Oreburgh Gym (Diamond and Pearl): Geodude, Onix, Cranidos
- Klara Unrevealed Gym (Sword): Galarian Slowking, Scolipede, Galarian Slowbro
- Bea from Stow-on-Side Stadium (Sword): Hitmontop, Pangoro, Sirfetch'd, Machamp
- Brassius from Artazon Gym (Scarlet and Violet): Petilil, Smoliv, Sudowoodo
- Kofu from Cascarrafa Gym (Scarlet and Violet): Veluza, Wugtrio, Crabominable
- Juan from Sootopolis Gym (Emerald): Luvdisc, Whiscash, Sealeo, Crawdaunt, Kingdra
- Morty from Ecruteak Gym (Gold and Silver): Gastly, Haunter, Gengar
- Tate and Liza from Mossdeep Gym (Ruby and Sapphire): Lunatone, Solrock, Claydol, Xatu
- Kabu from Motostoke Gym (Sword and Shield): Ninetales, Arcanine, Centiskorch
- Whitney from Goldenrod Gym (Gold and Silver): Clefairy, Miltank
- Marlon from Humilau Gym (Black 2 and White 2): Carracosta, Wailord, Jellicent
- Grant from Cyllage City Gym (X and Y): Amaura, Tyrunt
- Grusha from Glaseado Gym (Sword and Shield): Frosmoth, Beartic, Cetitan, Altaria
- Koga from Fuchsia Gym (Red and Blue): Weezing, Muk, Koffing/Golbat, Venomoth
- Brawly from Dewford Gym (Ruby and Sapphire): Machop, Meditite, Makuhita
C-tier Pokemon Gym Leaders

- Candice from Snowpoint Gym (Diamond and Pearl): Snover/Piloswine, Sneasel, Medicham/Froslass, Abomasnow
- Wulfric from Snowbelle Gym (X and Y): Abomasnow, Cryogonal, Avalugg
- Falkner from Violet Gym (Gold and Silver): Pidgey, Pidgeotto
- Wallace from Sootopolis Gym (Ruby and Sapphire): Luvdisc, Whiscash, Sealeo, Seaking, Milotic
- Burgh from Castelia City Gym (Black and White): Whirlipede, Dwebble, Leavanny
- Tulip from Alfornada Gym (Scarlet and Violet): Farigiraf, Gardevoir, Espathra, Florges
- Bugsy from Azalea Gym (Gold and Silver): Metapod, Kakuna, Scyther
- Olympia from Anistar Gym (X and Y): Sigilyph, Slowking, Meowstic
- Gordie from Circhester Gym (Sword): Barbaracle, Shuckle, Stonjourner, Coalossal
- Pryce from Mahogany Gym (Gold and Silver): Seel, Dewgong, Piloswine
- Roxanne from Rustboro Gym (Ruby and Sapphire): Geodude, Nosepass
- Ramos from Coumarine City Gym (X and Y): Jumpluff, Weepinbell, Gogoat
- Katy from Cortondo Gym (Scarlet and Violet): Nymble, Tarountula, Teddiursa
- Cilan/Chili/Cress from Striaton Gym (Black and White): Lillipup, Pansage/Pansear/Panpour
- Milo from Turffield Gym (Sword and Shield): Gossifleur, Eldegoss
- Clay from Driftveil Gym (Black and White): Krokorok, Palpitoad/Sandslash, Excadrill
- Brycen from Icirrus Gym (Black and White): Vanillish, Cryogonal, Beartic
- Avery from Nephrite Gym (Shield): Galarian Slowbro, Alakazam, Galarian Slowking
Note that this tier list doesn’t include Kahunas and Trial Captains, as they are not officially considered Pokemon Gym Leaders.
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