Pseudo Legendary Pokemon can go toe-to-toe with some of the Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO. They are not officially considered Legendaries, but fans termed them one because of their stats and abilities. According to the mainline games, these pseudo-beasts have a base stat total (BST) of 600 and belong to the 600 Club. Some of them also have the power to Mega Evolve, which significantly increases their stats. However, in Niantic's popular AR title, Pseudo Legendaries compel trainers to level and power up their powerhouse to match their battle capabilities.
Shiny Pseudo Legendary Pokemon are the rarest and most coveted creatures in the game due to their unique design, coloring, and appeal. Collectors want to secure these shiny critters to mainly showcase and treasure since their counterparts already have robust stats spread. Here is a list of all ranked Shiny Pseudo Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO.
Shiny Goodra and six other Shiny Pseudo Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO ranked
7) Shiny Dragonite

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The Shiny form of Dragonite debuted at the start of Community Day on February 24, 2018. Hunters had the opportunity to get this Shiny Pseudo Legendary Pokemon by evolving Shiny Dartini into Dragonair and then into Dragonite. The Pokemon GO Community Day Classic: Dreaming of Dratini featured a shiny variant of Dartini in wild and photobomb encounters. Since fans did not have the chance to encounter the Shiny Dragonite itself, they had to evolve the first-stage monster to the third stage.
The original form of Dragonite focuses on a light orange and green color combination. The body design and structure are simple, with no added features to prove it's a Dragon-type Pokemon. It has two cream-colored horn sets, a medium tail, a striated underbelly, and a thin small antenna on its head. The inner part of the wings has green coloring, whereas its whole body shares a light orange skin shade.
Shiny Dragonite, on the other hand, dons a green color in Pokemon GO. While the skin tone changes from orange in the normal variant to green in the Shiny variant, the eye color remains the same in both versions. It has a purple hue in the inner part of the wings, giving it a new look to entice hunters.
6) Shiny Tyranitar

The Shiny form of Tyranitar has a better design than its original variant and Shiny Dragonite in Pokemon GO. One can spot it easily by looking at its spikes of different sizes from the back. And from the front, the purple quadrilateral scale patches help shiny hunters know its appearance. It has armor-like skin, which is brownish in the shiny form and greenish in the original. Both share triangular holes which look black from afar.
The sixth Pokemon GO Community Day event debuted Shiny Tyranitar along with its evolutionary lines on June 16, 2018. Since the only way to get the Shiny non-Legendary Pokemon was by evolving Larvitar into it, collectors had to catch up with the shiny spawn rate first. It was readily available in photobombs and wild encounters. The recent January 2023 Community Day Classic: Larvitar featured Larvitar again in wild encounters. This occurrence shows getting the Shiny Pseudo Legendary Pokemon is a challenging task.
5) Shiny Metagross

Shiny Metagross debuted at the beginning of Pokemon GO 2018 Community Day on October 21, 2018. The event featured Beldum and its shiny form in wild encounters, and players had to evolve it into Metang and Metagross. The Field Research Task included the Shiny variant of Beldum in the Pokemon GO World Championship event in 2022. Though Beldum was featured in the research task, one had to get lucky since it rewarded other Shiny Pokemon upon completion.
Although Metagross' constitution has few eye-pleasing colors, the design makes it a desirable Pokemon. It has a robotic appearance with a disk-shaped body and four powerful legs. It does not have a separate head or a body, and the "X" mark on it gives its red and black eyes a terrific look. The original form focuses on blue coloring, whereas the Shiny version has a grayish hue. The X mark and the claws on the standard version share a gray shade, while their Shiny counterparts are colored golden.
4) Shiny Salamence

Niantic released the Shiny form of Salamence along with its evolutionary lines at the beginning of the Community Day event on April 13, 2019. Like the other Shiny Pseudo Pokemon, shiny hunters had to catch the first stage of Shiny Salamence to evolve it. Using Pokemon GO Lure Module and Incense during such events increases the spawn rate of the monsters. However, these in-game items do not boost the shiny spawn rate.
Shiny Salamence has distinct body features, coloring, and appeal in Pokemon GO. Identifying it becomes easy when trainers see its green and orange combo throughout its physique. The shiny form has a green skin shade, white thick scaled underside, orange wings, and green spiky fins on both sides of its head. Unlike other Shiny Pseudo Legendary Pokemon, this one is quadrupedal, meaning it walks using its hands and legs.
3) Shiny Goodra

Like how Ash evolved Goodra in the anime, GO players have to evolve Goomy into Sliggoo and Goodra. The Pokemon GO Fest 2023 debuts all evolutionary lines of Shiny Goomy, giving players a chance to evolve it the first time. Because Niantic uses events to release different shiny forms, players grabbing this opportunity will have the advantage over the others. Collecting enough Stardust and Candy can help them capitalize on this chance.
The Shiny form of this Pseudo Legendary Pokemon has an appealing appearance, coloring, and design. Though the original variant looks fantastic, it can not match the shiny form in terms of beauty. Shiny Goodra has bright blue eyes, a long Giraffe-like neck, two curled-up horns, and a thick tail. The yellow body coloring and the orange underside further increase its appeal. Three blue spots are on each side of its tail, and the thick slime on its hand and face has a light dark hue.
2) Shiny Garchomp

Trainers can quickly identify the original and the shiny variant of Garchomp by distinguishing their coloring in Pokemon GO. Shiny Garchomp leaves behind its predominant dark blue skin tone and accepts the light blue. The body design is so epic that it has a golden star marking at the tip of its snout. Its face and tail resemble shark biology, and its head's appendage resembles a jet engine. With two white spikes on each hand and leg, the design gives shiny collectors a reason to pursue the hunt.
The Shiny variant of Garchomp debuted in Pokemon GO along with Pokemon Eggs Shuffle on December 16, 2019. Players had to catch Shiny Gible first and evolve it into Shiny Gabite to get Shiny Garchomp. Since encountering Shiny Pseudo Legendary Pokemon has always been demanding, one has to work for it to hunt them.
During the Pokemon GO Luminous Legends X event, shiny collectors had a chance to encounter Shiny Gible by hatching 7 KM Eggs. These incidents show collecting enough Candy can help fans take the best out of the hunt in upcoming events.
1) Shiny Hydreigon

Shiny Hydreigon debuted at the start of Pokemon GO Dragon Week on July 31, 2020. Hatching the 7 KM Eggs allowed trainers to encounter Denio; however, the eggs featured other shiny forms, such as Gible and Dartini. The Twinkling Fantasy event 2023 featured Deino in wild encounters and a 1-star Raid Battle. Enthusiasts had to challenge it in raids or find it in the wild to evolve it into Shiny Pseudo Legendary Pokemon.
One of the creative designs in Shiny Pseudo Legendary Pokemon is undoubtedly Shiny Hydreigon in Pokemon GO. It has three heads, three black wings on each side of its bulky green body, and two purple stripes on its abdomen. Even the tail has lines and black tufts at the end. From afar, Shiny Hydreigon's head looks like a flower bud with petals on the back. Though this Shiny Pokemon has two hands, it is built to support its extra heads, not its claw.
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