Received during Pokemon GO's GO Fest 2022, "Rhi's Arrival" is a new set of Special Research tasks with some compelling rewards to go along with them.
Fortunately for Pokemon GO trainers, they can complete it even after the event has passed if they've acquired the Special Research during GO Fest. Overall, the research is broken into three stages, each with three tasks to complete.
After completing each stage, players will also be able to obtain additional rewards to complement what they earn from completing singular tasks. The tasks themselves shouldn't be too tricky, and trainers should be able to knock out the research steps in a short amount of time.
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Pokemon GO: Each task and reward in "Rhi's Arrival"

Interestingly enough, in a first for Pokemon GO, Rhi has taken the place of Professor Willow for this research taskline. As one of the first Special Research stories in the Season of GO, trainers will also want to complete this taskline to unlock the Special Research "A Radiant World."
Fortunately, they have all the time in the world to complete this research. Below, Pokemon GO gamers can find a breakdown to finish the Special Research, complete with rewards.
Step 1 of 3
- Spin 10 Pokestops or gyms - 200 Stardust
- Hatch an egg - 22 Pokeballs
- Complete two field research tasks - Two Razz Berries
- Step completion rewards - Two Nanab Berries, 200 experience points, and a Numel catch encounter
Step 2 of 3
- Battle in a raid - Two Revives
- Take two snapshots of your Pokemon - Two Super Potions
- Transfer 10 Pokemon - 200 Stardust
- Step completion rewards - Two Pinap Berries, 22 Great Balls, and a catch encounter with Drilbur
Step 3 of 3
- Catch 10 Ground-type Pokemon - 22 Drilbur candies
- Power up five Ground-type Pokemon - Two Sinnoh Stones
- Evolve three Ground-type Pokemon - Trapinch catch encounter
- Step completion rewards - One Lure Module, one Charged TM, and a Swinub catch encounter
Upon completing all of these steps, Pokemon GO trainers will unlock "A Radiant World," which can be completed next whenever players desire.
Of these Special Research tasks, the most challenging objectives will likely be completing field research tasks and catching/powering up/evolving Ground-types as seen in Step 3.
Field research can be found via spinning Pokestops, and most objectives are pretty simple but can sometimes take more time than expected. Meanwhile, capturing and powering up Ground-types may be more difficult after GO Fest has concluded.
To maximize the chances trainers can find Ground-types, they'll likely want to head to rocky areas like natural trails or head to locations with high populations.
Trainers struggling to find additional Ground-types may also consider using Incense and Lure Modules to increase spawns around themselves and attached Pokestops, respectively. This won't guarantee Ground-types to appear specifically, but more Pokemon spawning means more chances of potentially bagging such Pokemon and their candies to power up and evolve.
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