Ultra Beasts are some of the most interesting sets of creatures in Pokemon GO. Being native to completely different dimensions, they invaded our world after Necrozma opened wormholes. While not every Ultra Beast is available in the popular mobile game as of writing, most of the roster is still present.
Since the popular mobile game has many different forms of gameplay, it can be difficult to find out which of the available Ultra Beasts is the best for a given situation. As can be gathered from other creatures across the game, some monsters can be better for defending gyms or raids than for PvP, so various criteria should be considered.
Ranking Pokemon GO's Ultra Beasts from worst to best
7) Pheromosa

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Pheromosa, while having great attacking stats, is horrendous in most forms of gameplay due to its terrible defense and stamina, making it arguably the most frail creature in the entire game alongside Shedinja. While it could probably be used with success in a One-Star Raid Battle where it has the advantage, there is no other real use for this creature.
6) Nihilego

Nihilego is one of the best Ultra Beasts in the main series, thanks to its access to utility moves, held items, and a rare type combination. Sadly, this did not translate well into Pokemon GO, but this doesn't make it a bad choice for competitive usage. It can perform decently in Master League and as a Poison attacker in raids.
5) Celesteela

Celesteela is a decent creature for both competitive play and gym defense in Pokemon GO, thanks to its Steel typing. With the addition of its secondary Flying typing, it serves as a sort of alternative pick for players who are fans of Skarmory. While Celesteela does have better base stats than Skarmory prior to investment, the latter is more popular due to its better moveset and slightly higher bulk.
4) Guzzlord

Guzzlord is a creature that many players saw as having potential. Sadly, it ended up being relatively underwhelming, much like how it ended up being in the main series. While it's mediocre at best in competitive play, it has some use as a gym defender and raid battler thanks to its great bulk and potent Dark-type move options.
3) Xurkitree

Xurkitree arrived in Pokemon GO with massive attacking stats, decent bulk, and powerful Electric-type attacks. This made it one of the best Electric attackers for raids while giving it some legs to stand on in the competitive scene. While its moveset is rather dull and lacks serious, hard-hitting attacks, its potent attack stat helps make up for this.
2) Kartana

Kartana is a very good choice for teams in both the main series and Pokemon GO. While it may not be the most bulky creature of the bunch, this is compensated for by giving it the amazing secondary Steel typing, granting it many resistances. With Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade in its moveset, it is the best Grass-type raid attacker in the game.
1) Buzzwole

Arguably, Buzzwole is the best Ultra Beast out of the current roster in Pokemon GO. Not only does it have great offensive typing in Bug and Fighting, but it also has a well-rounded stat spread, making it perfect for any form of battle players can find. With access to Power-up Punch, it can quickly snowball battles with the attack boost it grants as well.
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