All version exclusive and evolution Trade Codes for Indigo Disk in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

If you want to know the Trade Codes for Indigo Disk exclusive Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, look no further (Image via Game Freak)

If you’re in search of Trade Codes for Indigo Disk’s exclusive Pokemon, look no further. Both versions of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet feature exclusive Pokemon, along with Pocket Monsters that can be evolved if you trade them with an item. Thankfully, the community came together to set up a system that allows players to seek out specific trades when it comes to the exclusives.


Trade Codes for Indigo Disk allow you to trade specific exclusive Pokemon for the exclusives in the alternate version of the game. It’s not foolproof, though, since you may wind up trading with someone who has the same creature as you. In that case, simply cancel and try again.

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Version exclusive and evolution Trade Codes for Indigo Disk’s Pokemon

Once I have a King's Rock, I can send Seadra off to be traded (Image via Game Freak)
Once I have a King's Rock, I can send Seadra off to be traded (Image via Game Freak)

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Trade Codes for Indigo Disk are universal across the community, so there’s no stress over which Pokemon you have. If you look at the list below, as long as you have one of the two Pocket Monsters that the code needs, it will try to pair you with a player that has the same trade potential. Players originally used this tactic in the base game as well, and the tradition lives on.


For those who want to evolve their Pokemon that require an item, we have included evolution Trade Codes for Indigo Disk as well. That way, you can easily trade yours with another person trying to do the same, and you will be ready to move forward with the evolved form. As long as you have one of the right Pokemon, like Gouging Fire, you can take part.

Codes to input

  • 2155-2157: Aloalan Vulpix/Ninetales for Alolan Sandshrew/Sandslash
  • 2107-2109: Carnidos/Rampardos for Shieldon/Bastiodon
  • 2336-2239: Gouging Fire for Iron Boulder
  • 2237-2238: Raging Bolt for Iron Crown
  • 2097-2097: Alolan Graveler/Golem for Alolan Graveler/Golem
  • 2129-2129: Porygon holding Upgrade for Porygon holding Upgrade
  • 2130-2130: Porygon-2 holding Dubious Disc for Porygon-2 holding Dubious Disc
  • 2075-2075: Slowking/Slowpoke holding King’s Rock for Slowking/Slowpoke holding King’s Rock
  • 2075-2075: Kingdra/Seadra holding King’s Rock for Kingdra/Seadra holding King’s Rock
  • 2019-2019: Scizor/Scyther holding Metal Coat for Scizor/Scyther holding Metal Coat
  • 2014-2014: Magmortar/Magmar holding Magmarizer for Magmortar/Magmar holding Magmarizer
  • 2011-2011: Electivire/Electabuzz holding Electirizer for Electivire/Electabuzz holding Electirizer
  • 2006-2006: Rhyperior/Rydon holding Protector for Rhyperior/Rhydon holding Protector

How Trade Codes work for Indigo Disk work in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Here's what you need to know about this system (Image via Game Freak)
Here's what you need to know about this system (Image via Game Freak)

Trade Codes for Indigo Disk allow players to link trade, regardless of where in the world they are. These codes are community-specific as well, so it’s easy to find exactly what you’re looking for. Unfortunately, it doesn’t guarantee that your trade partner will have the opposite Pokemon.


However, more people using these codes will greatly increase your odds as well. It may work better in the evening or during Peak Hours when more players are trying to use Trade Codes for Indigo Disk. There’s a code for virtually any occasion, be it Paradox Pokemon, exclusives, or evolution trades. Here’s how you can use them:

  • Open X to pull up the Main Menu
  • Select Poke Portal
  • Select Link Trade (third from the top)
  • Enter the desired code
  • Select “Begin Searching”
  • When you receive a trade offer, make sure it’s what you’re after

Trade Codes for Indigo Disk are universal, so it will be easy to use this system. If you want to find a Galarian Slowpoke for your trades, we’ve got you covered with this handy guide.

Check out other Pokemon Scarlet and Violet guides to have an easier time:

Best starters for Scarlet and Violet || Best team for early, mid, and late game || Obedience level and badge requirements || Indigo Disk BB Elite Four and Champion guide || Best Doubles teams for Regulation F

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Edited by Arundhoti Palit
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