Pokemon Scarlet and Violet introduced new regional variants in the vast open world of Paldea. However, the Gen IX Pokemon are not the only ones you will be able to find, as there are Pocket Monsters from previous generations and regions as well. One such critter the community is trying to look for is the Alolan version of Raichu. It can't be acquired via traditional means, and you will be required to think outside the box to find this monster.
You can obtain Alolan Raichu only through Pokemon HOME, which was released on June 1, 2023. It is live across the latest Pokemon titles like Scarlet and Violet, and Legends Arceus.
The following section will go over how you can use Pokemon HOME to obtain an Alolan Raichu in Scarlet and Violet, along with the base stats and moves you can expect it to carry.
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How to get Alolan Raichu in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

To obtain an Alolan Raichu in the game, you will have to make use of the Pokemon HOME feature. This is a unique cloud space where you can store the Pokemon you were able to catch across some of the latest titles on the Nintendo Switch.
Alolan Raichu is one of the many Pokemon you can use when playing Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee. So if you have played the game and acquired an Alolan Raichu, you can transfer it to Scarlet and Violet via the Pokemon HOME once its connectivity goes live.
The Alolan Raichu is much more sought after than the normal one because it is a dual Electric/Psychic type. Not only will it be boasting Electric-type moves in the game, but putting more levels in it will also unlock Psychic-type abilities too.
Below are some of the base stats that you can expect from an Alolan Raichu when it gets transferred to Scarlet and Violet:
- HP: 60
- Attack: 85
- Defense: 50
- Sp. Attack: 95
- Sp. Defense: 85
- Speed: 110
Some of the Psychic-type moves will include:
- Magic Coat
- Magic Roon
- Recycle
- Telekinesis
- Ally Switch
Other Alolan Pokemon to get in Scarlet and Violet

However, Raichu's Alolan variant is not the only Alolan Pokemon you can get your hands on when HOME finally drops. Here is a list of all the Pokemon whose Alolan variant you will be able to get your hands on in the latest franchise titles:
- Diglett
- Dugtrio
- Meowth
- Persian
- Grimer
- Muk
Pokemon HOME is one of the most anticipated features for Nintendo users, as players can use the cloud storage system to transfer region-specific Pocket Monsters between games. This will add a significant amount of party variety to the game, making the titles more competitive.
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