Despite being overshadowed by one Pocket Monster in particular, Ash Ketchum's roster had among the best Pokemon from Kalos. Ash caught five monsters in the region and they somehow gelled well as a team. Noivern, Goodra, Greninja, and the rest helped this Trainer leave a prominent mark in the sixth generation.
In this article, we will take a look at Ash's best Pokemon from Kalos, including how he found them and their roles in his team.
Note: This article is subjective and the ranking reflects the writer's opinions.
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Top 5 Ash Ketchum's Pokemon from Kalos region, ranked from worst to best
Here are five of the best Pokemon that Ash had caught and used in the Kalos region:
5) Noivern

Noivern does not usually get the love it deserves. Ketchum got an egg in episode #76 which hatched into a Noibat. It was a little late in the series for the development of this Pokemon given that Pokemon XYZ was centered around Greninja.
That said, Noibat did evolve into Noivern. The evolution episode was fantastic where Noibat and Hawlucha were trying to fight against Zapdos. Noivern is an amazing creature and one of the best Pokemon from Kalos that Ketchum had on his roster.
4) Goodra

We would have liked to place this Dragon-type Pokemon higher on this list as it is an amazing beast to have on your team. Goodra is one of the strongest Pokemon Ketchum has ever caught. However, its underwhelming role in X and Y puts it at #4.
All the Pokemon in the Goomy family are amazing. Goodra helped Ash fight against Clemont for his fifth Gym Badge. This was one of the best fights in his career and justified Goodra's place on this list of the best Pokemon from Kalos in Ketchum's team.
3) Talonflame

Talonflame is an amazing monster and is up there as one of Ash's best regional birds alongside Staraptor and Swellow. As a result, Talonflame finds itself at #3 on Ketchum's best Pokemon from the region of Kalos.
Just like Staraptor and Swellow, Talonflame has its highlight moments where it leaves an imprint on the viewers. The episode where Fltchling evolves into Talonflame while fighting against Moltres was splendid. It is also a very reliable Pokemon to have.
While it is not known to sweep end-game fights, Talonflame almost always managed to give Ash a win in dire situations.
2) Hawlucha

This Hispanic-themed Pocket Monster has one of the best designs in the Pokemon franchise. It feels fresh and nothing like we have seen before or since the introduction of this Fighting-type creature. Not only was its design unique but it also had its own style of fighting. You were bound to get a show every time Ash sent out Hawlucha to fight.
Hawlucha asserted its dominance in many fights against powerful monsters like Machamp, leaving a mark on the viewers as one of the best Pokemon from Kalos on Ash's team. We can see Hawlucha's contribution in many Gym Battles, especially against Valerie's Spritzee, Korrina's Mienfoo, and Clemont's Heliolisk.
1) Greninja

If you are familiar with Pokemon X and Y, you probably already know that Greninja was going to take the #1 spot on this list. Froakie was Ash's First Pokemon in Kalos and the development of this critter pushes the others over the edge.
Froakie did not get along with trainers and was often known to abandon their humans and return to the lab. However, that was not the case with Ketchum. Froakie developed a strong bond with Ketchum and it became one of his most powerful monsters during his journey in Kalos.
Also read: Pokemon GO Ash Greninja: Possible debut and mechanics explored
Froakie evolved into Frogadier which was held in high regard by Olympia and the development of this Pokemon was nothing but spectacular. Pokemon XYZ was dominated by Greninja, Froakie's final stage of evolution, where we saw a new mechanic known as the Bond Phenomenon. This allows the Pokemon to reach a new form relying on its bond with its trainer.
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