When it comes to Fighting-type Pokemon, there are several great representations. Most of the good monsters in this category come with dual elemental typings. While there aren't many pure Fighting-type attackers that can qualify as the crème de la crème, there's nothing we should complain about. An extra typing to provide coverage moves can be handy in a lot of situations.
In this article, we have listed 10 of the best Fighting-type Pokemon in the franchise that will help you fill your team with one that fits your needs.
10 best Fighting-type Pokemon
10) Machamp

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We open our list with one of the original rulers of Fighting-type Pokemon. Machamp just makes the cut to fit in this list, as even though what it does is basic, it is extremely effective.
With access to moves like Facade, Guts, and Close Combat, Machamp can unexpectedly turn the tables in your favor by dealing a lot of damage in lower-tier battles.
9) Mienshao

While this Fighting-type Pokemon is a tad bit better than Machamp, you can place them almost side-by-side. It has access to Regenerator, which is an amazing ability to have in competitive battles. If you slap Choice Scarf on Mienshao, it can outspeed everything else on the battlefield, especially owing to its amazing 105-base speed stat.
This beast uses moves like Stone Edge and Close Combat to do most of its damage, and since it has 125 base attack stat, you can inflict a lot of pain at times.
8) Kommo-o

While it fits in the top five when it comes to Dragon-type Pokemon, Kommo-o only sits at the eighth spot on this list. It can pass a jack of all trades but a master of none. With moves like Dragon Dance and Autotomize, this creature can be highly versatile, with its best move being Clanging Scales.
Using Throat Spray on this Fighting-type Pokemon will give you a formidable dragon on the battlefield. You can also make it a defense tank in the arena by running Iron Defense and Body Press.
7) Conkeldurr

This Fighting-type Pokemon originating from Unova is a strong contender for the best monsters in this category. Conkeldurr is slightly stronger and bulkier than Machamp, and that allowed this beast to sit higher up on this list.
Conkeldurr dishes out powerful blows with a 140 base attack stat, Guts as its ability, and access to moves like Facade, Close Combat, and Drain Punch. It can do a lot of damage to opposing Pokemon, and it is a great monster to have on your team.
6) Heracross

We will close off the first half of this list with one of the most iconic monsters from Johto. Like the previous entry, this fighting bug also runs Guts as its ability, which boosts the attack stat if it is affected by a status effect.
Using a Choice Scarf on this beast will boost its speed stat, and then Heracross can use its base 125 attack stat to inflict a lot of damage on the enemies. Heracross has a big advantage: it can deal with Psychic-type Pokemon thanks to its dual Fighting and Bug elemental typings.
Moves like Mega Horn, Close Combat, and Facade help this monster make waves in the current meta.
5) Lucario

Lucario will be opening the top five, and it is an absolute killer when it comes to Fighting-type Pokemon. This monster is a force to be reckoned with, especially in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. It has a nice Fighting and Steel elemental typing combination, and you would not want to run into a Lucario using Swords Dance.
It also has access to other fantastic moves like Close Combat and Flash Cannon and a few other coverage moves that can be handy in niche scenarios.
4) Hawlucha

Hawlucha is an amazing Fighting-type Pokemon, and it barely misses fitting into the top three on this list. With access to Unburden, this monster works great with appropriate seeds when you have a terrain set up. For instance, running Hawlucha with a Grass Seed in a Grass terrain will greatly boost this Pokemon’s speed stat while slightly improving the defense stat.
If you run Swords Dance with the aforementioned setting, you will have an extremely potent weapon at your disposal. You can also use Acrobatics and Close Combat with Hawlucha toward the end of a match and get a guaranteed win on most occasions.
3) Breloom

Opening the top three, Spore-using Breloom grabs a podium finish with its amazing stats and abilities. The fact that it can use Spore means you can easily put any enemy to sleep, which will let Breloom fight without resistance. You can use a Toxic Orb set with Poison Heal to build a defensive Breloom and then lean on Substitute and Focus Punch to damage the enemies.
No matter what you use, ensure you're running Spore to make way for Breloom’s 130 base attack stat to crush the enemies. Breloom is definitely worth the attention, and you should consider having it on your team.
2) Infernape

Sinnoh’s Infernape takes the penultimate spot on this list. Not only is this monster an amazing Fighting-type Pokemon, but it is also excellent in the Fire elemental typing category. Infernape is a speedy attacker on the battlefield and can tap into its 104 attack stat to do significant damage to the enemies, making it a jack of all trades.
Infernape can be a reliable lead with a Stealth Rock or Nasty Plot set, as this will increase its Special Attack stat higher than usual. It also has access to Priority and Mock Punch, which pairs well with Iron Fist. U-Turn also allows it to escape sticky situations in battle.
Infernape is an amazing Fighting-type Pokemon thanks to its versatility, and had it not been for the other starter that we are going to talk about next, this monkey would be the best of the lot.
1) Blaziken

Blaziken is the best Fighting-type Pokemon, and it is extremely difficult to find a proper counter to it if there is one. Not only is Blaziken one of the best fighters, but it also happens to be among the best Fire-type Pokemon in the franchise.
With Megas no longer a part of the meta, Blaziken did lose a bit of its punch, but it can still slam enemies whenever given the room to do so. Access to Speed Boost as its ability grants Blaziken the ability to outspeed any enemy on the battlefield.
So, you can slap one turn of Swords Dance and then sweep the floor from there. Close Combat and Flare Blitz provide you with the liberty to let Blaziken do its thing while you enjoy the ride.
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