The best Great League teams for Pokemon GO can help you score multiple victories and climb the ranked ladder during the Dual Destiny Season. It kicks off at 1 pm PT on December 3, 2024, and will be in play at regular intervals until March 4, 2025.
To find success in the GBL, you must stay up-to-date with the ever-changing meta. This list of best Great League teams for Pokemon GO will help you get started with the team-building process for the 21st season.
Disclaimer: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions. Attacks marked with a * are Legacy Moves and require an Elite TM
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Best Great League teams for Pokemon GO Battle League Season 21
1) Morpeko, Ariados, and Shadow Feraligatr

- Strengths: Dark, Fighting, Ghost, Grass, Ice, Poison, Psychic, Steel, and Water
- Weaknesses: Ground, Rock
- Biggest threats: Stunfisk, Togedemaru, Magnezone, Eelektross, and Luxray
- Tips for using this team: While this team is apparently weak to Electric-type attackers, Morpeko's Aura Wheel mechanic allows it to hit the opponents for boosted neutral Dark-type damage. Most critters in the Great League don't want to take this.
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2) Serperior, Starmie, and Bastiodon

- Strengths: Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Ice, Normal, Poison, Psychic, Rock, Steel, and Water
- Weaknesses: Bug, Dark, Fighting, Ghost, and Ground
- Biggest threats: Registeel, Trevenant, Magneton, Mandibuzz, and Gholdengo
- Tips for using this team: Serperior and Bastiodon form a really strong core. Both are bulky 'mons that can dish out damage and absorb hits. Starmie, on the other hand, is a glass cannon. However, with Psywave, it can act as either a switch or closer option. If you are safe-switching Starmie, make sure to give it your shields so it can farm down the enemy.
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3) Bibarel, Primeape, and Galarian Corsola

- Strengths: Bug, Fighting, Fire, Ghost, Ice, Normal, Poison, Rock, Steel, and Water
- Weaknesses: Electric, Fairy, Flying, Grass, and Psychic
- Biggest threats: Morpeko, Wigglytuff, Serperior, Meganium, Decidueye, Gourgeist, and Clodsire
- Tips for using this team: Bibarel and Galarian Corsola are bulky creatures, so try to save shields for your Primeape. With an advantage in this respect, Primeape can close out pretty much every game for you.
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4) Gastrodon, Dewgong, and Shadow Jumpluff

- Strengths: Ground, Ice, Steel, and Water
- Weaknesses: Flying, Grass, and Rock
- Biggest threats: Talonflame, Dusknoir, Shadow Skarmory, Shadow Abomasnow, Clefable, Walrein, Cresselia, and Aurorus
- Tips for using this team: Keep Gastrodon away from Flying-types and watch your win rate go up with this excellent Pokemon GO Great League team.
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5) Azumarill, Clodsire, and Mandibuzz

- Strengths: Bug, Dark, Dragon, Electric, Fighting, Fire, Ghost, Ground, Poison, and Psychic
- Weaknesses: Ice
- Biggest threats: Walrein, Powder Snow Alolan Sandslash, Abomasnow, Lanturn, Pidgeot, and Shadow Feraligatr
- Tips for using this team: This is an extremely bulky team, but it lacks high damage output. Create advantageous situations by exploiting the shorter switch clock with this Pokemon GO Great League team.
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6) Vespiquen, Dunsparce, and Shadow Kanto Marowak

- Strengths: Bug, Electric, Fighting, Ghost, Grass, Ground, and Poison
- Weaknesses: Fire, Flying, Ice, Rock, and Water
- Biggest threats: Shadow Feraligatr, Clefable, Quagsire, Shadow Golurk, Skarmory, and Shadow and regular Gligar
- Tips for using this team: Use the surprise element with Vespiquen as well as its impressive bulk and double-buffed moveset to guide this Pokemon GO Great League team to success.
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7) Clodsire, Shadow Feraligatr, and Pangoro

- Strengths: Bug, Dark, Electric, Fire, Ghost, Poison, Rock, and Steel
- Weaknesses: Fairy, Flying, Grass, and Ground
- Biggest threats: Gastrodon, Serperior, Cresselia, Greninja, Shadow Poliwrath
- Tips for using this team: Use Clodsire and Feraligatr to take down Fighters and Fairies on the other hand. while trying to save shields for Pangoro. This way, the panda can sweep opposing Pokemon GO Great League teams in the endgame.
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8) Goodra, Toxapex, and Mandibuzz

- Strengths: Bug, Dark, Fighting, Fire, Ghost, Grass, Ground, Poison, Psychic, Steel, and Water
- Weaknesses: Dragon, Electric, Fairy, Ice, and Rock
- Biggest threats: Powder Snow Alolan Sandslash, Bastiodon, Dunsparce, Aurorus, Registeel, Dewgong, Miltank, and Skuntank
- Tips for using this team: Take advantage of the heavy bulk of this Pokemon GO Great League team and try to catch Charged Moves where they will be resisted.
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9) Galarian Weezing, Cresselia, and Shadow Machamp

- Strengths: Bug, Dark, Dragon, Fighting, Grass, and Rock
- Weaknesses: Flying, Ghost, Ground, Psychic, and Steel
- Biggest threats: Shadow Marowak, Wigglytuff, Salazzle, Clodsire, and Shadow Jumpluff
- Tips for using this team: Given this lineup's synergy among the members, it will be hard for opponents to break through. Keep getting your Charged Move timing right and you should have minimal problems in climbing the elo ladder.
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10) Umbreon, Shadow Alolan Sandslash, and Serperior

- Strengths: Dark, Dragon, Electric, Ghost, Grass, Ice, Normal, Poison, Psychic, and Water
- Weaknesses: Bug, Fighting, and Fire
- Biggest threats: Registeel, Shadow Typhlosion, Shadow Charizard, and Medicham
- Tips for using this team: Most of the critters this team is weak to are less present in the present meta. This team brings together bulk and offensive pressure, so try to get advantageous alignments for quick victories.
Pokemon GO Great League Season 21 Schedule
The open Great League will be available during the following periods over the course of the Dual Destiny season:
- December 3 - December 10
- December 24 - December 31
- December 31 - January 7
- January 21 - January 28
- January 28 - February 4
- February 18 - February 25
- February 25 - March 4
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