When constructing a team in Pokemon GO, having solid type coverage is arguably the most important thing to consider. The Ice typing is one of the best offensive options players have, considering that it tears through some of the most common types seen in Pokemon GO's competitive scene like Dragon, Ground, and Flying types.
When considering which Ice-type Pokemon to add to a battle party in Pokemon GO, knowing which ones get the best moves can make the decision easier. While these are the best Ice-type moves, the amount of damage they can truly do is vastly dependant on the Pokemon that use them. A Powder Snow from a Mega Abomasnow is going to do more damage than a Powder Snow from a Swinub, for example. Weather Ball will also be excluded from this list because it only is situationally Ice-type.
Avalanche is the most potent Ice-type move in Pokemon GO
5) Frost Breath

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Frost Breath sits in the number five spot as the worst of the best in Pokemon GO. However, many players may choose to run Frost Breath over other Ice-type fast attacks because it is the fastest attack on this list. Frost Breath has a power of 10 damage and generates eight energy with every use while having a cooldown of 0.9 seconds. The best Pokemon to have this attack are Vanniluxe, Glaceon, and Articuno.
4) Powder Snow

Powder Snow and Frost Breath can be considered counterparts to one another. This is due to the fact that Frost Breath prioritizes damage output while Powder Snow prioritizes energy generation. Powder Snow has a power of 6 and generates 15 energy with every use while having a cooldown of 1 second. Mega Abomasnow, Mamoswine, and Beartic are some of the best Pokemon to use this attack in Pokemon GO.
3) Ice Shard

Ice Shard meets right in the middle between energy generation and damage, making it the choice selection for many players. Ice Shard has a power of 12 while also generating 12 energy with every use. Ice Shard also has a cooldown of 1.2 seconds. Some of the best Pokemon to have this attack in Pokemon GO are Cloyster, Weavile, and Lapras.
2) Ice Fang

Ice Fang sits in the number two spot over Ice Shard as while it has the same power, it generates significantly more energy than Ice Shard with each use and only has a cooldown of 0.3 seconds more. Ice Fang has a power of 12, generates 20 energy with each use, and has a cooldown of 1.5 seconds. Some of the best Pokemon to have this attack in Pokemon GO include Galarian Darmanitan, Suicune and Feraligatr.
1) Avalanche

Sitting high at the number one spot for the best Ice-type attack in Pokemon GO is one many players would consider "the" Ice-type attack. Avalanche is a charged attack learned by the best Ice-type Pokemon. It has a power of 90, costs 50 energy, and has a cooldown of 2.7 seconds. Some of the best Pokemon to have this attack include Galarian Darmanitan, Mamoswine, and Weavile.
While Ice-type Pokemon typically have the most weaknesses in the franchise, using one in Pokemon GO can make for great damage output. A lot of players can determine which Ice-type Pokemon are the best simply by whether it gets both Ice Fang and Avalanche. This is why Galarian Darmanitan and Mamoswine see high usage in the Battle League.
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