Dragonair and its evolutionary line are easily among the most sought-after Pokemons in Pokemon GO. Dragonite, Dragonair's evolved form, is known by many players as the original Dragon-type Pokemon.
Dragonair gets the least amount of the spotlight due to players rushing as fast as they can to evolve it. Most of them must not even be considering Dragonair's potential in Pokemon GO.
Debuting in the first generation of Pokemon games, many series veterans have fond memories of trying to catch a Dratini in Kanto's Safari Zone and evolving it into the powerful Dragonite. What players tend to forget is the awkward stage they have to cross after getting their Dratini to level 30. Enter Dragonair, the Dragon Pokemon, or as many players know it, Not Dragonite.
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Dragonair in Pokemon GO: An Analysis

Dragonair is, unsurprisingly, a Dragon-type Pokemon. The Pokemon is great defensively as it provides more resistance than weakness. Dragonair resists Fire, Water, Grass, and Electric-type attacks while only being weak to Ice, Fairy, and other Dragon-type attacks.
In terms of Dragonair's stats in Pokemon GO, they are about what you would expect from a Pokemon that has yet to evolve. Dragonair's highest stat is its attack stat sitting at 163. Dragonair also brings a defense stat of 135 and a stamina stat of 156.
By no means should a player bring Dragonair to the Battle League, but it can hold its own in a Team GO Rocket battle if it needs to.
With a very limited moveset, it is hard to feel like Dragonair has an effective moveset for battle in Pokemon GO. In terms of maximizing Dragonair's damage output, a moveset comprised of Dragon Breath and Dragon Pulse is recommended.
A moveset that doubles down on a singular type can limit a Pokemon's viability in battle, so for players wanting to maximize their coverage, Dragon Breath can be switched out with Iron Tail.
In summary, Dragonair is not recommended for serious use in Pokemon GO's Battle League. For players wanting to use Dragonair regardless or for Gym defense and Team GO Rocket battles, a moveset of Dragon Breath or Iron Tail for a fast attack paired with Dragon Pulse for a charged attack is the best choice.
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