Pokemon GO Yveltal's best moveset, counters, and competitive viability will be of concern to players wishing to use it in battles. Yveltal made its debut in Niantic's mobile game back in May 2021 during the Luminous Legends Y Part 1 event. Since then, players have had the chance to capture it several times, all via 5-star raids. The latest appearance of the Pokemon Y mascot is between June 19 and 28, 2024.
Knowing about Yvelta's best moveset and counters in Pokemon GO is crucial if you wish to find success using this critter. This article covers all relevant details regarding these.
Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective and reflect the author's opinions.
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Pokemon GO Yveltal: Best moveset

Yveltal's best moveset differs based on how you wish to use it. Here is a detailed breakdown:
Pokemon GO Yveltal best PvP moveset
- Fast Attack: Snarl
- Charged Attacks: Dark Pulse and Oblivion Wing
Pokemon GO Yveltal best PvE moveset
Dark-type attacker
- Fast Attack: Snarl
- Charged Attack: Dark Pulse
Flying-type attacker
- Fast Attack: Gust
- Charged Attack: Oblivion Wing
Is Yveltal good in Pokemon GO PvP and PvE?
Yveltal in Pokemon GO PvP
Yveltal is a strong pick in the Master League of Pokemon GO. Its typing and moves give it a strong edge against popular meta picks like Mewtwo, Origin Forme Giratina, Solgaleo, and Lugia.
Yveltal can also net some value in the Ultra League, but it is too attack-weighted to be consistent. Since the critter is only available via raids, it cannot presently take part in the Great League.
Yveltal in Pokemon GO PvE
Yveltal is the 11th best Flying-type attacker and 13th best Dark-type PvE attacker in the current meta. While it cannot match up to the damage-per-second potential of many Shadow Pocket Monsters, Yveltal is a reliable pick if you take part in group raids. Don't expect to solo defeat any 5-star raids where Dark or Flying-type critters are good.
Pokemon GO Yveltal: All moves and stats

Fast Attacks
- Snarl
- Gust
- Sucker Punch
Charged Attacks
- Dark Pulse
- Hurricane
- Oblivion Wing (Might require an Elite Charged TM)
- Focus Blast
- Psychic
- Hyper Beam
Base Stats
- Attack: 250
- Defense: 185
- Stamina: 246
- Max CP: 4,275
Pokemon GO Yveltal: Strengths and weaknesses
Being a Dark and Flying-type Pocket Monster, Yveltal resists the following types of attacks:
- Ground (39%)
- Psychic (39%)
- Dark (62.5%)
- Ghost (62.5%)
- Grass (62.5%)
Yveltal has the following weaknesses:
- Electric (160.0%)
- Rock (160.0%)
- Fairy (160.0%)
- Ice (160.0%)
The types Yveltal can attack with super-effective damage using its STAB moves are:
- Ghost
- Psychic
- Fighting
- Grass
- Bug
Best counters to Pokemon GO Yveltal
Best Ultra League counters: Cobalion, Tapu Fini, Poliwrath, Talonflame, Steelix
Best Master League counters: Ho-Oh, Dragonite, Kyogre, Dialga, Therian Forme Landorus, Xerneas, Rhypherior, Hero Forme Zacian, Origin Forme Dialga, Complete Forme Zygarde
Best PvE counters:
- Mega Ampharos: Volt Switch and Zap Canon
- Shadow or regular Raikou: Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
- Zekrom: Charge Beam and Fusion Bolt
- Shadow or Mega Gardevoir: Charm and Dazzling Gleam
- Xerneas: Geomancy and Moonblast
- Shadow Granbull: Charm and Play Rough
- Shadow Rhyperior: Smack Down and Rock Wrecker
- Mega Diancie: Rock Throw and Rock Slide
- Shadow Rampardos: Smack Down and Rock Slide
- Shadow or MegaTyranitar: Smack Down and Stone Edge
- Shadow Mamoswine: Powder Snow and Avalanche
- Shadow or regular Weavile: Ice Shard and Avalanche
- Shadow or regular Mewtwo: Psycho Cut and Ice Beam
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