Ursaring has been in Pokemon GO since Pokemon from the Johto region were added in February of 2017. Many players see Ursaring as a strong, bulky and menacing Pokemon capable of holding its own in the competitive Battle League as well as the various Raid Battles.
However, players looking to utilize the Hibernator Pokemon in Pokemon GO may not know what the best movesets for the Pokemon are.
Pokemon GO: The best moves for Ursaring

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Before players use Ursaring in Pokemon GO, it helps to know its typing to allow the trainer to plan around it and know when it is best to send Ursaring out. Ursaring is a Normal-type Pokemon. Normal-types are known for being perfectly average in terms of defense and offense. Normal-type Pokemon only take super effective damage from Fighting type attacks and only resist Ghost-type attacks.
Much like a lot of other Normal-type Pokemon, Ursaring has access to a lot of moves that are not Normal-type moves for coverage options. Ursaring's first option for a fast attack is Shadow Claw. Shadow Claw is a Ghost-type move with a damage output of 12.9 damage per second. Not only is this a great damaging move, it also has great coverage for Ghost or Psychic-type Pokemon that Ursaring will encounter in the higher tiers of Pokemon GO's Battle League like Gengar or Alakazam.
Ursaring's next attack is Metal Claw. Metal Claw is a Steel-type move and while it does not provide a large amount of damage output like Ursaring's other two fast moves, it is the one that generates the most energy. Steel type moves are great for dealing with Ice, Rock, and Fairy-type Pokemon.
Ursaring's last fast attack is Counter. Counter is Ursaring's strongest fast attack and is also a Fighting-type move. Much like Metal Claw, this move deals super effective damage to Ice and Rock-type Pokemon with the addition of Normal, Dark and Steel-types as well. However, many players may choose not to run it on their Ursaring as it is not the only Fighting-type move Ursaring gets in Pokemon GO.
Ursaring's first charged attack is Hyper Beam. This is the only Normal-type move that Ursaring gets so it is recommended to be used in builds for Pokemon GO that maximize damage output.
Ursaring's next charged move in Pokemon GO is Play Rough. Play Rough is a Fairy-type move that covers Ursaring's Fighting-type weakness. This move is a great choice for when the opposing trainer sends in a Fighting-type. Ursaring can quickly finish a weaker Fighting-type as soon as it comes out if the player has a charge for Play Rough ready.
Ursaring's last charged attack is Close Combat. Close Combat is a Fighting-type move that deals less damage but requires more energy. This move is not recommended as Counter is a better Fighting-type move and Hyper Beam is a better charged attack.
In summary, the best moveset for Ursaring in Pokemon GO is Counter and Hyper Beam as it maximizes Ursaring's damage dealing capabilities while also providing stable coverage against a large portion of other types.
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