Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's BB League Elite Four in The Indigo Disk DLC is one of the primary obstacles for trainers at Blueberry Academy. Each group member comes with their own Elite Trial for trainers to undertake before they face off against them in battle. However, in what order should players confront these top students to deal with the least amount of resistance?
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Indigo Disk DLC allows players to undertake the Elite Trials and BB Elite Four battles in any order they'd like, but some battles will be more difficult than others.
With that in mind, it doesn't hurt to examine a fantastic order to take on the BB Elite Four that shouldn't cause fans too much trouble.
Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective and reflect the opinions of the writer
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Recommended order to battle the BB League Elite Four in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: The Indigo Disk
1) Crispin

Team Lineup
- Talonflame (Lv. 77)
- Heat Rotom (Lv. 77)
- Exeggutor (Lv. 78)
- Magmortar (Lv. 78)
- Camerupt (Lv. 78)
- Blaziken (Lv. 79) (Fire Tera Type)
When it comes to being easy to counter and having the lowest overall levels in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Crispin is the odd man out in the BB Elite Four. Each of his Pokemon, save for Exeggutor, is susceptible to Water-type moves, making them pretty easy to clear if players are using powerful moves like Hydro Pump/Cannon or Surf.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet trainers may also want to keep an eye on Heat Rotom, as it has a partial Electric typing that allows it to counter Water-type foes. In this case, players can opt for the use of a Ground-type move to overcome it. That just leaves Exeggutor, which should fall easily when hit with a well-placed Bug-type attack due to its double weakness to them.
2) Lacey

Team Lineup
- Granbull (Lv. 78)
- Whimsicott (Lv. 78)
- Primarina (Lv. 79)
- Galarian Slowbro (Lv. 79)
- Alcremie (Lv. 79)
- Excadrill (Lv. 80) (Fairy Tera Type)
Although Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Indigo Disk DLC might recommend that trainers battle Amarys first, her Steel-type arsenal is a bit tougher to deal with despite the similarities in Pokemon levels. Since that's the case, trainers may want to opt for Lacey of the BB League Elite Four first. A capable Poison- or Steel-type creature can masterfully handle the majority of her team.
The lone exception is Galarian Slowbro, which serves as something of a curveball on Lacey's team. A Dark-, Ghost-, or Ground-type species should be able to counter it effectively. As for Excadrill, it will only remain a Ground/Steel-type Pocket Monster until Lacey activates its Terastallization, which then just makes it another target weak to Steel- and Poison-type creatures in the end.
3) Amarys

Team Lineup
- Alolan Dugtrio (Lv. 78)
- Skarmory (Lv. 78)
- Empoleon (Lv. 79)
- Reuniclus (Lv. 79)
- Scizor (Lv. 79)
- Metagross (Lv. 80) (Steel Tera Type)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players might think that beating Amarys of the BB League Elite Four is a straightforward proposal, but the type combinations she utilizes in her lineup complicates things a little bit. The addition of Reuniclus means players won't be able to lean on the usual Ground-, Fire-, and Fighting-type counters to wipe her entire team.
Bug-, Dark-, and Ghost-type creatures will handle Reuniclus since it's a mono Psychic-type species. Moreover, it's advised to stick to Fighting-type picks when taking on Empoleon, as its partial Water typing can counter many Fire- and Ground-type foes.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players will also want to avoid using Fire-type creatures against Alolan Dugtrio and using Fighting-type picks against Skarmory. Otherwise, the usual counters should do the trick against Amarys.
4) Drayton

Team Lineup
- Flygon (Lv. 78)
- Dragonite (Lv. 78)
- Sceptile (Lv. 79)
- Haxorus (Lv. 79)
- Kingdra (Lv. 79)
- Archaludon (Lv. 80) (Dragon Tera Type)
Drayton may be the last member of the BB League Elite Four that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet trainers want to take on unless they're stacked with high-level Fairy- and Ice-type creatures early on in The Indigo Disk. A quality Ice-type pick should be able to effectively handle every opponent except for Kingdra, who will need a Fairy-type counter instead.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet trainers also have the option to use Dragon-type creatures to counter Drayton's team, but this leaves them exposed to taking super effective damage.
Since this is the case, if trainers are determined to use Dragon-type attacks against Drayton, they may want to make sure the moves' user has a non-Dragon type combination to avoid the double-edged sword of that particular type.
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