There is no absolute best Pokemon for the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX story. However, there are various twists and turns in the main storyline that call for strong Pocket Monsters. Whether you are in the early phase of the game or fighting creatures in dungeons and the later leg of your run, knowing the best creatures for each stage can be beneficial for an optimal gameplay experience.
While the best Pokemon can be very subjective depending on a trainer’s play style, there are certain picks for different points in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX’s story that will most certainly give you an upper hand against enemies.
This article covers all the best Pokemon choices for the story of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX.
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Best early-game Pokemon in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX

Pocket Monsters that can use Fury Swipes are great to have in your roster for the early-game adventures in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX. Meowth, Linoone, and Teddiursa are a few fantastic examples. Meowth is one of the best starter Pokemon in Mystery Dungeon DX.
While these creatures also have a randomized Ability, you will be in for a treat if they come with the Pickup Ability. This will allow them to acquire items randomly as you make your way through the dungeon.
After you reach Mount Steel, Magnemite will join your fray by itself. Magnemite is a great Electric-type beast to have in your team if you do not choose Pikachu as your starter. This is because it has very few weaknesses, and with its access to Signal Beam, you will have a great ranged attack up your sleeve.
Best mid-game Pokemon in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX
It is very important to have strong starter Pocket Monsters and a reliable Partner when you reach the mid-game in Mystery Dungeon. During this phase, you will not be able to use any creatures other than your starter beast and your Partner.
As a result, the best starter creatures you should have are Cyndaquil, Pikachu, Charmander, or Torchic. Pikachu is also an excellent starter as it is extremely effective against the legendary birds.
Best late-game Pokemon in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX

Absol is a great Pocket Monster to have for your late-game ventures. It will be around level 28 when you first encounter it. Even though you will be able to access other creatures at this point, Absol is a solid beast to recruit to your team. It has amazing stats and great Physical moves that will help you deal with a lot of strong enemies.
You can get Absol after completing Mission 9, which takes place in Frosty Forest. Absol will ask to join your team, and it will be a great addition, given you will be playing with your starters up till here.
Besides Absol, you should also have some ranged attackers. Pocket Monsters that can use Signal Beam, Psybeam, and Razor Leaf are great options to have on your team.
Best Pokemon for Sky Tower in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX
Sky Tower has creatures that are weak to Pokemon that can use Ice-type attacks. Glalie, Piloswine, and Cloyster are your best friends for the Sky Tower run in Mystery Dungeon. Rayquaza, Flygon, and Masquerain take super effective damage from Ice-type moves.
Best post-game Pokemon for Dungeons in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX
- Cloyster is the best monster to use in Silver Trench
- Marowak is the best monster for Southern Cavern
- Torkoal, Camerupt, and Magcargo are the best monsters for Fiery Field
- Swampert and Quagsire are the best for Mount Faraway and Waterfall Pond
If you are wondering about the best moves to use for the Pocket Monsters in your team, you should read our article on the best moves in Mystery Dungeon DX.
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