Pokemon: Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl have introduced mechanics from more recent Pokemon games, and trainers are now re-evaluating their battle strategies.
Sinnoh League Champion Cynthia is well-known as one of the tougher trainers in the entire Pokemon series, and this is true for the Nintendo Switch remakes. Overall in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, Cynthia's team consists of Roserade, Milotic, Gastrodon, Lucario, Spritomb, and Garchomp.
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Each of these Pokemon can be tough to handle, but the likes of Lucario and Garchomp have been known to especially infuriate trainers. Because of this, it's worth taking a look at some great counters for Garchomp.
Defeating Garchomp in Pokemon: Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

As a dual Dragon/Ground-type Pokemon, Garchomp is primarily weak to Fairy, Ice, and Dragon-type attacks. Cynthia's Garchomp also holds a Yache berry, which will protect it from the brunt of the first super effective attack that hits it, giving it some extra survivability to complement its already impressive stats.
Despite this, Garchomp has a massive Achilles Heel when dealing with Ice-type attacks in particular, which deal doubly super effective damage (4x normal damage by comparison) to it.
Ideally, the best Pokemon picks for dealing with Garchomp's formidable attack power are Ice-type Pokemon with solid defensive stats to offset the damage that Garchomp can dole out. Cynthia's Garchomp in particular deals damage primarily through physical moves, so Special Defense stats aren't quite as crucial for the Ice-type counters.
Spectacular picks against Garchomp include Pokemon like Mamoswine or Weavile. Abomasnow is also a solid pick due to impressive moves like Blizzard, but it risks taking super effective damage from Garchomp's Poison Jab attack.
Moves like Ice Beam, Icicle Crash, or Ice Shard can significantly hammer away at Garchomp's HP. Pokemon such as Froslass also sport considerable speed that can help counter Garchomp.
If Pokemon trainers don't have the right Ice-type Pokemon on-hand, they may want to opt for high-stat Dragon-type Pokemon such as Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, or Salamence. These Pokemon are more vulnerable to Garchomp's Dragon-type damage, but their stats allow them to take a bit of a beating. Despite not dealing as much damage as Ice-type moves, Dragon-type moves still deal double the normal damage against Garchomp and shouldn't be completely ruled out.
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