The Battle League of Pokemon GO consists of three different formats. They are Great League, Ultra League, and Master League. Among them, the Ultra League is the mid-tier content with its own set of restrictions. In this league, the main restricting factor is Combat Power (CP). You are only allowed to use Pokemon at or under 2500 CP in the Ultra League.
This article lists some of the best Pokemon to pick for your teams in the Ultra League of Pokemon GO PvP in Season 17.
Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer
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5) Cresselia - 94.8

Ultra League average stats [Base stats]
- Attack: 120 [152]
- Defense: 207.9 [258]
- Stamina: 208 [260]
Best IVs and Candy XL requirement
- 2/13/15
- Candy XL is not required
Recommended moves
- Fast Attack: Psycho Cut
- Charged Attacks: Moonblast and Grass Knot*
Some of Cresselia's best matchups in the Ultra League are against:
- Poliwrath
- Swampert
- Tapu Fini
- Virizion
- Altered Forme Giratina
Some of its worst matchups in this Pokemon GO Battle League format are against:
- Talon Flame
- Greninja
- Steelix
- Jellicent
- Golisopod
4) Complete Forme Zygarde - 95.1

Ultra League average stats [Base stats]
- Attack: 126.2 [184]
- Defense: 146.9 [207]
- Stamina: 266 [389]
Best IVs and Candy XL requirement
- 1/14/10
- Candy XL is not required
Recommended moves
- Fast Attack: Dragon Tail
- Charged Attacks: Crunch and Earthquake
Some of Complete Forme Zygarde's best matchups in the Ultra League are against:
- Cobalion
- Altered Forme Giratina
- Swampert
- Talonflame
- Cresselia
Some of its worst matchups in the format are against:
- Tapu Fini
- Tentacruel
- Poliwrath
- Steelix
- Pidgeot
3) Poliwrath - 95.7

Ultra League average stats [Base stats]
- Attack: 149.3 [182]
- Defense: 157.3 [184]
- Stamina: 177 [207]
Best IVs and Candy XL requirement
- 0/14/14
- andy XL is recommended but not required
Recommended moves
- Fast Attack: Counter*
- Charged Attacks: Icy Wind and Scald
Some of Poliwrath's best matchups in Pokemon GO's Ultra League are against:
- Greninja
- Cobalion
- Steelix
- Swampert
- Talonflame
Some of its worst matchups in the format are against:
- Cresselia
- Tapu Fini
- Jellicent
- Altered Forme Giratina
- Virizion
2) Altered Forme Giratina - 96.2

Ultra League average stats [Base stats]
- Attack: 133.8 [187]
- Defense: 165.3 [225]
- Stamina: 209 [284]
Best IVs and Candy XL requirement
- 2/13/15
- Candy XL is not required
Recommended moves
- Fast Attack: Shadow Claw
- Charged Attacks: Dragon Claw and Shadow Sneak
Some of Altered Forme Giratina best matchups in Pokemon GO's Ultra League are against:
- Virizion
- Cobalion
- Jellicent
- Poliwrath
- Talonflame
Some of its worst matchups in the format are against:
- Cresselia
- Tapu Fini
- Greninja
- Registeel
- Swampert
1) Registeel - 98.7

Ultra League average stats [Base stats]
- Attack: 122.7 [143]
- Defense: 242.2 [285]
- Stamina: 171 [190]
Best IVs and Candy XL requirement
- 1/10/15
- Candy XL is recommended but not required
Recommended moves
- Fast Attack: Lock On
- Charged Attacks: Focus Blast and Zap Cannon
Some of Altered Forme Giratina best matchups in Pokemon GO's Ultra League are against:
- Goisopod
- Cresselia
- Greninja
- Steelix
- Altered Forme Giratina
Some of its worst matchups in the format are against:
- Virizion
- Swampert
- Poliwrath
- Toxicroak
- Cobalion
Here are some of the other top picks for this format of Pokemon GO Battle League in this season:
- Mandibuzz - Snarl + Dark Pulse and Aerial Ace
- Virizion - Double Kick + Sacred Sword* and Leaf Blade
- Pidgeot - Wing Attack* + Feather Dance and Brave Bird
- Tapu Fini - Water Gun + Surf and Moonblast
- Cobalion - Double Kick + Stone Edge and Sacred Sword*
- Talonflame - Incinerate* + Fly and Flame Charge
- Regirock - Lock On + Stone Edge and Focus Blast
- Swampert - Mud Shot + Hydro Cannon* and Earthquake
- Guzzlord - Dragon Tail + Dragon Claw and Crunch
- Gliscor - Wing Attack + Night Slash and Earthquake
You may also consider using some of these teams in Pokemon GO’s Ultra League.
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