Best PvP Pokemon to catch in Pokemon GO Aquatic Paradise

Best PvP catches at the Pokemon GO Aquatic Paradise
Find out the who are the best ones to catch at the event. (Image via Niantic)

Are you ready to catch some of the best event-featured PvP Pokemon with the start of the Pokemon GO Aquatic Paradise? The event will start at 10 am local time on July 6, 2024, and continue until 8 am local time on July 9, 2024. Shiny Ducklett and Shiny Swanna are making their global introduction as a part of this event. Meanwhile, there will be many more Water-type Pocket Monsters that can be added to your collection.


As of this writing, the Aquatic Paradise event is set to return a total of nine Pokemon alongside their Shiny versions as wild spawns, Incense encounters, Field research Tasks, Collection Challenge, and Wandering Waddles, which is a paid time storyline.

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These are the best PvP Pokemon to catch at the Pokemon GO Aquatic Paradise event

Get these Pokemon. (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Get these Pokemon. (Image via The Pokemon Company)

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At the Pokemon GO Aquatic Paradise, you can only catch Water-type Pokemon. In the wild, you will be encountering Ducklett, Staryu, Wingull, Corphish, Clamperl, and Horsea. Moreover, the Shiny forms of these aquatic lives can also be encountered as wild monsters.


During the run, those who activate Incense will be able to find regular and Shiny variants of Pokemon like Shellder, Lapras, Finneon, and Frillish. These are special Pokemon, and only those who have their Incense turned on can encounter them.

Lure Module will function as they normally do and will not attract any special Pocket Monsters. However, the spawn rate of all said entities will be buffed during the Pokemon GO Aquatic Paradise event period. This means you have the opportunity to farm their Candies as well as also come across their Shinies.


Let’s take a look at the PvP rankings conducted by PvPoke and where it ranks the family line of all the featured Pokemon of the Aquatic Paradise:

In the Great League

  • Horsea and Kindgra: N/A and #522
  • Staryu and Starmie: N/A and #893
  • Wingull and Pelipper: N/A and #22
  • Corphish and Crawdaunt: #814 and #543
  • Clamperl, Huntail, and Gorebyss: #639, #492, and #918
  • Ducklett and Swanna: N/A and #615
  • Shellder and Cloyster: N/A and #539
  • Lapras: #221
  • Finneon and Lumineon: N/A and #528
  • Frillish and Jellicent: #730 and #39

You should get Pelipper, Lapras, and Jellicent for the Great League during the Pokemon GO Aquatic Paradise event.

In the Ultra League

  • Horsea and Kindgra: N/A and #302
  • Staryu and Starmie: N/A and #626
  • Wingull and Pelipper: N/A and #23
  • Corphish and Crawdaunt: N/A and #323
  • Clamperl, Huntail, and Gorebyss: N/A, #410, and #665
  • Ducklett and Swanna: N/A and #443
  • Shellder and Cloyster: N/A and #349
  • Lapras: #123
  • Finneon and Lumineon: N/A and #645
  • Frillish and Jellicent: #730 and #26

For the Ultra League, your aim should be to own Lapras, Jellicent, and Pelliper.

In the Master League

  • Horsea and Kindgra: N/A and #289
  • Staryu and Starmie: N/A and #509
  • Wingull and Pelipper: N/A and #452
  • Corphish and Crawdaunt: N/A and #377
  • Clamperl, Huntail, and Gorebyss: N/A, #468, and #567
  • Ducklett and Swanna: N/A
  • Shellder and Cloyster: N/A and #334
  • Lapras: #200
  • Finneon and Lumineon: N/A
  • Frillish and Jellicent: #730 and #290

The Pokemon GO Aquatic Paradise doesn’t offer any Water-type Pokemon useful for the PvP Master League.

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Edited by Srijan Sen
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