Stellar Tera Type, the 19th elemental typing, was introduced in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Indigo Disk DLC and is going to make the entire meta significantly interesting. Stellar-type beasts are going to alter how certain match-ups work. For a very long time, gamers speculated about this 19th Pokemon typing.
This article will cover everything you need to know about this new Tera Type in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Indigo Disk DLC.
What is Stellar Tera Type?

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The Stellar Tera Type is close to what speculations suggested it would be. People thought that the 19th typing would be a culmination of all other types. However, this new Tera Type is not a particular type to begin with. When Terastallized with this type, moves of all typings get a boost.
How to unlock Stellar Tera Type in Indigo Disk in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Unlocking the Stellar Tera Type in Indigo Disk is a late-game venture. Once you are near the end of Scarlet or Violet's narrative, you will be taken to Area Zero. Here, you will be able to explore a cave.
As you descend to its lower levels, you will come across Stellar Tera Type Pocket Monsters. You will have to battle and defeat them. Only then will you be able to receive Stellar Tera Shards that you can use to Terastallize your Pokemon with the 19th typing.
Best Stellar Tera Type match-ups in Indigo Disk in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

In general, this new Tera Type provides a 1.3x offensive boost once per move. It does not boost a second time. Stellar Tera won't provide defensive benefits, as it does not alter your monster’s elemental typing defensively.
The Stellar Tera Type has a small selection of monsters that will do well with it, and here are a few options to consider:
- Porygon-Z: Porygon-Z has Adaptability, which gives a 2x modifier on its Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) attacks instead of 1.5. This means you will get the 2x boost on Ice Beam and Thunderbolt. Hyper Beam becomes an absolute nuke because, upon Terastallization, it gets a 2.3x or 2.5x boost. Run this monster with a Life Orb as the Held Item.
- Rillaboom: Offensive Rillaboom usually has a Grass Tera Type. The new Tera Type would benefit this creature as it runs a couple of Grass-type moves; the rest are only for coverage. While Stellar Tera would boost all its attacks, it will do so only once. This means you would get a lot of use out of moves like Grassy Glide and High Horsepower.
- Archaludon: Archaludon is a new Pokemon added in the Indigo Disk DLC of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. It comes with a new move, Electro Shot. Moreover, its signature move is an Electric-type move, despite Archaludon being a Steel/Dragon-type monster. So, you might want to run Electric Tera. However, Stellar makes things interesting. If you use Archaludon with Thunder, Flash Cannon, Draco Meteor, and Dark Pulse, the new typing would make this monster a nuke machine. You could run each of these moves once and not worry about the one-time boost mechanic.
How does Stellar Tera Type work in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
The newly added Stellar Tera Type is an offensive Tera Typing that boosts all the moves of the Pocket Monster that you Terastallize with it.
For instance, if you Terastallize Porygon-Z with a moveset of Tera Blast, Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, and Thunderbolt, Stellar will boost all these moves but is going to do so only once. This way, the Pokemon will do better offensively, but it won’t get any defensive benefits from the new Tera Typing.
Steller functions as a one-time boost to all of your Pokemon’s moves and does not alter anything from a defensive perspective. It serves as a counter to Terastallized Pokemon and will always deal Super Effective damage with Tera Blast.
Is Stellar Tera Type any good in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?

The Stellar Tera Type is one of the most mediocre typings that you can choose in Indigo Disk as well as in Scarlet and Violet. It doesn't have a one-trick-victory mechanic that everyone thought it would. This new Tera Type won't make your monsters have every elemental typing at once, and as a result, we don’t think it is going to be used on a lot of Pocket Monsters.
Though it does improve your creatures offensively to some extent, the Stellar Tera Type will be extremely niche, and not very many will want to use it at all. The main reason for that is while this title has monsters that run offensive Tera Typings —such as Tera Dark Kingambit and Tera Fairy Flutter Mane — those typings offer the Pokemon defensive bonuses as well. This is not true for the latest one.
Defensive Tera Typing is the name of the game. So, Stellar has been rather underwhelming in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Indigo Disk DLC.
Is Stellar Tera legal in Regulation E of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?
Pokemon from the Indigo Disk DLC are not yet usable in ranked matches. However, this new mechanic is permitted in Regulation E of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
So, it will be interesting to see how this new elemental typing performs in the professional competitive scene of Scarlet and Violet.
Check out our other Pokemon Scarlet and Violet coverage:
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