You can experience Pokemon Crystal in a whole different way if you have the best team composition that can tackle all the challenges that the game throws at you. Having a better team composition will let you win fights easily, even against the likes of the Gym Leader, Elite Four, Champion, and Team Rocket. However, these NPCs have specific powerful moves, and your team needs to have a decent coverage to be able to counter all of them.
You can start building the unit for your Crystal gameplay as soon as you begin your journey. However, the best build can only be created once you understand the metagame, know the type's weaknesses, unlock certain moves, take status advantage, and more.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's views.
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Use Fearow and Magmar to create the best team builds for Pokemon Crystal
1) Feraligatr

In Pokemon Crystal, Feraligatr is a solo Water-type Pokemon, which is robust against Fire, Rock, and Ground-type critters. In addition, it’s weak to Grass and Electric-type moves.
You can start your game with any of the three starters: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile. The latter must reach Level 18 to evolve into Croconaw, and Level 30 Croconaw evolves into Feraligatr.
Stats of Feraligatr:
- Hit Points: 85
- Attack: 105
- Defense: 100
- Special Attack: 79
- Special Defense: 83
- Speed: 78
Movesets of Feraligatr in Pokemon Crystal
- Surf
- Ice Punch
- Bite
- Rock Smash
Surf: This is a Water-type move with 95 power and 100% accuracy. You can teach Feraligatr this move in Pokemon Crystal using Hidden Machines (HM), which you can find in places like Ecruteak City and Kimono Dance Theater.
Ice Punch: Your Pokemon can only learn this move from a Move Tutor. The NPC can be found in the Goldenrod Department Store in south central Goldenrod City. With the cost of three thousand Pokedollars, the Move Tutor teaches your Feraligatr the Ice Punch.
Bite: Feraligatr can access various moves, ranging from Fighting to Ground-type moves. However, the best one in this build is the Dark-type Bite.
This option is helpful in different battle scenarios, including the confrontation against Sabrina’s team. That said, your Pokemon can only learn this move when it reaches Level 21 and above in Pokemon Crystal.
Rock Smash: This Fighting-type move is a staple to the build. Rock Smash has 100% Accuracy and 20 Power. You can unlock this move by going to Route 36. Here, you use the TM to teach Feraligatr this physical attack.
Feraligator, with the above move pool, has an advantage over the following Leaders and trainers in Pokemon Crystal.
- Morty's team at Ecruteak Gym
- Jasmine's team at Olivine City Gym
- Pryce's team at Mahogany Gym
- Claire’s Dragonair at Blackthorn Gym
- Lt Surge’s Magneton at Vermilion Gym
- Erika's team at Celadon Gym
- Janine’s Crobat at Fuchsia Gym
- Sabrina’s team at Saffron Gym
- Brock's team at Pewter Gym
- Blaine's team at Cinnabar Gym
- Blue's team at Viridian Gym
- Elite Four Will's team
- Elite Four Bruno's Onix
- Elite Four Koga's Crobat
- Elite Four Karen's team
- Champion Lance's team
2) Fearow

Your Pokemon Crystal team needs a flyer, and the best monster fitted for this position is Fearow. It’s a dual Normal and Flying-type critter, which is super-effective against Fighting, Grass, and Bug-type Pokemon. The critical thing to note is that Normal-type is not robust against any fighters but is immune to Ghost-type moves. Due to Fearow’s typing, it’s weak to Rock, Electric, and Ice-type attacks.
Stats of Fearow:
- Hit Points: 65
- Attack: 90
- Defense: 65
- Special Attack: 61
- Special Defense: 61
- Speed: 100
Movesets your Spearow needs to learn in Pokemon Crystal
- Return
- Drill Peck
- Fly
- Steel Wing
Return: Return is a special Normal-type move with a 100% Accuracy rate. The damage it does depends on the friendship level you build with your Fearow.
Therefore, you can get the best out of this STAB potential attack by increasing your Friendship. But the move can only be unlocked by using a TM. You can visit the Goldenrod Department Store in Pokemon Crystal to use that.
Drill Peck: Drill Peck is Fearow’s Flying-type move with the STAB feature. Note that you need this in your unit to have an upper hand against opponents like Ariana and Karen. Both send out Vileplume in the battle, and you can deal significant damage with Drill Peck. However, you have to reach Level 40 to utilize this move.
Fly: Fly is the second Flying-type attack you must teach Fearow for the best team composition for Pokemon Crystal. This move has 70 Power and 95% Accuracy. The Pocket Monster can learn by using an HM. For that, you have to go to Olivine City, defeat Chuck’s wife, and get the move unlocked.
Pursuit: Fearow can utilize three Dark-type moves in the game. Among them, the most reliable pick is Pursuit. While Pursuit can be unlocked by reaching Level 26, Fiant Attack and Theif can be taught by breeding (Egg move) and using TM. With 40 Power and 100 Accuracy, this move is effective against Sabrina, Will, and Silver’s Pokemon.
The Pocket Monsters and their movesets are useful against the following people.
- Bugsy's team at Azalea Gym
- Morty's team at Ecruteak Gym
- Chuck's team at Cianwood Gym
- Erika's team at Celadon Gym
- Janine's Ariados and Venomoth at Fuchsia Gym
- Sabrina at Saffron Gym
- Team Rocket’s member Ariana
- Elite Four Will's team
- Elite Four Koga's Ariados and Venomoth
- Elite Four Bruno's team
- Elite Four Karen's team in Pokemon Crystal
3) Graveler

Graveler is the third best choice to create a suitable team composition. The chosen monster is a great option, but its evolved form, Golem, adds more value to the team’s strength. Therefore, if you can opt for it, you should use the evolved form for better performance.
Both Graveler and Golem are Rock and Ground-type Pokemon in Pokemon Crystal. While Rock is super-effective against Bug, Fire, Ice, and Flying-type, Ground is strong against Rock, Electric, Steel, Fire, and Posion-type monsters. In addition, the species are weak to Fighting, Flying, Grass, Bug, Steel, and Water-type moves.
Stats of Graveler:
- Hit Points: 55
- Attack: 95
- Defense: 115
- Special Attack: 45
- Special Defense: 45
- Speed: 35
Graveler's movesets in Pokemon Crystal.
- Rock Throw
- Earthquake
- Rock Smash
- Curse
Rock Throw: Rock Throw is a Rock-type physical move with 50 Power and 90% Accuracy. Additionally, this move can tap its STAB power as well. You can unlock it early in the title by leveling up. That said, Graveler needs to be Level 11 or above to unlock the attack in Pokemon Crystal.
Earthquake: When Garveler is at Level 41, it can unlock Earthquake. It’s a Ground-type physical move with 100 Power and Accuracy rate of 100. This means Poison, Rock, Steel, Fire, and Electric-type Pokemon need to be wary of this attack. Additionally, this move is advantageous while facing Gym Leaders like Brock and Archer.
Rock Smash: Your Graveler can be taught Rock Smash by using the TM. Similar to how you unlock Return for Fearow in Pokemon Crystal, you must do the same to teach this Fighting-type move. Although there are a few other ways to get the move, the easiest way is to visit Goldenrod Department Store. By spending 1000 Pokedollars, you can acquire Rock Smash.
Curse: The last move you should select for Garveler is Curse, a Ghost-type attack. The unique fact is that Ghost-type Pocket Monsters take heavy damage, and its effect is devastating. As soon as the move hits the opponent, the damage taker loses 25% of its max HP every turn. If the Pokmeon has less than 50% HP, it will immediately faint with the curse’s effect.
With the above movesets, your Garveler/Golem can fight against the following Gym Leaders/Elite Four Members and more in Pokemon Crystal.
- Falkner's team at Violet Gym
- Bugsy's team at Azalea Gym
- Morty's team at Ecruteak Gym
- Jasmine's team at Olivine City Gym
- Pryce's team at Mahogany Gym
- Brock's team at Pewter Gym
- Lt Surge's team at Vermilion Gym
- Janine's team at Fuchsia Gym
- Blaine's team at Cinnabar Gym
- Blue's at Viridian Gym
- Elite Four Will’s Pokemon
- Elite Four Koga's team
- Elite Four Karen's Pokemon
- Champion Four Lance's team
- Rival character Silver's team
- The final boss, Red’s Pokemon
4) Magmar

Your best team build for Pokemon Crystal should include the Fire-type Magmar. It is super-effective against Bug, Steel, Grass, and Ice-type critters. Moreover, it’s weak to Rock, Water, and Ground-type moves.
Stats of Magmar:
- Hit Points: 65
- Attack: 95
- Defense: 57
- Special Attack: 100
- Special Defense: 85
- Speed: 93
Magmar move pool in Pokemon Crystal
- Flamethrower
- Thunder Punch
- Iron Tail
- Sunny Day
Flamethrower: Flamethrower is a Fire-type move you can unlock after Magmar is at Level 41 or above. You can utilize the STAB feature in the battle since Pokemon, and their move types are the same. With this feature, you can take on Leaders possessing Bug, Steel, Grass, and Ice-tye species.
Thunder Punch: You can use a TM to unlock Thunder Punch in Pokemon Crystal. It’s a good Electric-type move that boasts 70 Power and 100 Accuracy. But to get it, you must travel to the Goldenrod Department Store and spend 3000 Pokedollars.
Iron Tail: Magmar can learn Iron Tail using the TM. Also, you get it as a prize for beating Jasmine, a Leader of the Olivine City Gym. This Steel-type move threatens Fairy, Rock, and Ice-type Pokemon. Iron Tails has 75 Accuracy and 100 Power, and when Magmar hits the opponents with it, the move lowers their Defense by one stage.
Sunny Day: Your Magmar needs to learn another significant move to support team formation. For that, we’ve added Sunny Day. This is a status move with multiple effects. When a Fire-type Pokemon uses it, the attack increases the Power by 50%. You can get Sunny Day in Pokemon Crystal once your partner reaches Level 33.
There are numerous advantages to using these movesets. Having said that, let’s move to the list of Gym Leaders/League members weak to this build.
- Chuck's team at Cianwood Gym
- Jasmine's team at Olivine City Gym
- Pryce's team at Mahogany Gym
- Brock's team at Pewter Gym
- Misty's team at Cerulean Gym
- Lt Surge’s Magneton at Vermilion Gym
- Erika's team at Celadon Gym
- Janine’s Crobat at Fuchsia Gym
- Blue's team at Viridian Gym
- Elite Four Will's Pokemon
- Elite Four Koga's Pokemon
- Elite Four Bruno's Pokemon
- Elite Four Karen's Pokemon
- Champion Lance's Pokemon
- Silver’s Pokemon
- Red’s Pokemon
5) Miltank

Miltank is a suitable fit for this build. Since the Pokemon is a solo Normal-type creature, it is weak to Fighting-type moves. You can get Miltank from Route 38 in Pokemon Crystal, but you have to go there during the daytime. Although Mitank’s type is not super effective, it doesn’t matter much when strategically using the given moves in the battle.
Base stats of Miltank
- Hit Points: 95
- Attack: 80
- Defense: 105
- Special Attack: 40
- Special Defense: 70
- Speed: 110
Movesets of Miltank in Pokemon Crystal
- Strength
- Earthquake
- Shadow Ball
- Rollout
Strength: The Normal-type attack, Strength, sports 80 power and 100 damage. You can exercise the STAB power of this move since it matches Pokemon’s type. It is a Physical attack that can be unlocked using an HM. You can head to Olivine Cafe to use the machine.
Earthquake: Earthquake is the second attack you need to teach your Miltank in Pokemon Crystal for the best team formation. It is a robust move; while its power is 100, its accuracy is 100. This pick is a significant help when challenging Leaders like Brock, Lt Surge’s team, Blaine, and more. Like Strength, this move needs a TM that can be found and used at Victory Road.
Shadow Ball: The move we suggest for your Crystal playthrough is Shadow Ball. Being a Ghost-type attack, it is super-effective against Psychic and Ghost-type Pokemon. You can get this move as a prize when you defeat Morty in the game.
Rollout: There are two ways to get a Rollout for Miltank. One is by leveling it up to 34, and the other is by using the TM. After you obtain the move, you can fight against opponents like Janine and Team Rocket leaders at equal terms or higher.
Miltank, with the above move pool, gives you an edge over the following Pokemon Crystal Leaders/Elite Four members.
- Pryce's team at Mahogany Gym
- Brock's team at Pewter Gym
- Misty's team at Cerulean Gym
- Lt Surge’s Magneton at Vermilion Gym
- Janine’s team at Fuchsia Gym
- Sabrina’s team at Saffron Gym
- Blaine's team at Cinnabar Gym
- Blue's team at Viridian Gym
- Elite Four Will's team
- Elite Four Koga's team
- Elite Four Karen's team
- Elite Four Lance's team
6) Jynx

Jynx is the last Pokemon you need to complete this robust team formation for Pokemon Crystal. It is a dual Ice and Psychic-type Pokemon that is weak to Dark, Rock, Fire, Ghost, Bug, and Steel-type moves. However, its elemental typing makes it robust against Fighting, Poison, Flying, Grass, Ground, and Dragon-type creatures. With that said, let’s see the best moves for it.
Stats of Jynx:
- Hit Points: 65
- Attack: 50
- Defense: 35
- Special Attack: 115
- Special Defense: 95
- Speed: 95
Movesets of Jynx in Pokemon Crystal.
- Ice Punch
- Psychic
- Thief
- Lovely Kiss
Ice Punch: You can teach your Jynx Ice Punch move by utilizing a TM. Remember, you can visit the Goldenrod Department Store to unlock other TM-required moves, including Ice Punch. This Ice-type attack does heavy damage to monsters like Flying and Grass-types with its 70 Power and 100 Accuracy,
Psychic: Jynx can use the STAB feature with Psychic in the battle. There are two ways to get this move; the first is to get it as a pre-evolution move, and the second is by using a TM. You can go for the latter, which is the ideal way to get the move. To teach the Pocket Monster this Psychic-type move, you can visit Pokemon Crystal Saffron City, find the TM, and use it on the critter.
Thief: Thief is a Dark-type attack that is very strong against Psychic and Ghost-type Pokemon. It has 100% accuracy, meaning the chances of landing a hit are almost guaranteed. Jynx needs this move to deal damage to trainers like Red and Sabrina. That said, you have to use the TM to unlock it. The place where the machine is located is Rocket Hideout.
Lovely Kiss: Jynx can automatically learn Lovely Kiss by Leveling Up. This Normal-type move is categorized as a status that can put the opponent to sleep. Pocket Monsters that get hit by this attack won’t move for 1-3 turns. It’s a handy move for an exciting and robust Pokemon Crystal build.
These moves help you fight against the following Gym Leaders and Elite Four members.
- Clair's at Blackthorn Gym
- Brock's at Pewter Gym
- Erika's team at Celadon Gym
- Janine's team at Fuchsia Gym
- Sabrina's team at Fuchsia Gym
- Blue's team at Viridian Gym
- Elite Four Will's Team
- Elite Four Crobat Team
- Elite Four Bruno's Onix
- Elite Four Karen's Team
- Champion Lance's Team
- Rival character Silver's Team
- Red's Pokemon
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