In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (ORAS), having a balanced team is key to overcoming the game's various challenges, including Team Magma/Aqua, Rivals matches, Gym Leaders, the Elite Four, and the Pokemon League Champion. While the "best" team can vary based on personal preference and playing style, a well-rounded one should cover a wide range of types to ensure you're prepared for any battle scenario.
Here's a suggested team composition that covers a broad spectrum of types and includes Pokemon available in ORAS. This team aims to balance type coverage, offensive capabilities, and strategic versatility.
Best Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire team composition
1) Swampert

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Swampert is an excellent choice as a starter Pokemon due to its unique typing, granting it only one weakness: Grass. With its high Attack and decent Defense stats, Swampert can effectively use Water and Ground-type moves. Its Mega Evolution further enhances its defensive capabilities and Attack stat, making it a formidable physical attacker and tank.
The following are the recommended moves for Swampert in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire:
- Waterfall (HM 05) - Physical STAB, deals with Rock, Ground, and Fire-types.
- Earthquake (Level 51) - Physical STAB, excellent coverage. Deals with Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel-types and multiple targets in double battles.
- Ice Punch (Move Tutor) - Deals with Grass-types (Swampert's only weakness), Ground, and Dragon-types.
- Swagger (TM 87) / Protect (32) - Both moves are excellent for escaping challenging situations.
In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, these moves will make Swampert effective against:
- Roxanne's team
- Wattson's team
- Flannery team
- Winona's Altaria
- Liza and Tate's team
- Sidney's Shiftry, Cacturne, and Mandibuzz
- Phoebe's Drifblim and Chandelure
- Drake's Altaria, Flygons, Dragalge, Salamence, and Haxorus
- Steven's Claydol, Aggron, Cradily, Armaldo, Carbink, and Aerodactyl
2) Breloom

Breloom has an outstanding Attack stat and a useful ability in Effect Spore (or its Hidden Ability, Technician, which boosts its weaker moves). It can fill the role of a physical sweeper with its high-speed stat and access to powerful moves.
The following are the recommended moves for Breloom in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire:
- Sky Uppercut (Level 39) - Powerful STAB move that counters Normal, Dark, Steel, and Rock-types.
- Drain Punch - STAB move that restores health.
- Seed Bomb (Level 44) / Bullet Seed (Egg Move) - STAB, Bullet Seed works well with Technician ability.
- Stone Edge (TM 71) - Addresses three of Breloom's vulnerabilities: Fire, Flying, and Bug types, with two of these being 4x weaknesses.
In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, these moves will make Breloom effective against:
- Roxanne's team
- Flannery's Slugma and Torkoal
- Norman's team
- Winona's Swellow, Pelipper, and Altaria
- Liza and Tate's team
- Wallace's team
- Sidney's team
- Glacia's Glalie, Walrein, Beartic, and Vanilluxe
- Drake's Altaria and Salamence
- Steven's Aggron, Cradily, Armaldo, Carbink and Aerodactyl
3) Gardevoir

Gardevoir offers excellent coverage with its Psychic and Fairy typing, providing critical resistance against Fighting, Dragon, and Dark-type moves. It has a high Special Attack and decent Speed, making it a potent special attacker. Gardevoir can also Mega Evolve, significantly boosting its Special Attack and transforming it into an even more powerful force on the battlefield.
The following are the recommended moves for Gardevoir in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire:
- Psychic (Level 31) - Powerful STAB that counters Poison and Fighting-type.
- Moonblast (Level 62) - STAB, deals with Dragon, Dark, and Fighting-types.
- Will-O-Wisp (TM 61) - To weaken physical opponents and cause constant chip damage.
- Calm Mind (TM 04) - Great setup move that boosts special stats.
In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, these moves will make Gardevoir effective against:
- Brawly's team
- Winona's Altaria
- Sidney's team
- Phoebe's Sableye
- Drake's Altaria, Flygon, Kingdra, Salamence, and Haxorus
4) Salamence

Salamence is a powerful Dragon/Flying-type Pokemon with high Attack and Speed stats, making it a strong physical or special sweeper. Its ability, Intimidate, lowers opponents' Attack stat, providing excellent utility. Its hidden ability, Moxie, is also a great key to potentially sweep teams. Upon Mega Evolution, Salamence gains a massive boost in its Defense and ability, Aerilate, which turns Normal-type moves into Flying-type moves, increasing their power.
The following are the recommended moves for Salamence in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire:
- Outrage (Move Tutor) - STAB, hits neutrally to almost every other type.
- Fly (Level 50 or HM 02)- STAB, which deals with Fighting, Bug, and Grass-types.
- Earthquake (TM 26) / Giga Impact (TM 68) - Earthquake provides coverage, a powerful physical move that hits multiple targets as well. Giga Impact becomes a powerful Flying-type STAB if you use Mega Salamence.
- Dragon Dance (Egg Move) - Boosts Attack and Speed, making Salamence a formidable sweeper.
In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, these moves will make Salamence effective against:
- Roxanne's team
- Brawly's team
- Wattson's team
- Flannery's team
- Winona's Altaria
- Liza and Tate's team
- Sidney's Shiftry and Cacturne
- Phoebe's Chandelure
- Glacia's Abomasnow
- Drake's team
- Steven's Aggron, Metgross, and Carbink
5) Aggron

Aggron boasts an impressive Defense stat, making it a tanky option capable of taking numerous physical hits. However, its Steel/Rock typing gives it a considerable number of weaknesses, including Fighting, Ground, and Water types.
Aggron can Mega Evolve, changing its type to pure Steel and gaining the Filter ability, significantly improving its Defense. It's ideal for a role that requires taking hits and dishing out heavy physical attacks.
The following are Aggron's recommended moves in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire:
- Iron Head (Level 22) - STAB that has a chance to flinch. Great against Rock, Ice, and Fairy-types.
- Rock Slide (TM 80) - STAB that has a chance to flinch. Great against Flying, Bug, Fire, and Ice-type. The move also hits multiple targets in double battles.
- Earthquake (TM 26) - For coverage, a powerful physical move that hits multiple targets.
- Iron Defense (Level 39) / Metal Burst (Level 63) - Iron Defense gives Aggron +2 Defence on every use. On the other hand, Metal Burst returns 1.5x the damage it took in the same turn.
In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, these moves will make Aggron effective against:
- Roxanne's team
- Wattson's team
- Flannery's team
- Winona's Swellow
- Liza and Tate's team
- Sidney's Mandibuzz
- Phoebe's Drifblim and Chandelure
- Glacia's team
- Drake's Altaria, Salamence, and Dragalge
- Steven's Metagross, Aggron, Armaldo, Carbink, and Aerodactyl
6) Arcanine

Arcanine is known for its balanced stats and versatility. It can function as both a Physical and Special Attacker and has decent Speed. With its Intimidate ability, it can also play a supportive role by lowering the opponents' Attack stats. Arcanine's Fire typing provides coverage against Ice, Bug, Steel, and Grass types, complementing the team's defensive and offensive needs.
- Flare Blitz (Egg Moves) - Powerful STAB with recoil damage.
- Extreme Speed (Level 34) - Strong priority move for clutch moments.
- Wild Charge (TM 93) - Coverage against Water and Flying-types.
- Crunch (Egg Moves) - Coverage against Ghost and Psychic-types.
In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, these moves will make Arcanine effective against:
- Wattson's Magnemite and Magneton
- Winona's Swellow, Pelipper, and Skarmory
- Liza & Tate's team
- Wallace's Luvdisc, Sealeo, Seaking, and Milotic
- Sidney's Shiftry, Cacturne, and Mandibuzz
- Phoebe's team, except for Sableye
- Glacia's team
- Steven's Skarmory, Claydol, Metagross, and Aerodactyl
Since this team is geared towards combat, you may need another one to travel across the region. You can switch these Pokemon in and out of key battles.
The best HM users in Hoenn are Linoone and Sharpedo. The former evolves from Zigzagoon at level 20 and can learn Cut, Strength, Rock Smash, and Surf. Sharpedo, on the other hand, can learn Surf, Waterfall, Dive, Cut, Strength, and Rock Smash. Plus, it moves twice as fast as most Pokémon while surfing.