You might wonder what is the best team composition for Pokemon Red and Blue that can defeat the Indigo League gym leaders and the Kanto Elite Four. Making a team with the original 151 critters is pure joy, although challenging since a lot of the modern mechanisms and synergies will not apply to the original games. Generation I can be an eye-opening journey, but the best team composition can carry you entirely in Pokemon Red and Blue.
A well-seasoned trainer can overtake any challenge with their best team composition, but newer players who haven't tackled the Kanto region before may need a hand. If a fan is beginning their Generation I playthrough, it doesn't hurt to know which Pokemon can help them significantly in their quest to become Kanto's league champion.
Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective and reflect the writer's opinions.
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Charizard and Rhydon headline the best team composition for Pokemon Red and Blue

The best team composition in Pokemon Red and Blue wouldn't be complete without Generation I's beloved starter. Although Charmander takes time to train, Charizard's base stats of 84 Attack, 85 Special Attack, and 100 Speed and its Fire/Flying-typing make it an invaluable ally against several gym leaders.
The recommended moveset for Charizard in Pokemon Red and Blue is as follows:
- Flamethrower
- Earthquake
- Double Team
- Fire Blast
Flamethrower and Fire Blast: Charizard's primary Fire-type arsenal. Flamethrower can be learned naturally at level 46, while Fire Blast will require trainers to use Techincal Machine (TM)38, which can be received after defeating Blaine in Cinnabar Island's gym battle.
Earthquake: Used to hard counter Rock-types that give Charizard trouble. Requires the use of TM26, which can be found in the southwest room on the 10th floor of the Silph Co. building in Saffron City.
Double Team: A fantastic evasive move to keep Charizard safe from being hit with attacks in Generation I. Requires the use of TM32, which can be found within Fuscia City's Safari Zone in Area 3, southeast of the Secret House. It can also be purchased at the Celadon Department Store for 1,000 Pokedollars.
Although Charizard doesn't need this full moveset to be effective, the completed loadout should be incredibly helpful against the following foes:
- Erika's team, including Victreebell, Tangela, and Vileplume.
- Earthquake can handle Koga's team, including Koffing, Muk, and Weezing.
- Sabrina's Venomoth.
- Earthquake can counter Blaine's team, including Growlithe, Ponyta, Rapidash, and Arcanine.
- Earthquake can counter Giovanni's Onix and Rhyhorn.
- Lorelei's Jynx.
- Agatha's entire team, including Haunter, Gengar, Golbat, and Arbok.
- Blue's Exeggutor. Earthquake can also counter Arcanine.

Exeggutor will take some time to obtain, as Pokemon Red and Blue players will first have to catch an Exeggcute in the Fuschia City Safari Zone before evolving into Exeggutor using a Leaf Stone. The stone can be purchased for 2,100 Pokedollars at the Celadon Department Store. As a Grass/Psychic-type with a high Special Attack stat of 125, Exeggutor can win many type matchups.
A well-rounded Exeggutor moveset in Pokemon Red and Blue would entail the following:
- Toxic
- Leech Seed
- Solar Beam
- Psychic
Toxic and Leech Seed: Though this combo might not seem like much, it's a deadly combo in Pokemon Red and Blue due to the Leech Seed glitch. When a poisoned Pokemon is hit with Leech Seed, the attack grows progressively stronger while continuing to heal Exeggutor. Toxic's TM06 can be obtained from beating Koga, while Leech Seed is learned pre-evolution by Exeggcute at level 28.
Solar Beam: If the Toxic/Leech Seed combo isn't enough, Solar Beam is a hard-hitting Grass-type move that deals 120 base damage. It does take a turn to charge, but the results are devastating. It requires TM22, which can be found northwest of B1F of Pokemon Mansion on Cinnabar Island.
Psychic: Used to hard counter Fighting- and Poison-types in Pokemon Red and Blue. Can be obtained from TM29, which can be picked up for free by speaking to Mr. Psychic at his home in Saffron City.
Exeggutor's full moveset takes some time to cobble together, but once trainers have it, they can counter the following opponents:
- Psychic can take care of Koga's team, though doing so is a bit risky since Koga's Poison-types can counter Exeggutor.
- Giovanni's Onix and Rhyhorn.
- Lorelei's Dewgong, Cloyster, Slowbro, and Lapras, though you'll need to be careful of their Ice-type moves.
- Bruno's Onix.
- Blue's Blastoise and Rhydon (assuming you picked Charmander at the beginning of the game).

Pokemon Red and Blue players can receive Lapras from a Silph Co. employee on the 7th floor of the building, and it's well worth the effort. A Water/Ice-type with an excellent base HP of 130 and Defense stat of 80, Lapras is a tanky component of any team composition. Its Ice-type arsenal can handle Grass-, Flying-, and Dragon-type opponents with relative ease.
Although movesets vary, a great, well-rounded loadout for Lapras in Pokemon Red and Blue includes:
- Blizzard
- Surf
- Sing
- Horn Drill
Blizzard and Surf: Lapras' go-to Ice- and Water-type damage moves in Pokemon Red and Blue, which deal great damage and have high accuracy. Blizzard requires TM14, which can be obtained twice in Pokemon Mansion on B1F in the northern area and east of the southeastern statue. Surf's HM03 can be obtained by finding the Secret House in the Safari Zone.
Sing and Horn Drill: Sing can put opponents to sleep, opening them up for any attacks at Lapras' disposal. This includes Horn Drill, which doesn't always land but can result in a one-hit KO. Sing can be learned by Lapras at level 16, while Horn Drill can be obtained via TM07 at the Celadon Department Store for 2,000 Pokedollars or the Team Rocket Hideout in Celadon City.
Once fully equipped, Lapras is a fantastic ally in Pokemon Red and Blue's late game, including being capable of countering:
- Erika's team, though their Grass-type moves should be avoided.
- Sabrina's Venomoth.
- Blaine's full team.
- Giovanni's Onix and Rhyhorn.
- Bruno's Onix.
- Agatha's Golbat.
- Lance's Dragonair, Aerodactyl, and Dragonite.
- Blue's Pidgeot, Exeggutor, Arcanine, and Rhydon.

Pokemon Red and Blue players can obtain Magneton in the Power Plant near Cerulean City as well as via evolving it from a Magnemite at level 30. Magneton can also technically be found in Cerulean Cave, though that's incredibly late-game. Regardless, Magneton's strengths include its Electric-typing and a sky-high Special Attack base stat of 120.
Although many movesets work well for Magneton, it can be a huge help in this best team composition in Pokemon Red and Blue with the following moves:
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Supersonic
- Hyper Beam
Thunderbolt and Thunder Wave: Thunder Wave serves as a means of paralyzing an opponent and can be learned at level 38. Thunderbolt is Magneton's primary Electric-type damaging move and can be obtained from TM24, which is earned after defeating Lt. Surge in the Vermillion City Gym.
Supersonic and Hyper Beam: Supersonic can confuse targets and can be learned by Magneton at level 29. Meanwhile, Hyper Beam is its move that deals a whopping 150 damage, though it takes a turn to recharge afterward. Hyper Beam's TM can be obtained via the Rocket Game Corner in Celadon City with 5,500 casino coins.
Once fully outfitted, Magneton can hard counter many opponents and stunlock them with paralysis and confusion. It should serve Pokemon Red and Blue players well in these matchups:
- Lorelei's Lapras, Dewgong, Cloyster, and Slowbro.
- Agatha's Golbat.
- Lance's Gyarados, Aerodactyl, and Dragonite.
- Blue's Pidgeot and Blastoise.

No best team composition in Pokemon Red and Blue would be complete without Generation I's beloved Ghost-type Gengar. It's a tough creature to get since it requires players to obtain a Gastly/Haunter in Lavender Tower before trading the Haunter to evolve it, but its Ghost/Poison-typing and intense Special Attack (130) and Speed (110) stats are fantastic.
Gengar benefits from a wide range of moves in Pokemon Red and Blue, but this moveset should be a huge help:
- Hypnosis
- Dream Eater
- Night Shade
- Self-Destruct
Hypnosis and Dream Eater: Gengar's classic one-two combo allows it to deal heavy damage and regain HP while the enemy is asleep. Hypnosis can be learned at level 29 and Dream Eater at level 38.
Night Shade and Self-Destruct: Night Shade grows in power with Gengar's level and should already be available to it, while Self-Destruct is a last-ditch attack that deals a whopping 130 damage despite making Gengar faint. Its TM42 can be obtained from a woman in the northwest room of Silph Co.'s second floor.
Gengar's type and moveset in Pokemon Red and Blue make it a deadly foe against these opponents:
- Sabrina's Kadabra, Mr. Mime, and Alakazam.
- Agatha's Haunter and Gengar, though, be wary as Ghost-types are weak to other Ghost-types.
- Bruno's Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, and Machamp.
- Immune to all of Giovanni's Kangaskhan's attacks as well as Erika's Tangela's attacks.
- Immune to Blue's Rhydon's attacks and can counter his Alakazam.

Although Rhydon can only be found in Cerulean Cave in Pokemon Red and Blue, trainers can always catch a Rhyhorn in the Safari Zone and train it to level 42 to evolve it into Rhydon. Regardless, Rhydon's Ground/Rock-typing and high Attack (130) and Defense (120) base stats make it a powerful brawler that can counter several opponent types.
One excellent suggested moveset for Rhydon in Pokemon Red and Blue is:
- Dig
- Rock Slide
- Fire Blast
- Thunderbolt
Dig and Rock Slide: Dig deals the same great damage as Earthquake (100) while also giving Rhydon the ability to avoid enemy attacks for one turn. Meanwhile, Rock Slide is its go-to move for taking down several enemy types. Dig is obtained from TM28 by beating the Team Rocket Grunt near Cerulean City, and Rock Slide's TM48 can be purchased at the Celadon Department Store for 2,000 bucks.
Fire Blast and Thunderbolt: Although they're not native to Rhydon's typing, Thunderbolt does a great job at countering enemy Water-types that give Rhydon trouble, and Fire Blast hits for a heavy 120 damage and gives Rhydon additional type coverage. Thunderbolt's TM24 can be received from beating Lt. Surge, while Fire Blast is received for beating Blaine at the Cinnabar Island gym.
Once it's fully kitted (or even before) and ready to go, Rhydon can handle several Pokemon Red and Blue opponents, including:
- Koga's full team, thanks to Dig.
- Sabrina's Venomoth.
- Blaine's full team, thanks to Dig.
- Giovanni's Onix and Rhyhorn.
- Bruno's Onix.
- Agatha's team, as Thunderbolt, can beat Golbat.
- Lance's Aerodactyl, Gyarados, and Dragonite via Thunderbolt.
- Blue's Pidgeot, Arcanine, and Exeggutor. Blastoise can be countered with Thunderbolt.
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