Pokemon Sun and Moon took trainers to the Alola region, which features many different biomes and various ecosystems. With unique variants of existing Pokemon, this game was extremely vibrant and colorful while still promising an enthralling journey and attention to detail.
Although many might still hold on to the nostalgia of the base games, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon definitely amped up the experience of this beautiful region. However, knowing the best team composition that can tackle all of Pokemon Sun and Moon's challenges might be worth looking into.
For those who plan on returning to the Alola region, here is a guide to a great Pokemon Sun and Moon team composition they may want to give a try.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer
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What is the best team for Pokemon Sun and Moon?

Though Pokemon Sun and Moon are filled with Water-type creatures, Primarina holds the throne, thanks to its secondary Fairy typing. Being the final evolution of Popplio, players should use it as their starter Pokemon.
Primarina possesses excellent coverage options in its movepool, as well as great tanking capabilities due to its high special defense.
Here are the moves trainers should use for Primarina:
- Sparkling Aria - Learned at level 36
- Moonblast - Learned at level 44
- Psychic - Learned via TM29 from Aether Paradise
- Ice Beam - Learned via TM13 from Mount Lanakila

Drifblim is not only a great defensive utility pick for more challenging Pokemon Sun and Moon battles, but it is also a valuable asset to have offensively, thanks to its Ghost primary typing.
If players manage to find the creature with its hidden ability through S.O.S. battles, a unique style of wild battles in Pokemon Sun and Moon, it can be an effective sweeper, thanks to Flare Boost doubling its special attack when burned.
Drifloon, Drifblim's pre-evolved form, can be found at Hau'oli Cemetary during the day.
Here are the moves players should use for Drifblim:
- Hex - Learned at level 27
- Will-o-Wisp - Learned via TM61 from Konikoni City
- Minimize - Learned at level 1, may require the move reminder
- Charge Beam - Learned via TM57 from Route 5

Minior is a surprisingly good sweeper with a bit of strategy. Thanks to its low base speed in its base form, the creature can safely tank an attack before using Shell Smash to lower its defenses.
Hopefully, Minior's ability will activate after tanking the first attack, putting it into its more offensive form. On the second turn, the Pocket Monster will be ready to cleanly sweep any opponent with its STAB-boosted Acrobatics attack.
Minior can be found in the grass at Mount Hokulani.
Here are the moves Minior should learn:
- Shell Smash - Learned at level 45
- Acrobatics - Learned via TM62 from Ten Carat Hill
- Explosion - Learned at level 50
- Power Gem - Learned at level 38

Oranguru is an excellent choice for those looking for a bulky Psychic-type pick for their Pokemon Sun and Moon playthrough. Thanks to its partial Normal typing, it is resistant to Ghost-type attacks, which would typically be trouble for Psychic-type creatures.
Oranguru is also not weak to Fighting-type attacks like other Normal-type Pocket Monsters, thanks to its primary Psychic typing. Overall, it is a very good defensive choice that fits into any team.
Oranguru can be found in the Lush Jungle of Pokemon Moon. Sun players will need to get one via a trade.
Here are the moves players should use for Oranguru:
- Calm Mind - Learned at level 39
- Stored Power - Learned at level 15
- Foul Play - Learned at level 36
- Nature Power - Learned via TM96 from Route 5
Alolan Marowak

Alolan Marowak is an excellent Fire- and Ghost-type physical attacker in Pokemon Sun and Moon. It can be powered up exponentially with its signature Thick Club held item, which doubles its already decent base attack stat of 80. Thanks to its Rock Head ability, the creature can spam Flare Blitz without the consequence of recoil damage.
Alolan Marowak can be obtained by evolving a Cubone at level 28 at night.
Here are the moves Alolan Marowak should have:
- Flare Blitz - Learned at level 53
- Shadow Bone - Learned upon evolution
- Flame Charge - Learned from TM43 from Route 8
- Swords Dance - Learned from TM75 from Malie City
Alolan Exeggutor

Alolan Exeggutor is a very powerful Grass and Dragon-type creature in Pokemon Sun and Moon. Thanks to its high attacking stats, it can use both physical and special moves effectively, whereas most creatures are only meant to use one of these categories.
Alolan Exeggutor can be evolved from an Exeggcute using a Leaf Stone. The earliest point players can find an Exeggcute is at the Poni Wilds or Exeggutor Island.
Here are the moves Alolan Exeggutor should have:
- Dragon Hammer - Learned upon evolution
- Sludge Bomb - Learned from TM36 from the Shady House
- Leaf Storm - Learned at level 47
- Sleep Powder - Learned at level 23 as Exeggcute
With this team, players should have no trouble conquering the Alola League to become the region's first-ever champion.
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