In Pokemon GO Raid Battles, a monster takes over the gym worldwide or regionally, and the trainer attempts to take it down. This battle format is a PvE engagement where a critter appears boasting outstanding Combat Power (CP).
The Raid Boss' CP is much higher than that of a Level 50 Pokemon. Upon defeating it, you're rewarded with the same monster encounter. Along with this prize comes a chance to bag numerous in-game items.
There are different types of Raid Battles: Mega, Shadow, and Tier. While the regular version emerges in the Tier raid, Mega and Shadow variants appear in their respective raid. Here are a few tips and tricks to win Pokemon GO Raid Battles.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Proper counters and four other tips to win in Pokemon GO Raid Battle
1) Identify weaknesses and resistance

The first and foremost thing to look out for is the Raid Boss' typing before joining the Pokemon GO Raid Battle. It'll have less type coverage if it's a solo type and more if it's a dual.
Interestingly, some single types have less coverage, while others have more. For instance, the Normal-type is weak to Fighting-type moves, but the Fire is vulnerable to Ground, Rock, and Water-type attacks. Following this, the former withstands Ghost, while the latter is resistant to Fire, Grass, Ice, Bug, Steel, and Fairy-type.
Understanding how type plays a crucial role in this mobile game can help you take advantage of the Raid Boss. Select your counters for Pokemon GO Raid Battle with this detail in mind.
2) Proper counter

Counters are the Pocket Monsters you include in the roster to damage the boss in Pokemon GO Raid Battle. Of course, any battle critter you use can be called a counter, but a weak counter equals not having one at all because the Raid Boss will have increased CP.
The implication is that you'll need more time to damage the boss, which is impractical since the raid has a limited time frame. Moreover, the weak counter might not withstand the boss' damage. For instance, to defeat Darkrai in the upcoming 5-star raid, you should add Pokemon like Conkeldurr and Lucario with the best movepool in your party.
To conclude this entry, an ideal counter for Pokemon GO Raid Battle is a combination of perfect IVs monsters with the best movesets.
3) Use of effects

Several in-game effects can aid you in Pokemon GO Raid Battle but might even hinder your progression. The Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) effect helps your counters deal massive damage to the boss. However, this opposing force might also use the same effect to damage your counters. It activates when the Pocket Monster's type matches with the move type.
For example, Mega Rayquaza with Dragon Tail and Outrage movepool can exercise STAB to deal heavy damage to Guzzlord in raids.
The weather effect is another unique game feature that activates when the critter spawns in favorable conditions. With the activation, its CP is dramatically boosted.
4) Battle with friends

The chance of taking down the Raid Boss is slim if you solo participate in a high-tier Pokemon GO Raid Battle. Completing the job needs all Level 50 monsters with the best moves. However, high-level players with access to great attacks can make quick work of the boss in low-tier raids. If you don't have allies to attempt the raid, only then should you prioritize solo endeavors.
Pokemon GO Raid Battle is more fun when you bring along multiple friends. Not only does this improve the likelihood of success. In several cases, you might only win with friends.
5) Effective use of in-game items

If you utilize the in-game resources properly, you boost your possibilities of catching the featured critter from Pokemon GO Raid Battle. Remember, the counter's CP gradually chips away when you engage in the battle, and it will eventually faint at some point. So, the tip here is to carry many healing and reviving items like Max Revive.
In Shadow Raids' case, the Shadow boss can enter an enraged mode in the battle, enhancing its Attack and Defense power. Therefore, you must use Purified Gems to negate this status and weaken the boss.
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